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The sanctification of JHo : Comments

By Jane Caro, published 12/3/2008

One wonders when John Howard will begin the traditional journey of ex-Liberal leaders - from right wing villain to left wing hero.

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The sheer fact that Howard associates with, and his lauded by, the right wing psychopaths at the AEI indicates that such a turnabout is impossible.
None of the other former Liberal leaders has ever been so unequivocable in their iron clad "certainty".

Meanwhile in my opinion the psychopaths and barbarians at the AEI --(barbarian and psychopath central) champion all the toxic ideas, practices, and deadly inherently murderous momentums, that MUST be changed to prevent the meltdown of Civilization and the eco-sphere.

As Alasdair MacIntyre told us in After Virtue.

"This time....the barbarians are not waiting beyond the frontiers; they have already been governing for quite some time."
Posted by Ho Hum, Wednesday, 12 March 2008 9:43:23 AM
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Only difference with Mr Howard is that he does not believe he has ever been wrong. According to him, he lost the last election because voters are stupid. They do not know what is good for them. Howard is like an elephant, in that he has never forgets anything. He spent his whole time as PM getting rid of any legislation bought in since he first was elected over thirty years ago. If he got back in he would have finished off Medicare and taken single parent benefits back to pre Whitlam days.
Posted by Flo, Wednesday, 12 March 2008 10:10:59 AM
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It hasn't happened yet, and I am not holding my breath either. At present, he is just blowing his own bags, fortunately for him, out of the country, where the consequences of his actions while in government are not understood either.

Unfortunately, the new incumbents look like forgetting why they were elected too.

Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 12 March 2008 10:22:37 AM
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Perhaps the recent Matrix series of films is useful here.

In my interpretation John Howard and his fellow "right" thinking "conservatives" are all true believers in the normal seemingly well ordered consensus "reality".

The "world" created by The CON-trollers---the 24/7 media machine.
Orwell's Big Brother and rulers in Huxley's Brave New World.

John Howard in particular could not even to even begin to imagine why anyone would want to take the RED pill to see things differently

He even had his equivalent Agent Smith "reality" enforcer(s) via his attack dogs in the Murdoch press. Ever quick to demolish people like Robert Manne and Malcolm Fraser, and the left-liberal "elites" who consistently pointed out that Emperor JOHNNY had no clothes, and was really a CULTURAL WRECKER.

A wrecker of all the invisible, and mostly unspoken, strands of decency that hold a culture together. Strands that stressed the importance of cooperation as distinct from bottom-line whats in it for me, "self"-interest, and winner take all competition.

Meanwhile (in the film) the REAL situation was pictured in dramatic terms by those living "under-ground" and who were still were much living, breathing, cooperative, and FEELING human beings. And who were very much aware that the MACHINES (read machine anti-"civilization") was rapidly destroying everything ORGANICALLY human (and organic altogether), and was at the point of its final take-over or "victory".

Which IS the crisis point that the world we live is at now, in 2008.

This was very dramatically portrayed in the final battle against the seemingly unstoppable macines. A battle which was inevitably hopeless, except that NEO went on and through the transformative HERO'S Vision Quest and broke the machine induced TRANCE and hence POWER of the CONTROLLERS.

In our world the CONTROLLERS are the benighted ghouls,the money-lenders, at the AEI, who control the 24/7 media/propoganda machine, and who celebrate and champion this machine made and machine dominated "consensus reality" as the pinnacle of "civilisation".

And of course blessed by "jesus" and the christian "god". Never mind that the real Jesus threw the money-lenders out of the temple.
Posted by Ho Hum, Wednesday, 12 March 2008 12:09:07 PM
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As a great admirer of John Howard, who will ever be remembered for implementing the will of the people in regard to illegal immigration, I would like to see him elevated by Her Majesty to the Order of the Garter (since a vacancy has conveniently appeared due to the death of Sir Edmund Hillary). If this happens, his ideal title should be Baron Howard of Tampa.

I am fascinated by the fact that the political elite and the media will never acknowledge the primordial instinct of the people that aliens enter this country by leave; that they have no right to enter except that which the people through the government choose to grant; that the entry of aliens without leave constitutes invasion, requiring countermeasures by our armed forces; and that due to the expected explosion of the population of the third world over the next 25 years this will be a major continuing political issue.

Very fortunately we have a sea boundary, and are in a much better position than other countries when it comes to protecting our borders. Coupled with our surplus of food, minerals and energy, and the fact that we are tucked away in an out-of-the-way corner of the world, our prospects of surviving the traumatic decades ahead are second to none.
Posted by plerdsus, Wednesday, 12 March 2008 12:19:38 PM
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I’d love to see JWH morph into something that personifies his worst nightmare – political correctness.

Perhaps something resembling a feminist, tree-hugging, atheist, pacifist, sport-challenged, public-school-teaching union boss, who can never manage to get up early enough to attend either a Dawn Service or a Kirribilli power walk.
Posted by SJF, Wednesday, 12 March 2008 1:32:10 PM
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