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The trouble with liberalism : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 30/3/2009

Liberalism is not so much an ideology but the vacuum left after the implosion of Christianity.

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The responses by some posters remind me of barristers in court when they cannot answer a point. They descend into self righteous abuse and try and distract the judge from the substance of the argument.

The truth is Peter Sellick is pushing the cause of the greatest leader the world has ever known, a leader whose views brought down the murderous sadistic Roman Empire, in less than 300 years. Those views when adopted by the English, have led to the longest running republican government the world has recently known. From 1297-1970, is not a bad run for a radical idea. Six hundred and seventy three years.

Then the bleeding heart liberals thought they could come up with a better idea. They brought back the Roman model of government that has failed everywhere it has ever been tried. We have prisons bursting with people who are little less than slaves. We have sadistic warders who tolerate bashings and other cruel and inhuman conduct within prisons against anyone who has the gall to compete with the Police and Bikie gangs in the distribution of drugs. It also happens to any dissident small enough to be bashed once they get in there. It is a jungle.

We had Baxter detention centre, a horrible place where children were driven to suicide. We had Villawood in Sydney where mentally sick patients have been maltreated. We have Parliaments full of ignorami who have never learned to read and write the English language properly, and Peter Sellick has the message that this is intolerable.

The unpleasant truth to some is that Almighty God is a systems engineer, and he sent His son, to teach us the system that he devised. Sells is one of His advocates. He may have some flaws as we all have, but he loves Almighty God and wants the best for his country. He is not afraid to start discussions that run into hundreds of comments. He creates platforms where ideas can be shared.

Sells advocates a return to the Rule of Almighty God’s law that existed in New South Wales until 1970
Posted by Peter the Believer, Friday, 3 April 2009 3:03:59 PM
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"We have Parliaments full of ignorami who have never learned to read and write the English language properly, and Peter Sellick has the message that this is intolerable."

We have Parliaments full of self avowed Christians. The examples you site are hideous, I agree.
All perpetrated by Christians.
Posted by Grim, Friday, 3 April 2009 4:40:11 PM
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You slander and call a liar a man you don't know and then expect me to retract. Go Figure! I think if you knew anything about theology at all you would not be comparing Jimmy Swaggart and Ravi Zacharias.


You rightly point out atrocities in the pass by those claiming to be Christians. It makes sense that if you are going to justify yourself you use the highest authority in the universe (the Lord Jesus Christ). You fail however to acknowledge that more atrocities have been committed by those who don't even acknowledge God than any other group. Stalin and Pol Pot are good examples. Today millions of unborn are murdered (the most vulnerable) by secularist. You really should open your eyes.

Quoting passages of Scripture out of context just reveals you ignorance of the Jesus Christ and His ways unless of course you are being deliberately deceitful.

You also write 'Hitler’s eugenics is the mirror image of God’s “chosen” people. ' No Hitlers eugenics is a mirror image of HIs Darwinian beliefs mixed with the occult.
Posted by runner, Friday, 3 April 2009 4:54:16 PM
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You've had two opportunities to justify your statement, runner, and you have studiously avoided both, choosing instead simply to describe my assertion - that Zacharias invented the inscription for his own purposes - as slander.

>>You slander and call a liar a man you don't know and then expect me to retract.<<

The reality is, runner, that no such inscription existed, and the words are not a public statement attributable to Hitler.

You can squirm and wriggle as much as you like, but that's the size of it. I'm afraid.

It is instructive that you have not accepted my offer of $100 to your favourite charity - even if that is yourself - to provide the evidence that would support your/Zacharias' claim.

Or retract. Your choice.

>>I think if you knew anything about theology at all you would not be comparing Jimmy Swaggart and Ravi Zacharias. <<

I also included the Bakkers and Oral Roberts, don't forget. Am I to assume that you are comfortable with that comparison, but somehow not Swaggart? You might like to explain the subtle difference that you have spotted.

And to be frank, it has nothing to do with theology. All the above make a living from their evangelical spruiking, accepting donations from their followers, based on their ability to sermonize. Theology doesn't come into the equation. These are all market-place hawkers, preying on the gullibility of the populace.

Of which you would appear to be one, if you believe that hogwash about stuff written on gas ovens.

It's tosh.

And the sad thing is, deep down you know it's tosh.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 3 April 2009 6:38:58 PM
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Dear runner,

Hitler's views on atheists, homosexuals and abortion parallel those of fundamentalist Christians and apparently yours.

Freethinkers were amongst the first to criticise the Nazis during the 30s and because of this, Hitler banned freethought organisations:

“We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” - Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

Outlawing abortion was a Nazi Program!

"The woman has the task of being pretty, and of bringing children into the world. That is not such a crude and old-fashioned idea as it sounds. The female bird cleans herself for her husband, and cares for the eggs. And in exchange, the male bird takes care of bringing home dinner. He also stands watch and fights away all enemies." - Joseph Goebbels

"On May 26, 1933, two pieces of penal legislation . . . prohibit[ed] the availability of abortion facilities and services, . . . resulting in a 65 percent increase in yearly convictions between 1932 and 1938, when their number reached almost 7,000. From 1935 on, doctors and midwives were obliged to notify the regional State Health Office of every miscarriage. Women's names and addresses were then handed over to the police, who investigated the cases suspected of actually being abortions. In 1936 Heinrich Himmler, head of all police forces and the SS, established the Reich's Central Agency for the Struggle Against Homosexuality and Abortion, and in 1943, after three years of preparation by the Ministries of the Interior and of Justice, the law entitled Protection of Marriage, Family, Motherhood called for the death penalty in 'extreme cases'."

Woman should not have control of their bodies as that might interfere with the production of soldiers and mothers of soldiers.

Secular humanists favour human autonomy, questioning of authority and critical thinking. Fascists and fundamentalist Christians do not like to be questioned or doubted. They both want blind obedience and unswerving faith.
Posted by david f, Friday, 3 April 2009 6:56:08 PM
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What questions are there to ask? To ask a question there has to be substance. Your articles have none.

I enjoy you articles because for some reason people start writing about all sorts of interesting issue that have nothing to do with your articles. This stuff about Hitler is interesting and I have learnt a lot from it. It is also interesting that I didn't learn anything from your article so I haven't asked you any questions.

I also like to see what sort of lame defence the few Christians who try to defend you.

And your dummy spits make for a little light relief. 'the arrogance to burst into print' and 'my discussion space' etc. etc.

<<I will not respond to sarcasm, abuse, gross ignorance, why should I?>> But you do give plenty of it.

As for the OLO publishing your articles? It good value to have someone who is continually dumped on but keeps coming back for more. Its like Richard Nixon. The papers couldn't get enough of him.

I will admit that as soon as I see Peter Sellick on an article I have to look to see what you are on about this time. As usual it is nothing, but you are a publishers dream.


Please don't forget that Baxter, Villawood, the over-riding of high court decisions by using retrospective legislation all came about by a devout Christian John Howard. Retrospective legislation was not new, but using it to overcome high court decision he didn't like was all Howard. If you think the Romans were murderous and satanic you should look at Jewish history.

Oliver. Thanks for that. I will have a deeper look at Mussolini.

Runner. If fundamental Christians (and some who call themselves mainstream) learnt the difference between Darwinism and Social Darwinism it would save a lot of agro. Also Runner, no group in this world has committed more atrocities than the Christian church. At one pint they where murdering 1 in 14 of the population under their control. That was the Christians, not those who say they are Christians
Posted by Daviy, Friday, 3 April 2009 7:12:26 PM
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