The Forum > Article Comments > The new nightlife: ‘less like Paris, more like the Somme’ > Comments
The new nightlife: ‘less like Paris, more like the Somme’ : Comments
By Richard Eckersley and Lynne Reeder, published 20/3/2009The problem of worsening violence in public places is an international phenomenon and there are no quick fixes.
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Posted by ShazBaz001, Friday, 20 March 2009 10:50:55 AM
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1) Drugs. Hard drugs are more common these days. Speedy substances (God knows what is actually in them) turning people manic. 1a) Club owners are usually involved in drugs, therefore the "security" staff they hire are usually violent thugs who get their "fix" of ultra-violence at work. 2) Police are smaller, more agro and armed to the teeth. Prohibition and corruption means there is little respect for police, as they have little respect for the Law and the people. How many corruption inquiries before the family of crime gangs are excluded and prohibition is ended? (Apologies to the many good cops out there.) 3) Culture wars: "Us and them" factor is higher now with rich/poor gap wider than ever. Stop supporting the poor and the jungle heats up. 4) "Leadership" is absent from all levels of society at the moment: Governments are a joke (clearly led by well-funded lobbyists), business leaders are basically gang bosses, religious leaders are out of touch and revert to simplistic, ignorant world views. The further along the the USA road we go, the worse this will get. We know how not to do it: The USA. We know how to do it: Denmark, etc. Many countries do not follow this trend. We should learn from them. Posted by Ozandy, Friday, 20 March 2009 3:12:48 PM
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Has it ever occured to you that overpopulation has a significant role in this sort of behaviour?
Rats are a social animal,just like homo economicus. Put rats into an overcrowded environment and they will attack each other.If you think that humans have more social responsibility than rats,think again. Posted by thirra, Friday, 20 March 2009 6:16:15 PM
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Twenty years agopoeople opening theirmorning papers shook their heads at the stories of social violence made news.But there were many more people out there who didnt commit any violence.
Today we open our morning papers to find stories of social violenve as usual but now they have become almost glorified and editorialised and made sensationalised for a public that uses such news as drugs for highs and head wagging BUT there are many more people not resorting to violence than ever before when compared to the non-violent numbers twenty years ago. It is a question of population increase and tabloid exploitation.So it seems worse. But it? socratease Posted by socratease, Friday, 20 March 2009 7:54:24 PM
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This is hysterically funny. You could have shortened the article to "The problem of internationalised public spaces is worsening violence but political correctness precludes any quick fixes". Last time I checked, Iceland (before the economic crisis) had a roaring night-time economy, but without the violence. Iceland is the most racially homogeneous country on the planet. There's your answer. Western cities are suffering from the tragedy of the commons: "that which is common to the most, has the least care bestowed upon it". Diversity is not strength, it is night-time barbarity.
Posted by online_east, Saturday, 21 March 2009 11:07:37 PM
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Heh. Watch the pre-conceptions come out to play.
Thirra suggests overpopulation. Well thirra, check out the night life in China. 1.3 billion people, and yet, things aren't going nuts there. Last time I checked, there were many big cities in the world where things weren't out of control. Online_east comes out with everybody's favourite punching bag, cultural diversity. Last time I checked, western countries were the most culturally diverse in the world, but also the most coveted places to be. Contrary to popular belief, Australia, the US and Britain have had multicultural societies for many years. About 95% of this problem comes back to the culture of binge drinking, and whatever you may wanna say about that Online_east, binge drinking is part of our Australian culture - it wasn't imported by any of those rascally minorities. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 22 March 2009 1:37:32 PM
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"Racial Tension In A 'Split Second'
Can brief hesitations in conversation (often associated with anxiety) actually cause interracial tension? ... a mere one second delay in conversation was sufficient to raise anxiety in intergroup but not intragroup interactions" "Researchers have found some people automatically produce stress hormones when they see someone of a different race." That explains why so many assaults are reported to be random, or over a dirty look or a bad word. Former Victorian Police Commissioner Bob Falconer: "It is indisputable that ethnicity is coming into aspects of crime. Most of these gangs have openly ethnic names - and they are self-labelled.",21985,24586532-2862,00.html Diversity is falling apart. Your future safety unfortunately lies with tribalism: "Pick a Tribe, Any Tribe ... certain types of situations impose such severe psychological pressure on those who would confront them that they cannot consistently or usefully do so without a type and degree of psychological reinforcement that can only be provided by a tribe". Diversity breeds increasingly autonomous ethnic groups which the state progressively loses control over. Pick a tribe... Posted by online_east, Sunday, 22 March 2009 6:44:10 PM
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Ahem. Seems America managed to become the most powerful nation by accepting immigrants from all over the world. The difference was that they managed to forge them into a national consciousness, something which isn't really done as much any more.
Plus, all these anti-multiculture scenarios tend to be inflated beyond ridiculousness. Australia isn't coming apart at the seams as you'd have us believe. Get a grip. The issue comes down to alcohol, not ephemeral cultural issues. My solution would be an hour each evening on the ABC, where offenders are publically shamed for the stupid drunk things they've done. Police can be equipped with small cameras, COPS style and bars can also submit footage of unruly patrons. Embarrass the hell out of them. Sure, some will take it as a badge of honour, but with the amount of stupidity that goes on out there, I'm sure there would be plenty of instances of just plain embarrassment. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 22 March 2009 7:29:37 PM
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'Has it ever occured to you that overpopulation has a significant role in this sort of behaviour?'
