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Abortion: the silent majority : Comments
By Anne O'Rourke, published 23/6/2008The religious right often claim to represent the silent majority on abortion. Every legitimate survey or research suggests they do not.
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If a popular vote was held on that issue, some 80 percent of Australians would vote to support a person right to die with dignity when their time has come. Yet reforms on this issue are overriden by a very small religious opinion surrounding the concept of the 'sanctity of human life'.
In short, this states that a person must be kept alive at all costs, even if that means subjecting them to a merciless and cruel end to their lives. The wishes of the dying patient are irrelevant.
On this basis countless people who have passed their natural lifespan, have lost all dignity and half of their bodily functions, are kept just alive but comotose - all this rather than leave their loved ones at the time and manner of their choosing.
Here again the extreme religious (minority) view prevails over the prevailing majority.
As we all inexorably move towards the end of our lives it is prudent for us to realize that our terminal days will be determined not by our strongly felt desires but by a religious view that we may not respect. The final indignity.