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The (male) elephant in Australian prisons : Comments

By Sandra Bilson, published 24/7/2007

Men commit almost all the crime in Australia, but our society is reluctant to openly acknowledge core differences between the sexes.

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The reason why males are over represented in crime is quite simply that the criminal/legal system is biased against males. The types of behaviour that have been criminalised are highly correlated to 'masculine' behaviour. For example, men have a much higher use of illicit drugs and thus more men are made into drug criminals.

It reflects systemic bias. Similiar to all the bias that fems observed that was against the interests of women. Once upon a time, abortion was illegal and women were criminalised for what they did to their bodies. Much like illicit drug users are criminalised for what they do to their bodies. Once upon a time, all manner of normal female behaviour was labeeled aberrant by male head doctors, and women were thrown into mental asylums, to be studied and re-educted.

Women have created feminism to challenge a whole host of systemic bias that operated (and operates) to womens dteriment. Men too have a whole host of gender issues and bias which effects us.

The irony tho, is that everyone is up in arms anytime men posit their gender issues and the bias that operates to our detriment. It gets spun around into a claim of being against women. Somehow working in your own interests is actually against the interests of others. This is basically what men did (and still do) with feminism. The fems were maligned as men haters, against men and so on. The shoe is on the other foot in some respects. Also ironic, that a fem, who one would consider as being compassionate and considerate regarding gender issues, will turn on men with gender issues, in a most inconsiderate fashion. And then wounder why men dont care about feminism.

In fact, has anyone noticed how the generality of men and women dont seem to care about each other these daze.

Anyway, 2 out of 1000 boys may becomes gaoled crims, so lets tar them all. Lets blame the victims and prod, poke and re-educate them, for their own benefit of course.

Boys may become criminals. Throw locks at them.
Posted by trade215, Saturday, 11 August 2007 4:22:14 PM
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trade 215, I agree that there seems to be an ever widening divide developing between genders. The anti-male fembots, and the male anti-female backlash to the fems domination of family courts have spawned a "silent" confrontation between the sexes and have lead many of todays young away from meaningful relationships and into more social isolationist practices. The highest selling bits of electronics takes the young further from societal associations. Men and women who handle their relationships poorly and enter into gender politics for resolution or to "win" forget that their children and others exposed to such attitudes pick them up as examples of what should be. Women are this and men are that. The impact of divorce alone upon children can be immeasurable, especially for those youth who internalise that experience and assume they must have done wrong. Never mind the daily indoctrination of, all men are this or all women are that.
One of the worst things we have done in the name of the law is "to imprison drug users for their own good". Invariably this leads to an overdose and death for the addict upon release. While the drug dealers with access to money and legal representation face little of consequence for their actions. And I'm not talking about the "dimebaggers", rather the actual importers or manufacturers. I really don't think people are aware of just how many people are in gaol on various drug related crimes with sentences under a year and not more than a year and a half who will not spend that length of time outside the institution before being reincarcerated.
Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 12 August 2007 12:25:01 AM
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I have read of statistics of up to 70% of males in jail are there on drug related crimes.

The author would know of this, but has not mentioned it.

If a male addict wanted quick money for drugs, then they would possibly turn to crimes such as burglary or car theft, which are crimes that have high rates in some areas.

If a female wants quick money for drugs, then she can turn to prostitution, which I think has been decriminalised in most states.

So if prostitution was criminalised, then there would probably be as many women in jail as men.

If you also look at the laws for abortion, you will see that many if not most abortions are carried out illegally. If you look at the laws for child abduction, then there are an enormous number of women who have abducted children from their fathers.

So if laws for prostitution were altered or policed, and if laws for abortion and children abduction were ever properly policed, then there would probably be a need for many more female prisons to be built.
Posted by HRS, Sunday, 12 August 2007 12:21:29 PM
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HRS, prostitution may be decriminalised but those laws have been replaced by 'John' laws to criminalise men. Cuz everybody knows that if it wasn't for men there wouldn't be any women selling themselves?
It's a legal argument the likes of, if your parents didn't have any children, the odds are pretty high you wont either.
Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 12 August 2007 2:31:06 PM
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Funny thing about prostitutes, I don't have to lock my house at night to stop one ebtering my home seeking my business. I don't have to lock my car when I park it to stop prostitutes using it to make money.

Basically unless I was to seek a prostitute out I'm never likely contribute to their fundraising. On the other hand I have been stolen from several times. My house has a security system and locks because thieves don't wait for me to seek them out.

A thief does not seek my consent. Hard to see how the "crimes" should be treated the same.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 12 August 2007 6:36:57 PM
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There is nothing funny about prostitution, and prostitution has become a very dangerous activity because of the potential for spreading STD’s, with a number of those STD’s now being incurable.

In fact there are a number of countries in Africa that are being decimated by STD’s such as HIV, with millions dieing, and much of that can be traced back to widespread prostitution.

In other societies, high rates of crime are also being traced back to wide spread drugs use, and also high rates of defacto relationships, low rates of employment, low rates of marriage, and high rates of fatherless children.
Posted by HRS, Monday, 13 August 2007 9:13:14 AM
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