Please visit Singapore and stop throwing out idiotic suggestions. Has it ever occurred to anyone that it is mainly those who have never had a smack in their life that are the most violent. The selfish me generation that Secular Humanism has championed are now baffling the experts. The dysfunctional families that humanism has championed and promoted as an end to discrimination now causes terror on the streets. What a surprise. Posted by runner, Monday, 23 March 2009 11:08:03 PM
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That particular generation runner, also happens to be more aware of technology than any generation that preceded it.
They're also more aware of current events, more cynical of embedded power structures that dictate moral codes that are often hypocritical and immoral (i.e yours) and well attuned to spin and the bullsh!t that passes for moralizing. Simply put, they display better abilities at assessing points of view, and the positives and negatives of the world, than your narrow judgement can accept. Even more simply put? They're better at judging the world than you are. Frankly, you're awful at it. Many posters here instinctively recoil from your hatred. runner, you're becoming famed for assaulting other views of life as immoral. It is you who many consider immoral for casting such harsh judgement on those who try to understand and accept people with different views. Something you're just not good at. For every judgement anti-abortion post you make, you alienate people who attempt to understand the horrific circumstances such people find themselves in. You however, never show the slightest glimmer of understanding that people choose different ways to solve their problems. runner, it's not because you take a pro-life or Christian stance that I find your posts so noxious. It's the judgemental attitude. "The selfish me generation that Secular Humanism has championed " Not selfish at all. Just sick of selfish ar*ehole comments such as yours above. For the benefit of the censors, I'm not calling you an ar*ehole for making such a sweeping, denigrating comment on a decent group of people. I'm calling it the kind of comment that would come from an ar*ehole with no experience of the contemporary world, who prefers to sit back and judge. I know many people in the aforementioned generation. They're not at all selfish. It's comments like yours that are selfish. Thankfully, the next generation is showing much better wisdom than you do. I thank your god they're more understanding and sensitive. So I have hope for the future. If they were like you, I would be fearful. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 24 March 2009 2:09:57 AM
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In hindsight, that comment was an overreaction. Probably a sign it's time to take a break from OLO for a few weeks. I guess there's only so much repetitive small-mindedness I can take.
runner, I suggest you spend some time with the secular people you scorn, before your ability to understand different people atrophies completely. You'll find they're not the valueless savages whom you describe, and are a damn sight better than you at understanding and accepting different people, despite the fact that they don't have a god standing over them wielding a stick. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 24 March 2009 9:51:16 AM
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Completely understandable, TRTL. I've noticed that runner's comments have become increasingly abusive and nonsensical of late, so I tend to just ignore him completely.
runner: << Has it ever occurred to anyone that it is mainly those who have never had a smack in their life that are the most violent. >> As a great fan of beating children, runner often makes such claims but never provides any evidence. Fortunately, I expect that most people who read his rubbish do what I do and reject it as just so much bulldust. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 24 March 2009 10:15:10 AM
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Bravo, TurnLeftThenRight for saying what needs to be said about the harsh, judgemental and rude posts that crop up here regularly. As I have said on a different thread, this site is filled with seriously dysfunctional types who are completely impervious to any rational argument or presentation of evidence. Not one piece of reasoning will ever permeate and it seems that the main purpose for these people coming here is to say over and over the same hate-filled and delusional rhetoric, usually extremely badly expressed. This is not intelligent and useful public debate. It is kneejerk sloganeering, and it is making this site more and more irrelevant.
Posted by Miranda Suzanne, Tuesday, 24 March 2009 4:33:53 PM
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"THEY call themselves MBM - the Muslim Brotherhood Movement - a gang of 600 men who boast they are the toughest and best young street fighters of Middle Eastern descent in Sydney...
Even hardened private security guards have expressed concern to police about the indiscriminate "punch and run" tactics of MBM members who, in the past two weeks, have arrived in large numbers at city nightclub venues and who walk the streets in intimidating mobs..." But, whatever you do, don't call it an "Muslim intifada" or some human rights activist might want your hide: "The French complaint is based on Wilders' speech in New York last September. "Paris is now surrounded by a ring of Muslim neighborhoods," he said then. "Many neighbourhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves." He called the riots in the suburbs in 2005 a "Muslim intifada". Bouzrou came to the conclusion that the expressions are criminal." Given the experience of France, we can reasonably predict this gang will grow to become an intifada. How Labor and Liberal can continue to support Muslim immigration, thus knowingly increasing the problem, is beyond comprehension. I guess, in the interests of non-discrimination they are determined to have their own Somme. Well, Chairmann Rudd did say: "The European Union of course does not represent an identikit model of what we would seek to develop in the Asia-Pacific," he said. "[But] it is that spirit we need to capture in our hemisphere." Posted by online_east, Sunday, 29 March 2009 6:00:23 PM
What can be done , well the Enviroment Breeds the Brute , we need to do something about the Enviroment .
If you have Casino / Hotel management profiting from intoxicated people who through desperation try to recover losses using credit cards etc be prepared for violence .
Random test participants in gambling , over 05 no card , management records card Number Code then sends No. to Bank , card is cancelled for 6 hours . Of course Gamblers over 05 can simply leave the casino etc with their card functioning .
Gov't open a new Court called the "Violence and Affray" Court , this Court will be run by Civilions , 3 JP's and one Crown Sargent will decide all issues , cost to the arrained will be $4000 irrespective of judgement , Guilty verdict attracts 6 months Goal , 2 months goal if $4ooo arrainment fee is paid on day of judgement . Harm to the Assulted would be decidered by the Current Court system .
Governments need the money , it's part of their Budget , they probably can't do without Gambling Tax .