The Forum > Article Comments > Choice is all very well, but not at the expense of education > Comments
Choice is all very well, but not at the expense of education : Comments
By Irfan Yusuf, published 25/3/2008The Government has thrown money at community-based schools managed by devout and sincere people with little or no educational credentials or experience.
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My experience of private or religious schools is slight, but I have had this experience of government schools- my child had to move from one where the pupil mix had a heavy preponderance of Muslims, followed by lesser numbers of Pacific Islanders, Asians and eastern Europeans. Few Anglos- and my child complained that discipline was lax and that the few pupils actively interested in getting an education were extremely disadvantaged. The result was enrolment in a distant, more selective school.
My child's comments at the time were that Muslim males' interest in schooling was slight, that they'd rather talk about fast cars and harass female teachers.
Personally, I dislike the idea of "religious" schools, and agree with comments that relgion should be kept completely out of schools except perhaps the teaching of "comparitive religions" as part of social science.
Hirsi Ali's comments quoted by Irfan are spot on. Creationism and its offshoots are religious dogma better discussed at Sunday School than in an academic scenario.