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The (male) elephant in Australian prisons : Comments

By Sandra Bilson, published 24/7/2007

Men commit almost all the crime in Australia, but our society is reluctant to openly acknowledge core differences between the sexes.

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I have worked with 100’s of men over a number of decades, and I can honestly say that I have never once heard a man make a disparaging comment about their daughters, so I think you are telling me a furphy.

What I have seen is many men working very hard and often carrying out much self-sacrifice to earn money to pay off the mortgage and get their children educated, and this includes their daughters.

While feminists have said how great it is to have so many girls graduating out of Universities, I have never once heard a feminist thank fathers for the efforts and sacrifices they have made to get their daughters through those Universities.

Instead, we have feminists trying to say that men are criminals. Some are, and the vast majority are not.
Posted by HRS, Saturday, 28 July 2007 8:51:06 PM
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At present (July 2007)there are just over 4000 people in prisons in Victoria. 3,840 are males; 230 are females.
Nothing wrong with asking 'how come?'
Posted by cfb, Sunday, 29 July 2007 11:40:40 AM
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However to take it further and suggest that males are genetically predisposed to commit crime is as logical as claiming that the crowing of the rooster causes the sun to rise.

Do you agree that all boys are ticking time bombs because of a rogue gene that predisposes them to commit violent and antisocial acts?

That is certainly not my experience because I have always found them loving and vulnerable.

As has been said earlier, most would readily agree that it is stereotyping and sexist to label all women as child abusers simply because women are the 'elephant' (to use the author's awful image) in child abuse and neglect in Australia. There are thousand of victims, it is a vastly underreported crime, yet convictions are rare. However if we were to follow the author's logic we would be granting research funds to locate the feral gene in girls that predisposes them to abuse children.

Do you think there is a wee chance the author might be charging up the wrong gully and labelling men unfairly? That is what is being discussed. It is stereotyping and sexist and there are ethical problems.
Posted by Cornflower, Sunday, 29 July 2007 1:07:04 PM
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Are you saying mothers don't do any work to help their kids get through uni, too? Surely not. feminists want to do a lot more than say thank you to men who work their guts out, they want to take up half the working/earning load and so give such men a break and more down time that they can actually spend being with their kids, rather than simply being a walking wallet.
The nature of kids is that they rarely say thank you to either their mothers or their fathers, and if parents go into parenting expecting gratitude - from anyone, they need to think twice about it. People become parents mostly to satisfy a yearning within themselves, expecting gratitude for the work it takes is unrealistic. In the words of Khahil Gibran (I think), "your children are not your children, they are the result of life's longing for itself" ( or something like that).
Posted by ena, Sunday, 29 July 2007 5:18:27 PM
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It's either.

1/ Men commit more crimes because they are 'bad'
2/ Men commit more crimes because they are genetically different.
3/ Men commit more crimes and because they are the same as females, they just need more 'education' to fix them.

To be honest, apart from the very well chosen opening remark "Men commit almost all crime in Australia"

I didn't feel threatened as a male by what the author wrote, and some of us seem to have drifted off into the netherworld of 'us/them'....

The author DID point out:

a) the awful rate of male suicide in Australia.

b) Society is reluctant to openly acknowledge core differences between sexes.

Hooray.. I had to check twice to be sure it was a FEMALE who wrote the article... but it's about time this was said and said LOUDLY.

She also refers to 'genetic research'.. Good.. again.

MY WISE OPINION.... (cough/choke :)

I think the high degree of male suicide is related to the loss of "male" identity due to the rise of 'feminism' and political correctness. This is exactly the same kind of socio/cultural thing which happened to the Yir Yoront of Cape York.

Take away male identity (and/or female) and the rot begins. The sad.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 29 July 2007 6:35:27 PM
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Mothers do work to get their children educated (or most mothers), but the majority of the paid work is being done by fathers. This can be seen by the rates of personal income tax, where 70% of personal income tax is being paid by men.

Rather difficult to pay that amount of personal tax if you’re a criminal, as criminals do not normally declare their earnings or pay personal income tax.

So looking at the amount of income tax paid by men, is yet another way of showing that not all men are criminals.

This is something the feminist author may have overlooked. Or maybe it has to be 100% personal income tax being paid by men before the logic sinks in.

I feel as though I am a male, but I don’t feel as though I am a criminal because I am male. I do feel as though certain feminists want me to be declared a criminal because I am male.

You will also notice that one of the things the feminist author did not do, is say anything positive about men.

That would be femcrime, and the author could be thrown out of feminism.
Posted by HRS, Sunday, 29 July 2007 9:20:15 PM
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