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Anti-Semitism in Australia : Comments
By Paul Gardner and Manny Waks, published 18/6/2007Anti-Semitism is a complex and persistent phenomenon, and one that is unlikely ever to be eradicated completely.
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Posted by Danielle, Monday, 18 June 2007 6:32:45 PM
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Could you please respond to my earlier post which asks why the Jews have been so badly treated by various countries over the centuries? Posted by Bernie Masters, Monday, 18 June 2007 6:43:28 PM
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Bernie Masters asks:
"….why the Jews have been so badly treated by various countries over the centuries?" If you ever find out let me know. Posted by tortasaurus, Monday, 18 June 2007 7:51:58 PM
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The writer obviously seems to overlook that the Commonwealth of Australia and all States are “racist” as they voted for and maintained racial discrimination in the Constitution (Section 51(xxvi) and in fact in the 1967 con-job referendum the Aboriginals even supported it to be extended to themselves!
As a “constitutionalist” I am very concerned about this and view that Section 51(xxvi) should be rather deleted from the Constitution as the existence of Subsection 51(xxvi) maintains us to be racist and lawfully do so! Born with Jewish blood, baptised Lutheren but given away religion sickened with the religion fighting, I for one look at a fellow human as being equal. However,, for example, during the 2001 federal election noted how the Federal government was playing the race card as even to claim “TERRORIST” were coming in with refugees on their (leaky) boats. In my books I even quoted (at the time) some postings of Australians willing to shoot all refugees. The same with the “CHILDREN OVERBOARD” lies it whipped up racism against races willing to do so. We have now the Federal Government interfering in what Mufti should or should not be representing Muslims! But we were told that Lebanese who had donated $10,000.00 to the Liberal party could get naturalisation, if previously denied so. As I view it the Federal Government is playing the racist card but pretend not to do so and the Opposition is also now getting involved with seeking to get support of religion, as the Federal Government also does. When children grow up in this kind of conditions then more then likely they will follow suit. Weeks before the December 2005 riots I wrote an article “AUSTRALIA IS BURNING” precisely indicating the violence that can eventuate and expecting far worse to come. As long as we have politicians inciting, albeit in a cover up manner, racist and religious issues then don’t expect others to act any better. Still, personally I deplore any kind of discrimination! Lets get rid of Subsection 51(xxvi) as a starter! Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Monday, 18 June 2007 11:43:59 PM
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BERNIE... I can tell you one reason why some Jews may have been treated unkindly. Look up the history of the Sasoon family, and their role in the distribution (in cahoots with the British crown) of the Opium business in China, over which a war was fought, and the Sassoons paid compensation for the losses of the drug incurred when the Chinese said "No..we don't want this, its killing our socieity"....
The Sassoon response was "But it was 'legal' then" huh ? Legal by what means? Legal by BRITISH GUNBOATS ..thats how. The Sasoons employed a large network of family members right across China, to keep the distribution in Jewish hands, bringing relatives from across the seas. David Sassoon is described as 1792 – 1864) was a prominent Bombay (now Mumbai) businessman and philanthropist" In the same article, further down it states: In Bombay, David Sassoon established the house of David Sassoon & Co., with branches at Calcutta, Shanghai, Canton and Hong Kong. His business, which included a monopoly of the opium trade in China, (even though opium was banned in China) extended as far as Yokohama, Nagasaki, and other cities in Japan. In 1836, the opium trade reached over 30,000 chests per annum and drug addiction in coastal cities became endemic. Then: In 1839, the Manchu Emperor ordered that the opium smuggling be stopped. He named the Commissioner of Canton, Lin Tse-hsu, to lead a campaign against opium. Lin seized and destroyed 2,000 chests of Sassoon opium. An outraged David Sassoon demanded that China compensate for the seizure or Great Britain retaliate. ("Philanthropist"?) If Sassoon had not specifically made this a 'Jewish' enterprise, by employing only Jews, I'm sure there would not be such anti "Jew-ish" sentiment about the family. Reading the above reference, you will not find ANY reference to Opium, but of was written by Jews about Jews. the source of anti-semitism, when people simply don't "get" how they impact on others, and are insulated by a wall of ethno religious steel. One mans 'philanthropist' is another's drug lord. Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 19 June 2007 8:58:06 AM
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so.. bottom line, when the Jewish Encyclopedia's begin to admit the sins of the Sassoons, instead of glorifying them, there will be less antagonism against Jews generally. Similarly, when Muslims begin to condemn the cruelty of MOhammad, and his hoardes, and denounce such abhorrent practices as described in Surah 23:5-6 (authorizing a man to have sex with captive slave girls...ala Bilal Skaff) and to denounce the condemnation of Jews and Christians in Surah 9:30... there will be less antagonizm against Muslims. But until Muslims and Jews recognize these things.. life will not change for them. Christians? Well, we have no doctrine of 'world domination' or.. 'family based riches' nor is any particular group singled out for destruction in this world. But we have the problem of dividing the world into 2 categories "Saved"...and "Lost", Sinners and 'saints'. But if you look at the foundation of this, it becomes clear that at the heart of it, is justice. John the Baptist preached "Repent" and fleshed that out with "Soldiers, be content with your pay and don't oppress the people" Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers, blessed are the meek, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness" No one could read Jesus words and then take a 9 yr old girl to bed, nor mistreat captives, or exploit others in a drug trade. So... we cop it from ALL sides. Jews, Muslims, Atheists, etc... Jesus response ? (Isaiah 53:7) He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. But the message to everyone,Jew, Muslim, Atheist,Agnostic is this: 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 19 June 2007 9:14:01 AM
Do you fear that Israeli's Jews of some 5 million, or the entire Jewish population of the world of 13 million (which includes the numbers in Israel) are going to take over the world? I think not. You have nothing to fear.
Jews have been subjected continually to pogroms where they were killed and persecuted - occasionally they were recognised - but this invariably gave way to yet another pogrom. World War II, with its huge and very efficient, bureaucratic machinery has been seen as the major pogrom, but it was not the last.
It is imperative that Jews have a homeland where they are welcome and have a place on the world stage of politics.
Jews from Germany and Austria were granted visas from the Australian government to enter this country. These were immediately overturned when Britain entered the war. This was played out elsewhere in the world. However, these Jews were not informed. Still waiting for their entry permits they were rounded up and sent to nazi gas chambers.
During the cold war when Jews were being persecuted and murdered in Russia, no non-communist country would take them in. Australia, like elsewhere, was convulsed with fear of reds under the beds. If it hadn’t been for Israel thousands of Jews would have perished.
No Jew can rely upon entry to another country, no matter how benign that country may appear. Even when being persecuted and killed, their nationality will always supercede Jewish identity. It is imperative that Israel has the right to exist and the right to defend itself, always preferably by diplomacy if possible, but by other means if this fails. Diplomacy only works if the other party is also a willing partner to peace.