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US academic slams Iran president : Comments

By Lee Bollinger, published 27/9/2007

Professor Lee Bollinger of Columbia University speaks out in forceful terms against the President of Iran.

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There're hundreds of gruesome verses in the Old/New Testaments. To be fair there are many loving ones also.

Without going into full Biblical exposition you need to know that the God of the Bible (Yahweh) is a just God who gave us free will.

To put things into context, God has always cherrished Israel. The biblical atrocities were to protect his people, to cleanse the land He has given them, and to punish debauchery and there will be even more indescribable horrors for those who continue to ignore his warnings.

God revealed Himself through prophets and ultimately in the Son: Jesus.(Mohammad has no place in the Bible).

At this point you may think that this sounds like Allah the god of Islam. On the surface yes – but when we compare the nature and character of the two gods, we quickly discover that there is no free will in Islam and that Allah commends his slaves to obey without questioning. One of those commands – NOT determined by time or place - is to destroy all non-muslims.

It was predicted in the Bible that the descended of Ishmael will always war against their neighbours and between themselves. So no surprises there.


There are two kinds of muslims:

1. True Muslims – those who apply the teachings of Islam and act upon it. The Jihadists (terrorists).
2. Those who follow a cultural form of Islam – we call nominal Muslims – they are the mislead majority unaware of the true teachings – they range from the pious to the non-practicing…

The difference is therefore of degrees of awareness of the religion and NOT political extremism.

Our concern is with the potential destructive teachings of Islam and the atrocities caused by the "committed".

No one has the courage to expose Islam for what it is. They prefer to give it undeserved religious credibility when in fact it is nothing but an open manifesto for global terror.

Have you read the Qur’an?
Posted by coach, Monday, 1 October 2007 11:33:12 AM
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"I have very little support for George Bush. I accept that he has been divisive. But he has not been on his own in that respect. The Left has embraced and broken new ground in this divisiveness through their constant virulent attacks on the Bush, Blair and Howard gov’ts." (Quote: Paully).

Well now; hypocrisy and double standard abound!

You, Bollinger are an unbelievable hypocrite! I would give more credibility to many statements in your diatribe if you were not so blind to the STRIKING inadequacies of your own Administration.

From where you stand, you have ample opportunity to criticise those on 'your side' who have caused such global mayhem. But no. No; you have the gall to lecture a guest in your country..; who was allowed to enter that country (I have to wonder why..); on human rights and democracy!! Really? You mean American style democracy?

Ye God's and little fishes; you people are unbelievable!

Neither you NOR your 'guest' would know what HR. and D. was!

Paully; now for your astonishing assertion.

Irrespective of your unhealthy obsession with the 'Left' (soft or otherwise); you level divisiveness at the so-called Left! Excuse me?!

Those THREE Right-Wing clowns have been past masters at divisiveness. They may as well have invented it!

Under their stewardship they have splintered their populace into the openly xenophobic and Islamaphobic (yes! those words again!), and those who are doing their damnedest to stop this getting out of all control. This latter group of course HAVE to be "Loony Lefties/Islam Apologists".

That disgraceful trio are so obviously Masters of Division; yet you gutlessly blame the Left!

What is it with you Right-Wing lapdogs? Can't you think for yourselves? Are you so doggedly obedient that you cannot see what's right in front of your faces?
Posted by Ginx, Monday, 1 October 2007 12:02:54 PM
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thanks, coach. it's good to know there's a "context" for the "biblical atrocities", for your god's barbarism. otherwise i would simply have written him off as a murderous psychopath. talk about special pleading!

coach, your arrogance and cluelessness and christian bigotry knows no bounds. you should justify your hateful characterisation of a "true muslim" or shut the hell up. and what would your justification amount to? if it's not cherry-picking, i'll eat my hat.

coach, the danger isn't islam and it isn't christianity. the danger is fundamentalism. the danger is people taking "sacred" texts and feeling religiously bound to defend whatever nonsense these texts contain, to defend this nonsense as the word of god.

yes, there are many loving verses in the bible as there are in the qu'ran. but exactly by saying that you make it clear that you are imposing an external standard on the human value of the writings. you are choosing the parts of the bible which you feel are valuable to you and to humanity. you are cherry-picking, as you should.

i don't care about your god, i don't care about the islamic god. i care what people do. and there are many loving people who happen to regard themselves as muslims. and they have as much right to pick their cherries as you do yours. lay down your bigotry and accept it.
Posted by bushbasher, Monday, 1 October 2007 12:19:20 PM
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Honestly are you old enough to be on the internet without supervision? Your pathetic resort to distorting the names of those you dislike is infantile. Grow up.

