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Carbon coupons may be the way to go : Comments

By Andrew Laming, published 7/7/2008

Australia must relinquish the dream of targets, timetables, caps and trades until China, India and the US are on board.

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The main claims here seem to be there is a better system than cap-and-trade and our emissions cutbacks are futile in the face of China's increases. Firstly what is proposed for Australia combines successful elements of the European carbon scheme and the US sulphur dioxide scheme. If it fails it will be due to local political interference so let's give it a go first then iron out the bugs.

The 'Australia is just 1%' argument is wearing thin. We are among the highest per capita emitters and the world's biggest coal exporter. If we don't set an example China and India will be unrepentant. If and when Australia starts making meaningful cuts we will have the moral authority to do things like cutting coal exports to those countries or putting a carbon tariff on their manufactured goods. We are heading towards a cliff if we do nothing.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 7 July 2008 9:43:36 AM
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With Australia emitting a mere 1.4% of the world's carbon, the goody two shoes approach of the lobbyists and government will just cause Australians a lot of hardship to no avail as long as China and India and the rest of the world do nothing.

If we want to set an example, it should be to do something about reducing our population, and encouraging other contries to do the same.

It is pathetic to admit that Australia is the highest per capita polluter if we are going to continue increasing the population by 3 million every 3 years.
Posted by Mr. Right, Monday, 7 July 2008 10:11:23 AM
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I do not know what is the worse way to go.
The European system can hardly be called a sucess as its biggest result
is the enriching of the Russian Oligharcs and no countries reducing
by the target amounts.

There is another problem associated with the plans proposed for carbon
reduction. The plans as proposed by Prof Garnaut are expected to operate
in a continuing growth regime and takes no account of oil depletion.

The roughly quote Prof Garnaut "GW will cause the loss of the Barrier
Reef and the Tourism Industry in Nth Queensland".

Now GW might cause the loss of the Barrier Reef but by that time the
Tourism Industry in Nth Queensland will be long gone.
Prof Garnaut is apparently unaware that the airlines are already
cutting back on flights to Nth Queensland and that 24 IARTA airlines
closed down so far just this year.
There is significant risk that Qantas and Virgin will be
non-profitable in two years and bankrupt a few years later.
Just how accurate this is I am not certain but the CEO of Virgin said
that airline business plans fail at about $140 a barell oil.

We should not implement any GW plans unless energy powerdown is taken
into account and that clearly has not happened.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 7 July 2008 10:18:24 AM
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I keep seeing newspaper articles warning of the effects of global warming on the Australian economy and insisting that what is proposed is not enough.

If we cut our emissions by 90% by 2010 we will not even compensate for the growth in China's output. So in reality what we do will have b all effect without the major players getting involved.

The argument that we must set a good example valid but only to a point. Strangling our industry to a point where they move to China where there is no restriction is rewarding China for bad practise.

If anyone believes that the autocracy in China is going to pay serious attention to what Australia is doing then they should perhaps spend some time in Europe, China and North America, tune into the news and see how much coverage we get.

In the last 3 months I have spend a week in each of the above areas and having listened to the English news in each area, I did not once see any news report on Australia at all (with the exception of the rugby), let alone the furious discussion on climate change.

While I believe we need to start taking action now, but that going it alone benefits others at our expense, and us not at all.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 7 July 2008 10:39:00 AM
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reality can be cruel...and fact that anything and everything cost money...including 'carbon control'...and yes its a world wide problem requiring world government cooperation...good article here(just need to wait little to load)

shouldnt be too hard eg see how word 'climate change' now used by publications world-wide than 'global warming' how was that organized so quickly...see...

but it seems the hard reality still not struck lot of governments/refuse to acknowledge...including some politians like nsw treasurer costa,25197,23979406-601,00.html and using insults like 'chicken little'-language of bullys and manipulators, does not help...

but we have reached key point...which, when will it start biting the consumers...and it has with current fuel increase and effect on other costs, significant shift to public transport, and truckies strikes in lots of countries imagine by doubling fuel price, then ten times current...see what I mean...

we have to act...

since world cooperation will take time...lets set the pace on 'consumption of energy'...which in our consumers...for if we reduce consumption...producers immediately have to produce less...effect of which...yep...same as carbon control...

and particularly transport, home energy use, and luxury items...imagine a home fully sustainable on solar/wind/water without need for monthly expenses of it...sound good huh...and yes its possible...just have to fight the current 'producers' who want the monthly payments...(best examply yet is homes buried with one foot above and roof high-tech ie solar-panels/water collection etc after 0.9m ground temp mostly stable to weather)...

couple of interesting facts...if no babies are born from today...all humans will vanish in population control a quick effective 'future' solution...less population=less energy use...better that current 'over use' of energy leading to unsustainable population then crash with mass starvation due to unexpected weather change etc...

