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The trouble with liberalism : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 30/3/2009Liberalism is not so much an ideology but the vacuum left after the implosion of Christianity.
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The truth is Peter Sellick is pushing the cause of the greatest leader the world has ever known, a leader whose views brought down the murderous sadistic Roman Empire, in less than 300 years. Those views when adopted by the English, have led to the longest running republican government the world has recently known. From 1297-1970, is not a bad run for a radical idea. Six hundred and seventy three years.
Then the bleeding heart liberals thought they could come up with a better idea. They brought back the Roman model of government that has failed everywhere it has ever been tried. We have prisons bursting with people who are little less than slaves. We have sadistic warders who tolerate bashings and other cruel and inhuman conduct within prisons against anyone who has the gall to compete with the Police and Bikie gangs in the distribution of drugs. It also happens to any dissident small enough to be bashed once they get in there. It is a jungle.
We had Baxter detention centre, a horrible place where children were driven to suicide. We had Villawood in Sydney where mentally sick patients have been maltreated. We have Parliaments full of ignorami who have never learned to read and write the English language properly, and Peter Sellick has the message that this is intolerable.
The unpleasant truth to some is that Almighty God is a systems engineer, and he sent His son, to teach us the system that he devised. Sells is one of His advocates. He may have some flaws as we all have, but he loves Almighty God and wants the best for his country. He is not afraid to start discussions that run into hundreds of comments. He creates platforms where ideas can be shared.
Sells advocates a return to the Rule of Almighty God’s law that existed in New South Wales until 1970