If you can point out any inaccuracies’ in Bollinger’s speech, then do so but I'm sure you don’t want to debate the facts. However this is online opinion, not online RANT. Try providing some evidence for your assertions.

Ahmedinejhad is the president of a dictatorship which tortures, imprison or murders anybody who doesn’t follow the program. In his country women are treated as second class citizens. Homosexuals, activists and opposition politicians are brutally suppressed as are the non-Islamic minority groups like the Baha’i. Iran routinely spouts its hatred of Israel and its wish to destroy it.

So while you continue your childish obsession with the EVIL Bush etc, maybe you might like to GET SOME PERSPECTIVE.

Bush will be gone in less than a year, replaced by someone the American public voted for. Iran’s dictatorship will stand until it is torn down, hopefully by its own people.

Iran is focused on the destruction of Israel, whether that means wiping them out with nukes, or just driving its people to flee. Iran and other terrorist groups do not want ANY Jews in the Middle East. Ahmedinejhad etc are true racists.

What is it with you loony-left apologists? Can’t you think for yourself? Are you so ignorant that you are blinded by your hate for the US? Do you honestly believe you know better than our national newspaper?

BTW it is clear from the quote that you so kindly reproduced that I didn’t single the left out for blame. I merely said that they were equally to blame, which is a fact that is easily supported when you look at the hate-filled diatribes coming from you lot. I am not surprised you are astonished by my statement; your black and white view of the world is typical of the naïve or small minded. I'm amazed you managed to pay attention long enough to put down more than your usual 40 words or less
Posted by Paul.L, Monday, 1 October 2007 1:11:55 PM
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As I said elsewhere Paully; nothing if not predictable, even down to your '40 words or less mantra'. Silly of me ; I forgot that!

"Do you honestly believe you know better than our national newspaper?" (Quote: Paully)


(See that? Predictable. 'If it's in the newspaper, it must be true').

Right-Wing lapdog....( You no like? That from a poster who repeatedly slams 'the Left'!)

I find it amusing that you feel the need to tell others who do not follow your narrow doctrine what their faults are!!

Emmmmm...? You seem perpetually in a bad mood. Go out and pick some flowers, it'll do you a power of good.

Try to remember Paully; if you dish it out; you take it. Fair's fair.
Posted by Ginx, Monday, 1 October 2007 1:45:13 PM
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It is a shame that being out of touch with your creator God is making you oblivious to His plan for life and events around you.

You summed it : “i don't care about your god, i don't care about the islamic god. i care what people do.”

At least you made one careless admission that the two gods are NOT one and the same. Most “loving muslims” would not agree with that idea as they are deluded in believing that Allah is also Jehovah.

This is more than you need to know right now and never confuse the two revelations (Bible versus Qur’an) as from the same god-source. Logic dictates that the two faiths cannot be both true.

People who are interrested in the truth, study evidence, and compare ideologies the make a decision.

Islam is opposed to every moral, human and civil construct. It is based on distorted and disjointed recounts of 'other religions' plus some inventions to suit the megalomaniac ambitions of their alleged prophet Mohammad.

Christians are commanded to love all people even our enemies… our battle is not of flesh and blood but spiritual, Our kingdom is in heaven and not in Israel.

My interest in islam is one of compassion for the one and half billion lost souls who are headind for hell unless they discover God's plan of salvation through His Son Jesus.

One last word on ‘violence and atrocities” – in the Bible it is part and parcel of God’s justice, God judges the wicked – in the Qur’an it is Allah’s agenda for his slaves (followers) he orders them to take matters into their own hands (Jihad) dealing with all non-muslims on his behalf.

Jesus died for his people, Mohammad wants people to die for him. One tought love the other brutality.

If you really care for what people DO, you should be very alarmed at the thought that there is an increasing number of citizens who want nothing else but to destroy your way of life and replace it with theirs.
Posted by coach, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 9:48:28 AM
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