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Still not sorry!? : Comments

By Barbara Hocking, published 22/11/2007

The federal government's recent policies on native title are a return to colonial practices.

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myyyyy goodness.....

talk about bone pointing and self righteous hypocrisy.


>>"Thank you, Barbara Hocking - a well expressed and rather scary analysis. But - the encouraging thing is - that while our greedy resource companies, and politicians, and bigwigs with the ear of Howard (- Hugh Morgan, Michael Angwin, Ron Walker, John White etc) while they spruik and plot on - indigenous people are awake-up.<<

and unless you are indigenous Christina, they are awake up to YOU also.
Do you own land ? Do you rent a home ? one who's land ?

Yet.. in spite of the obvious blindness to the fact that WE ALL are living on the proceeds of 'stolen land'...taken by brutal dispossession, by our ancestors or those who represented them......
-Christina can point the bone at the specks in the eyes of the huge bogey men... the easy targets.. the high profile companies.. sure.. its eassssssy to rant at them.. they are soooo sinful.. so evil..... and she tells them this from our small slice of the same stolen land they are seeking to exploit.

Good on you Christina, well done!.... do you belong to a political party ? :)

Are you waxing eloquent about the 'sins of others' by any chance to simply further damage the government, so that one more of your liking might gain power ? Will that party by any chance return ALL the land we stole ? will you be on the first ship back to UK or whereever your ancestors came from?

So, please..until you ARE prepared to abandon ship Australia....and join the seething masses of Birmingham.. please credit your readers with at least an ounce of intelligence.

"GREEEDY" Resource Companies ? what about the Greedy Christina Mac who would fight tooth and nail for the roof over her head if some adventurous Ingigenous person took her seriously and came-a-knocking to kick her out.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 22 November 2007 5:10:04 PM
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As regards saying sorry to our Aborigines, reckon any such thoughts have disappeared once again with the re-rise of the imperialist or colonial-style corporate culture we now live under.

The story is clearly told with the opposing views of Tim Costello and his brother Peter.

Peter being thus the essence of modern feelings about the subject - what is past is past.

The same perspectives go along with the decline of our native species, especially when one is called a left-wing loonie nowadays if one even mentions it?

What does this imply for the future of our great great grandkids - who going by the disappearance of natural nature, will be spending an ersatz existence, finally only able to view or feel electronic pictures and impulses, having become partly ersatz themselves?

Furthermore, with the rising corporate culture losing consciousness of any feelings of guilt for the past, will this be the end not only of compassion for virgin nature, but might also be the end of compassion for human nature itself?
Posted by bushbred, Thursday, 22 November 2007 5:33:21 PM
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It's probably expecting too much from Boazy, but I wonder if he read the actual article? The Mabo decisions, upon which it is based, established that Native Title is presumed to exist in common law unless it has been extinguished - as, for example, in the case of freehold land.

In which case, his entire spray at ChristinaMac has absolutely no foundation.

In the case of Brough's military invasion of Aboriginal communities in the NT under the guise of child welfare, the Aboriginal land that has been annexed by the Feds was originally returned under the 1976 NT Land Rights Act. Neither land that is subject to Native Title nor the NT Land Rights Act has any bearing on the freehold title that most of us have on our homes.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 22 November 2007 5:35:10 PM
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it is impossible to refute a 2000 word propaganda peice with a 350 word reply, so I will focus upon one bit of nonsence as a way of pointing out how idiotic the entire mindset is.

Here is a barrister claiming that aboriginal laws and customs should be equal to common law.

Yeah, right.

OK, so we as an advanced nation now must accept that aboriginal virgins must be handed over to the Old Men to have fertility objects shoved up their vaginas (hope they washed the damned things first) and then be given to the Old Men as their concubines. And if an Old Man dies, these girls and women can be inherited by the deceased's totemic brothers along with his other goods and chattels.

The young boys must be taken (stolen?) from their mothers at aged 10 or 11, initiated into the tribe by ahving the Old Men screw them up the backside, have their foreskins removed with a sharp rock (ouch, hope they washed that first also)and then told that they must never speak to females (including their mothers and sisters) again until they are old men.

Whenever an Old Man dies, the Australian legal systems must recognise that he did not die naturally, that somebody "sang" him to death, and therefore somebody is responsible. Our legal system must then grant the right of the tribal witch doctor to figure out who the guilty party is so that they can be ritualisticaly murdered.

Lesson? Be nice to the witch doctor.

We must also recognise the right of the Old Men to treat aboriginal women and girls any damned way they please, and they may even kill them if they wish. Since this is the main reason why aboriginal men have six times the murder rate of other races, this could have great economic benefits for other Australians. And making the murder of spouses legal would also lift a serious social stigma from the aboriginal race, and win applause from the UN Human Rights mob.

What's it like to dance with the fairies, Barbara?
Posted by redneck, Friday, 23 November 2007 4:17:42 AM
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Firstly, Reynard those resource you are sharing with other people are rightly ours and you have no right to share them becaues they were illegally obtained without compensation from the end of a gun. Secondly, the Saxon's stole the land from the Picts and other tribes and were an extreamly cruel people who deserved what they got.

One country what a load of rubbish, lets start with your constitution that allows any federal gubberment to make decisions on behalf of Indigenous people including the removal of rights including property and association that you enjoy as a European.

Also lets look at the blatant racism on a daily basis that is taught in schools and is evident in this countries attitude towards Indigenous people. You people want to celebrate your varuious wars institutions and other events in history but shy away fronm accepting any blame for your treatment of Aboriginal peope's.

As for Sorry, Howard can't ask the Japanese Goverment to say sorry to prisioners of war that included my Dad, for war so called crimes against humanity and not do the same thing to those Indigenous people who were removed for no ther reason other than being Aboriginal.
Posted by Yindin, Friday, 23 November 2007 9:10:03 AM
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Leigh, mickijo and Reynard share the typical settler mentality of the professional whites and their enablers in media and government circles. Accept no blame, minimise or trivialise the crimes against the conquered, and blame the victim. You three could get new careers writing forged pamphlets for the Libs in a certain Sydney electorate!

At least read the "Little Children Are Sacred" report before coming out with rubbish like "And let us not forget the abuse is by aboriginals on other aboriginals." This is sanctimonious, self-righteous and wrong. Obviously some is, but for good reason the Report cautions that " times, Aboriginal men have been targeted as if they were the only perpetrators of child sexual abuse in communities. This is inaccurate and has resulted in unfair shaming, and consequent further disempowerment, of Aboriginal men as a whole" (p. 57).

Unfortunately this wise and constructive Report was hijacked by the Government to bring about the dismantling of Land Rights in the NT as foreshadowed in a little-publicised Discussion Paper distributed by Brough's Department in October 2006. It's all there for those with eyes to see.
Posted by mike-servethepeople, Friday, 23 November 2007 12:35:06 PM
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