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Good intentions: not always good outcomes : Comments

By Roger Smith, published 20/8/2007

Maybe it is time to call the feminists’ bluff and perform radical surgery on our dangerous, and often extremely unjust, domestic violence laws.

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Manipulative people are everywhere and just as there will be false accusations of rape for example does not take away from the majority that are real.
Is this a case of because there is a relationship (marriage/defacto etc) it is ok?
Regardless of what 'Sri' did, does not give Frank the right to slap her, hit her or whatever, and vice-versa.

The property issue is something else, most men do 'pay' for the homes their families live in, so when they abuse you, does that mean you have to get out and have no rights, even though you are not the one who used violence?
The laws are changing because too many people and this includes children the vast majority of the time, are left in 'shelters' or 'temporary accomodation-that is either long term in the end in cramped conditions wherever there's a space or from one short term to another, providing no stability or support, especially after a traumatic event, this is not hte way it should be. Bugger who paid for it, if that's his angsts, then perhaps he was hte one holding such things above her head?

So so wrong to even excuse any part of his treatment after the fact, ever heard of divorce moron? Look she sounds purely manipulative, but then again, she is not the one telling the story is she? Her real name is different so no chance to check that out is there. I got told plenty of stories about how i took money, how i was kicked out for being 'lazy', etc....except, for two years i was kept locked in a house, beaten raped and barred from seeing my son, 8yrs later it still hurts to have the criminal blame the victim for their problems. Aside from the stories being untrue, it was just an excuse, a chance to excuse and get sympathy before everyone found out the truth, to which i have some proof, but that's also the trick of such viloent individuals, controlling individuals, the one's who over life.
Posted by go-mum!, Thursday, 30 August 2007 1:36:36 PM
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As I have spend decades involved in Family Court litigation I am too well aware that there are problems on both side of the fence, so to say, however, there are many manipulative women who use Family Law provisions to get as much as they can by suing all kind of false claims of violence, etc. Then the real victims of violence and abuse are often failing to receive appropriate attention. Whatever your own personal experiences might have been you ought not then take it that for this every man deserved to be robbed of their property that belonged to him before a marriage eventuated!
Personally, I view that when a woman marries she should be entitled to half of the wealth created during the marriage, and so including her maintenance to a family home. Many a man has been wrongly accused of child abuse, violence, aggressiveness because it is so easy to succeed in the Courts using those allegations. It has simply totally gone out of hand.
Intervention orders were intended to protect a person from domestic violence and abuse but we now find that people are using them even against a landlord merely seeking payment of the rent, etc.
My wife is always telling me that I am lazy. Well in her view I am, but it doesn’t mean I am. Some days I renovate 12 hours in a day and other times merely a few hours, but my wife views less then 8 hours is lazy. Also, to her I am wasting time writing books, as I would do better just to do renovating. As my wife always makes clear she isn’t interested with what I have done but rather what I haven done yet. When there was damage due to tree roots of the neighbour I ended up having to use a slash-hammer breaking up 6 tons of concrete and having to dig trenches about 1½ metres deep and later paving the lot. To my wife it is finished, so she argues, I should have done “whatever” that has not been done.
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Friday, 31 August 2007 3:13:08 AM
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I rebuild the entire kitchen, even opening up walls and replacing walls, etc, but to my wife when it is finished she only pursues what hasn’t been done. As I explained to her many times, she can list what she wants to have done but even then she complaints that even so I did what was on the list she wanted something else done that was not on the list and she hadn’t told me either. Now, that is part of marriage!
Some take the position that what my wife does is using abuse, but to me that is how she is. It might not be pleasant at times, and I explain that often to her but she simply has that habit.
While violence should “never” be part of a marriage, and at least my wife and I have no such issues, too often “verbal abuse” is taken any kind of criticism, regardless if this is really part of a marriage.
People should understand that if there were never conflicts in a marriage then you would be living past each other, not with each other.
Then again, my second (ex) wife held a butcher knife to my throat when I wanted to leave with my little daughter (not her child) in presence of the other children, even so we were long separated. (Later she pleaded guilty to assault- when the kids reported it to the police). So I know from various experiences what is going on.
Whatever you have been through I can safely state I have gone more then likely through worse. Yet, I still can look at matters in a balanced manner. And, this is what I suggest you try to do as it appears to me you are taking your personal experiences as to be the guiding standard how to deal with other men.
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Friday, 31 August 2007 3:15:04 AM
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I suppose manipulation, emotional and psychological and financial abuse are only classified as DV when committed by man?

This is hyprocrisy.

You demonstrate that abusers regardless of gender, can be very skilled at shifting the blame, so getting to the truth can be extremely difficult.

Trying to determine who is lying and who is telling the truth, this becomes more difficult when both genders in a relationship are abusing each other.

Is not name calling also a form of abuse, and you used the word 'moron' in describing Frank.
Posted by JamesH, Friday, 31 August 2007 6:00:48 AM
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I agree the ‘100-fold’ figure re step-parents and child abuse is a bit suss – which is why I prefaced it with the rather inadequate disclaimer of ‘up to’. The main source for this finding is Martin Daly and Margo Wilson’s book, ‘The Cinderella Effect’ (1997) which, like CTS, has also come under fire for its dubious methodology.

In referring to this figure I was trying to convey how data interpretations on one subject can be so widely contrasting as to be rendered virtually useless. (Ironically, these same 'violent stepfather' studies are sometimes used by the men’s movement to blame feminism for supposedly causing kids to grow up without their natural dads.)
Posted by MLK, Sunday, 2 September 2007 5:46:44 PM
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MLK, agreed. And yes the claims about stepfathers have been used to attack the exclusion of fathers from their kids lives.
My point in posting the child abuse stats is that claims such as the scale of the overrepresentation of step parents in child abuse are made sometimes on the basis of little evidence (they are overrepresented but from what I can see not at the level most believe) and then without verification of those claims they are used to dismiss the results of other reseach.

I'd give more credibility to other research if I saw the critics of CTS doing some criticism of the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods used in that research. As someone once said they are like the person who comments on the speck in anothers eye while ignoring the plank in their own.

I hope you had a great weekend.
Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 2 September 2007 6:33:07 PM
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