Ps~we really have to rethink how we live...
Posted by Sam said, Monday, 7 July 2008 5:49:41 PM
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reality can be cruel...and fact that anything and everything cost money...including 'carbon control'...and yes its a world wide problem requiring world government cooperation...good article here(just need to wait little to load)

shouldnt be too hard eg see how word 'climate change' now used by publications world-wide than 'global warming' how was that organized so quickly...see...

but it seems the hard reality still not struck lot of governments/refuse to acknowledge...including some politians like nsw treasurer costa,25197,23979406-601,00.html and using insults like 'chicken little'-language of bullys and manipulators, does not help...

but we have reached key point...which, when will it start biting the consumers...and it has with current fuel increase and effect on other costs, significant shift to public transport, and truckies strikes in lots of countries imagine by doubling fuel price, then ten times current...see what I mean...

we have to act...

since world cooperation will take time...lets set the pace on 'consumption of energy'...which in our consumers...for if we reduce consumption...producers immediately have to produce less...effect of which...yep...same as carbon control...

and particularly transport, home energy use, and luxury items...imagine a home fully sustainable on solar/wind/water without need for monthly expenses of it...sound good huh...and yes its possible...just have to fight the current 'producers' who want the monthly payments...(best examply yet is homes buried with one foot above and roof high-tech ie solar-panels/water collection etc after 0.9m ground temp mostly stable to weather)...

couple of interesting facts...if no babies are born from today...all humans will vanish in population control a quick effective 'future' solution...less population=less energy use...better that current 'over use' of energy leading to unsustainable population then crash with mass starvation due to unexpected weather change etc...

Ps~we really have to rethink how we live...
Posted by Sam said, Monday, 7 July 2008 5:51:28 PM
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While the left have bleated their indignant mantra about the lie regarding WMD in Iraq they have led the Lemming like sprint to destabilise Western economies due to the biggest hoax (lie) ever perpetrated.

Rises in CO2 follow increases in temperature.

CO2 is a plant food, not a pollutant, for Heavens sake.

Australia can not bring about any improvement even if the hypothesis were accurate. We can only commit economic suicide in a self righteous attempt to convince the big players.

Average world temps have not increased for over 8 years.

At the very least the science is not in. Regardless of what Hollywood and Al Gore want us to believe.

Science and Hollywood? If you can not smell a rat you are beyond help.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Monday, 7 July 2008 11:30:49 PM
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Taswegian -- when our individually high rates are all added up we STILL produce one percent. What is getting tedious is the popularity of thinking in slogans and the articulate feel good types who have the mental dexterity to create their own reality. 1%=1% I do not give a damn how many it takes to get 1%, it is still exactly 1%.

ABC Media Watch tonight ridiculed The Telegraph and their persistent inability to interpret a bar chart. The vocal elites will do any thing to argue a point including trying to bastardise elementary mathematics.

Sam -- the world has enough thinkers what it needs is some doers. Have a look at the NSW Government 14 years of planning, thinking, inquiring, postulating, announcing, re-announcing and promising not to let it happen again.

The real question that needs to be answered, is what group of individuals or organisations, will be the big financial winners of Carbon Trading.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Monday, 7 July 2008 11:53:11 PM
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cowboy wrote 'Sam -- the world has enough thinkers what it needs is some doers...'

actually what the world needs is more 'balanced' people with 'street smart intelligence' getting themselves to positions of power applying their logic and reasoning to deal with issues that threaten our 'everyday normality'including dealing with 'unbalanced self interest' organized groups that is primary cause of why we have arrived 'here' never raises its head again...(I mean as in-'logic' primarily relationship to an event, while 'reasoning' is relationship to person/group- so wmd in iraq invasion, one can apply logic to deduce series of events/reasons/motives from act(shock and awe) backwards very accurately provided access given; while reasoning to iraq invasion depends on how its affected you/future etc, eg blood oil trade...)

eg next big headache/environmental disaster...nitrogen trifluoride in led screens 17000x more harmful to ozone layer...

so far focus of governments been 'increase market size'...for with it comes moneymoneymoney(aka economic growth)...but that focuses only on 'production'ie labour/raw materials we are closing the loop by looking at the whole life cycle of product including waste/recycling safely into cost of product to consumer/producer...

but end of the day joe...dont worry too much about why and why nots of global warming/climate change...economic destabilization is the biggest problem...agreed...and its looming...we have to deal with it...the primary cause seems to be the time of 'cheap energy(oil)' is coming to an end and has caught the world napping...

Posted by Sam said, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 7:07:25 PM
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Sam - we have seen it all before.

Oil sands, shale oil, coal liquification etc there is no oil shortage. There is an oil distribution problem similar to the food shortage (distribution). 800,000+ Americans have written their congressmen and asked them to Drill Here and Drill Now. Carbon fibre pipes will allow drilling for oil reserves deeper than has been possible.

Canadian oil sands operations are currently producing $60 a barrel oil and South Africa is producing $10 a barrel oil. Stand back and watch free enterprise ramp up.

My prediction. 2012 and a barrel of oil at the final trade of about $85 US.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 11:45:05 PM
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joe, your argument has great factor of error in them to 'cheaper' oil ($60-85 a barrel), but Im not sure if you have applied logic/reason or its based more on 'hope'....

I really hope you are right...but what you are saying just does not fit right into what we are seeing...light sweet crude easiest to extract...just flows oils/shales is hard work...meaning lot of energy goes into extracting some energy effective available energy less...hope that makes sense...

and one really needs to understand true place of 'energy' to what we humans have created in our process of living on lets say all energy stops now...then....yep...great populatoin will die out...whats left organize into small villages that can be sustained by local nature...getting food will become energy expensive physical pre-industrial level...with more easy energy=population we have seen...but times changed...

I think oil prices will drop eventually...hope more to do with decreasing consumer demand/shift to alternate energy efficient use...and I hope 'governments' will use the cheaper energy to drive a more 'sustainable energy use'/'environmental ecosystems maintenance' balance...or we are going into a period where very existence of humans under continuous threats from self-made factors...

Posted by Sam said, Wednesday, 9 July 2008 10:01:00 AM
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