The Forum > Article Comments > Earth Hour - a waste of energy? > Comments
Earth Hour - a waste of energy? : Comments
By Bernie Masters, published 31/3/2009Affluent societies have become shallow and insincere towards other people and the serious problems facing the world.
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Posted by JamesH, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 9:39:47 AM
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Some people pop into church for Christmas and Easter while some worship the earth for an hour each year. Nothing more needs to be said.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 10:15:16 AM
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Seems like even the High Priest of the Global Warming cult didn't really bother with Earth Hour, either: Posted by Clownfish, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 10:29:40 AM
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“Earth Hour is a con, a fraudulent excuse to show we care while doing nothing useful to make a difference.”
You’ve got it Bernie. I doubt that there are many people in this world that are more passionately concerned about big-picture environmentalism and sustainability issues than I am….and I was profoundly disgusted by the Earth Hour effort. Such a token …and useless… exercise. In fact, worse than useless, because it no doubt made a lot of people feel good that they were contributing in a small way to the betterment of the environment, when they WEREN’T at all. They were effectively being told that they can continue just as per normal, and do a tiny little token effort every so often…and all will be just dandy! Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 12:07:45 PM
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Quite so, whether you agree that there is a problem of not, Earth hour was simply a symbolic gesture designed to give activists something to do and, not incidentally, make them look good. Whether it is a sound basis for policy, any policy, is another issue.
The author mentions recent awareness-raising on breast cancer. Of course more money should be spent on researching breat cancer. But why shouldn't we spend the money on, say, bowel cancer instead of breast cancer? How much should we spend on both? Which disease kills more people, and should we use a straight body-count as a basis for allocating funding? These sort of policy issues get lost in feel-good activist approach to issues.. Posted by Curmudgeon, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 1:13:36 PM
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Perhaps when all become equal we will do our best to stop climate change etc.
How many green areas have you noticed among houses in your area? very few. How many green areas have you noticed in the grounds of all Government houses and other Government controlled places? all green How many homes have changed to energy saving light bulbs? the public are doing their best. How many Capital city buildings are changing? very few. These are only two areas I have chosen, when we become equal I will then think of changing my attitude towards helping the enviroment Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 2:07:02 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but to make light from a candle we need a fuel, ignition and O2, this gets converted into heat, light, carbon and carbon dioxide and other gases.
So how can turning off electric lights and then burning a candle save on carbon dioxide. DUH!
A better move would be for those who support reducing carbon dioxide levels would be to put a plastic bag over their heads, to capture carbon dioxide. The next problem would be what to do with the carbon dioxide captured in those plastic bags?
Conversely they could filter the carbon dioxide through water and make carbonic acid.