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Gender, climate change and natural disasters : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 4/2/2008

The effects, direct and indirect, of natural disasters are much greater for women compared with men.

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Lets first consider some facts.

Elderly people are much more likely to experience heat stress than younger people, given the fact that more women survive to old age than men, it it obvious that more women will die in a heat wave than men, simply because elderly women out number elderly men.

The 2006 tsunami occurred during the day. One would assume that the men were out working. So if the tsunami had occurred at night it is likey the the male death toll would have been much higher.

Any parent worth their salt would try to save their children first.

Death in earthquakes usually occur when buildings collapse upon the occupants, so depending on the time of day a earthquake occurs will determine the gender ratio of those who are killed.

In third world countries women are not the only ones who are malnoursihed and education is denied to boys as well when they are required to assist with the farming.
Posted by JamesH, Monday, 4 February 2008 10:05:30 AM
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Don't bother James. Such articles and research have one aim in mind. Do you ever find any research into gender inbalances in areas where men may be at the disadvantage?

It's like schooling. Lots of effort to find out why girls may struggle at maths and sciences, or in mixed classroom environments. No research to examine why boys are falling behind in English, or even why they aren't bothering to finish school or enter university in the same numbers as girls. I suspect similar reasons for domestic violence figures not matching anecdotal evidence.

Basically no stone has been left unturned in the efforts to identify where women may be disadvantaged.
Posted by Whitty, Monday, 4 February 2008 10:44:29 AM
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Has anyone got anything better to do than to come up with useless studies that do no more than confirm special interest groups prejudices. Why not look at how many men die in war.
Posted by runner, Monday, 4 February 2008 10:56:48 AM
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Oh runner. Everybody knows if only women were in positions of power, there wouldn't be any wars. So it serves the men right that they should die in wars. More to the point, we should be worried how many women die in these men's wars. Or maybe we should study how men dying in wars affects women. Those selfish nasty men dying and leaving women to bring up their children. Misogynists all.
Posted by Whitty, Monday, 4 February 2008 11:26:26 AM
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And out come the attack dogs. Have you guys ever counted the number of men who post on articles about women compared to the actual women? You peoples is obsessed, I tell ya.

Are you guys so determined to be victims you're now rejecting research simply because it is about women? Is your goal that there be no research about women?

On September 11, the ratio of men to women who died was 3:1. Doesn't *that* interest you? What does it say about firemen, about bravery? About the effect on New Yorkers afterward? Runner, an enormous amount of work has been done on the number of people - both men and women - who have died in war. Twenty million soldiers died in WWII - almost all men. What effect did that have on the countries that they left, on demongraphics, on the make-up of Australia and Britain and the US and everywhere else? Does *that* interest you? I don't know, but I bet a gazillion more men die in gang violence than women. Does *that* interest you? Doesn't it help to know what gender the victims are, so we can help to prevent their deaths? Or at least future deaths?

E.g. More young men die in gang violence. Prevention tactics therefore need to be targeted toward men. That will help more.

Or are you against all research into the demography of victims of large-scale disasters? Or are you against research about the gender of victims for natural disasters?

Three out of four people who died in the Tsunami were women. I can't understand why you wouldn't have some intellectual curiosity about that. It doesn't mean women's deaths are more tragic than men's deaths. Why are you making it into a competition? But the more we know about disaster, the better we can plan for it before it happens and cope when it does.
Posted by Vanilla, Monday, 4 February 2008 11:48:57 AM
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Runners post is typical of thos on the "right" wing of the culture wars divide: namely that those on the "left" always have some kind of ideological and associated social engineering agenda, to push, and/or are promoting "special interests" over the interests of the presume "normal" citizen of which they, the dreadfully sane, "right"-thinking everyman are the epitome.

The corollary being that the "right"-thinkers have access to and promote some kind of eternal (non-ideological) "god"-given, and non culture bound "truth".

Just like all the true believers, whether "religious" or atheist, and their rigidified "certainties" who have pretended to own or "know" the truth throughout his-story in all times and places.

The inevitable result(s) of such rigidified "certainty" has always been mountains of corpses---because there will always be those who challenge such certainties, and inevitably get in the way of the essentially totalitarian program which always follows from any "true believers" attempts to impose their way on everyone else.

The mini fascist-totalitarian state created in the image of Calvin in Geneva was a classic example of how this rigidified mind-set inevitably calls for executions of "heretics".
Calvin was effectively a mass murderer and his fascist mini-state was a precursor to the fascist states in 20th century Europe.
Posted by Ho Hum, Monday, 4 February 2008 12:02:24 PM
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