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The Forum > Article Comments > Earth Hour - a waste of energy? > Comments

Earth Hour - a waste of energy? : Comments

By Bernie Masters, published 31/3/2009

Affluent societies have become shallow and insincere towards other people and the serious problems facing the world.

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Duh, of course it's a feelgood exercise, but if it makes people
feel good, it serves a purpose.

In the third world they breed like rabbits, as we send them food
but not enough family planning, so there are another extra
80 million mouths to feed. The total Australian population, if
the lot of us died, would be replaced in 3 months!

Yes we like our computers, electricity etc. I doubt if even
Bob Brown will shut his down, in the name of global warming.

How many of our homes, even have such basics as solar hot water?

I've had mine for around 25 years now, but frankly most people
only care, as long as it does not cost them anything.

Nature will sort it out in the end. All those peddling to work
might be healthy and feel good, but their contribution does
not matter a zilch, apart from to themselves.

Sad but true.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 9:27:44 PM
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Earth hour, along with most other awareness programs are purely designed to give the impression of something being done, so as to take the mind of the people away from the reality of what the powers that be are actually doing, about the worlds growing negative situation.

The economic crisis suddenly appeared when the worlds people were very close to revolution, regarding climate and environmental change along with growing ecological collapse, which is destroying the food chain. Those important issues have been virtually buried, as people are forced to concentrate on day to day living standard survival, rather than the reality of ideological elitists fatal approach.

Proper education and legislative implementation, is the only way to get results. Most people are like sheep, they follow the biggest influence whether it is right or wrong. That's why promoters of anything, use emotive language and flashy advertising. Not only is earth hour a con job, but in reality, so is the economic collapse

The supposed eco friendly light globes are in fact very dangerous, have short life spans and save almost no power. If you want to save power, LED's and low voltage are the only thing which can do that. Doing something to change the direction of the planet and stop it from being unable to support human life, is a personal thing. If you need to be pushed into taking action, you never will.
Posted by stormbay, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 9:11:10 AM
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What a spiteful article. Of course Earth Hour is merely symbolic but is worthy of no less importance than wearing a pink ribbon for breast cancer, a yellow one for cot deaths, tragic bushfires or an early morning, “useless” attendance at rallies on Anzac Day.

Considering the thousands of men, women and children who die every year from diseases induced by the air pollution emitted by the burning of fossil fuels and the destructive forces of fossil fuel emissions on ecosystems (all scientifically proven), I have concluded that an annual Earth Hour is a timely reminder to we Australians that we have the ignominious title of being the largest emitters of CO2 per capita on the planet.

Participating in Earth Hour is not mandatory – what’s the problem – it’s still a free country. Therefore, feel free, if you must, to support the rancorous hostility the author displays towards those who disagree with his Neanderthal belief that fossil fuels are good for your health!

PS: Runner – there are plenty of people who pop into church every week who like to fiddle with little children. What’s your point? Pot vs kettle?
Posted by Protagoras, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 1:51:27 PM
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Posted by Protagoras,

PS: Runner – there are plenty of people who pop into church every week who like to fiddle with little children. What’s your point? Pot vs kettle?

There are also plenty of earth worshipers, environmentalist,doctors and people who don't pop into church every week who fiddle with little children. What is your point?
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 2:53:58 PM
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Dear Runner

Most participants in Earth Hour worship the earth every day - not one hour a year as you claim.

As to the point, well it was I who asked the question, therefore, why don't you go first:?

"Some people pop into church for Christmas and Easter while some worship the earth for an hour each year. Nothing more needs to be said."
Posted by Protagoras, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 3:14:00 PM
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"Most participants in Earth Hour worship the earth every day"

A most revealing comment.
Posted by Clownfish, Thursday, 2 April 2009 12:20:27 PM
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