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The real reason behind high oil prices : Comments
By William Engdahl, published 30/5/2008The price of oil climbs relentlessly higher. Why? Because of deliberate US government policies that permit unbridled oil price manipulations.
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Why else would the worlds biggest consumer of oil, the USA, put so much effort into manipulating and interfering with the pretend sovereign nations who possess the resource. Do you think that the USA would have any interest in the mid-east, on any level if it werent for its massive oil reserves.
The USA has worked very hard indeed to surpress the oil price, over many decades. Much of its recent 'price increase' has been little more than a re-pricing of the progressively worth less unit of exchange... the US dollar. This has been going on for a while and whilst oil lagged the depreciation of the us$, thus transfering wealth (from producer to consumer) by stealth (theft), its now catching up. Fast.
Arguably, thru its geopolitical machinations, the US has kept the price of oil down. Being as oil is the life blood of economic activity and the US is all about the money, its no surprise. They're apparent prosperity has been subsidised by CHEAP oil.
And we have become addicted to that cheap oil. Out of sheer ignorance, many actually feel entitled to this sort of subsidy to 'our way of life.' Do you realise at what price, to oil producing nations and its people, we enjoy this 'oil subsidy.' The ignorant and entitled folks of the west, who eat with their eyes and think with their fear, are in denial and in for a very rude shock as they adjust their false thinking to REALITY.
If anything, oil is cheap and has been kept down by literally cracking skulls, so that we can live the lie, er l mean, dream.
In real terms, oil is still below its price level of the 70's oil crisis. You think oil at us$200 looks expensive? Bwahahahahahahahaha. It might do now. That price wont look expensive if it hits us$400.
Boy, oh boy, are the deluded masses in for a (c)rude reality check.