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Lapsed Liberals - the ebbing tide : Comments
By Graham Young, published 30/7/2007The Coalition’s support has literally ebbed away but the election is not yet won by Kevin Rudd.
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Posted by TimT, Monday, 30 July 2007 7:19:56 PM
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The writer's a dodger doing some nice ice skating carefully circumventing the essential issues.
The number one issue: The illegal invasion into Iraq based on lies and pretext, to mask stealing the oil. So far millions of barrels have disappeared with no paperwork. In consequence, a death toll creeping towards one million and the creation of a million homeless refugees. Described as bringing the Iraqis "democracy." Voters would be rightfully concerned too that the next invasion may well be in Iran with its third largest oil supplies. There is not one policy for Iraq and another for workers here. Although in a different form there is a criminal war proceeding here; both governments are carrying out to undermine and wreck the publicly owned essential services; hospitals, Medicare, ambulances, schools, childcare, unis, trains, Qantas, pensions etc., In many instances, withholding necessary funding in order to cripple them, breaking them financially and handing them over to their well heeled cronies. This process called "privatisation" a yuppie word designed to mask criminal practise. Such as the very contrived long public hospital waiting lists designed to create desperate people to go private and shell out big bucks - "creating a market." Included too, is the grab now on for major supplies of fresh water and surrounding lands. The jargon for this is "asset creating." Then there is the very deliberate driving down of all living standards with the promise of far more attacks to come. Irrespective of Liberal or Labor governing. A case being, the new industrial relations laws which are designed to drive living standards downwards for workers, back to the 1900's called "rollback." Based on boosting exploitation through the longer working day and week. Another issue: The frequent terrorist scares used to justify trampling on basic legal and democratic rights. Coupled with many pieces of draconian legislation drawn up and passed in recent times in parliament. Designed to imprison, intimidate and stiffle any criticism or dissent about future wars and very high levels of poverty that is planned for workers. Posted by johncee1945, Monday, 30 July 2007 7:26:45 PM
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Don't you tire of the left wing obsessive compulsive disorders like Johncee1945.The left are so simplisitic in their in their approach to all life's conundrums.The Middle East owns 65% of the world's oil.The US are there to keep energy flowing at market prices to the entire planet.Really,stealing Iraqi oil is drawing a very long bow.
Imagine in the future that Aust owned 65% of the world's uranium and China,India Europe were dependant upon us for their survival,however the Catholics,Protestants and Hill Song religions were too busy fighting each other and thus starving the world of energy. Would China/India just starve or try to set the stupid Australian Christians straight and offer to buy their uranuium at market prices? The US is doing all the dirty work of all those who buy Middle Eastern oil,since without them the world would be in the chaos of WW2 fighting over energy and resources. We either back the US and be safe under their nuclear umbrella or develop our own nuclear weapons.At least John Howard has the courage of his convictions Posted by Arjay, Monday, 30 July 2007 9:36:02 PM
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real (aka truth of sydney),
Your comments about education – “What makes this work like a dream for the Left is the culmination of years of the ‘dumbing down’ education system, devised by the Left wing academics and implemented by the Left wing education union members…” and “So…… many Australians have been made ripe for the propaganda…ready to do the Left’s bidding unknowingly” – are a baseless slur against the hard-working often defamed teachers who have sacrificed so much in the education of young people, who daily put up with abuse that no other mainstream occupation faces and who do their best in an under-resourced poorly led semi-system. It is just the sort of propaganda by which communists created a category of “enemies of the people” (e.g., the kulaks of the Soviet Union) so that the elite could divert attention from their own misrule. It was used extensively in the lead-up to and for the duration of the Kennett Government in Victoria as it set about damaging our education system far more effectively than the Left ever did. (Readers can see for some quotations of this despicable abuse and for a list of the damaging things done to Victorian education by the Right.) Rudd Labor will, if elected, govern Australia more fairly than the Liberals, just as Bracks Labor governed Victoria more fairly than the Liberals. If you have some evidence rather than mere conspiratorial assertion that Labor is not genuine in its intention to return social justice – a Catholic concept long before it got the left label attached to it – to the workplace and that it is some “Left/Labor juggernaut to use them as pawns in their power game”, please supply it. It seems more likely to me that a Labor party would be absolutely committed to looking after working people and their families. You keep going on about Kevin Rudd in Queensland, but you do not supply a reference to or even a date for the events that you allege. Posted by Chris C, Monday, 30 July 2007 9:36:54 PM
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"The US are there to keep energy flowing at market prices to the entire planet."
First Brendan Nelson, now Arjay. Finally, people are starting to fess up to the reason we went in the first place. As an aside, I, like many others, long for a change of government. The coalition have not governed for the bennefit of all Australians. This is why I am so disheartened when I see federal Labor toe the government's line. I want an alternative, and just wanting to be rid of Howard does not automatically lead to a vote for Rudd, particularly as he sat back and allowed Kevin Andrews to over-rule the desicion of a magistrate. Separation of powers is vital in a democracy. ChrisC (as opposed to Chris C) Posted by ChrisC, Monday, 30 July 2007 10:29:36 PM
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That's a good summary of the current situation Graham.
The latest blunder the industry aligned, sycophantic Liberal party has made is its deal with India to sell our uranium. Now our U miners will be delighted but Pakistan won't. What about the pensioners, who've paid taxes for some fifty years in low income employment but have endeavoured to remain independent of the public health purse in investing in private health insurance? This cost to pensioners is exhorbitant! Then they struggle to meet the exhorbitant, unethical gaps in medical charges. Little wonder they are dropping out of private health schemes resulting in the poor buggers, often in pain, having to wait months or years to see a specialist or even to obtain a stretcher, in some draughty corridor, in a public hospital. This now common occurrence is unprecedented in Australia. However, it was a revelation to watch the president of the AMA speak at the Press Club last week where the president was asked by a journalist why there were no applications from doctors interested in taking up a country practice which was offering $500,000.00/annum! Despite the federal government's glaring failures, you also have a treasurer in WA who is flush with the dollars but has a health and education system worthy of third world standards. Is this a consequence of a booming economy erupting whilst obtuse politicians were nodding off in our halls of parliament? I recall raising an issue, with a political leader in 2000, over industries' reluctance to take on apprentices. What a waste of time that was! So we've now had to resort to temporary 457 visas. Finally we have the insipid Mr Rudd, who until this week, parroted everything the Libs said. What a phony! So neither applicant or party is worthy of my vote which leaves me to consider an informal vote - where I will covertly endeavour to include some honest advice for good measure! After all, what have we to lose? Either party will continue to operate from self-interest, regardless of our protestations! Posted by dickie, Monday, 30 July 2007 11:10:57 PM
And yes. I am feeling a mite pedantic this evening...