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What does it look like Kev? : Comments

By Victor Hart, published 31/5/2007

For too long Indigenous Australians have been a political football on a political football field.

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I HAVE NO DESIRE TO ATTACK MY RELATIVES WHO ARE OF ABORIGINAL DESCENT, but anyone who promotes the 1967 con-job referendum to be good to the Aboriginals in my view doesn’t know what he/she is talking about.

On 27-5-2007 the 40th anniversary of the “Aboriginal DOOMSDAY” I published my latest book;

INSPECTOR-RIKATI® on IR WorkChoices Legislation (Book-CD)
A Book about the Validity of the High Courts 14-11-2006 Decision

Here we have Australians conned by the High Court of Australia also. Hence the date for publication.

As a “constitutionalist” at least I understand that Aboriginals are now constitutionally classified as a “coloured race” an “inferior race” not worthy to be equal amongst other Australians.

Now Aboriginals are being discriminated against and can be and no State-Government could validly legislate against me naming them “blackfella” or whatever as the Aboriginals themselves supported the 1967 con-job referendum to have them by this also robbed of “citizenship” and so their “franchise”.

If I were in power I would not spend a cent on Aboriginals, I would spend it on humans and if Aboriginals desire to participate in that then they are included.

To me the equal right of any human is to be able to get appropriate medical care, education and other essential facilities, nothing to do with being an Aboriginal or not!

As my relatives made clear, they themselves find it sickening at times how some Aboriginals are playing the Aboriginal card where as they just want to be treated equally like others and for themselves celebrate their Aboriginal heritage!
With all the noises made by so to say prominent Aboriginals the plight of the poor isn’t any better, and perhaps they ought to learn to just deal with them as humans rather then overplaying the Aboriginal race card to get themselves in well paid positions while the children continue to suffer.

The Commonwealth-of-Australia and so all States are racist as they will remain as long as Subsection 51(xxvi) of the Constitution exist!
The Constitution permits us to be racist! And the 1967 con-job referendum underline this.
Still, personally, I deplore racism.
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Tuesday, 5 June 2007 12:44:45 AM
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Racism exist for a number of reasons.

We refer to some people as aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, as if they come from another planet.

It is time that we remove these terms completely and simply use the term Indigenous Australians or just plain Australians better still.

We can blame Governments for creating people who are dependant on Welfare or the leaders who say it is a case of the White Fella vs the Black Fella. Terms like Black Fella, White Fella are in themselves Racist.

If we cannot work together than Racism will always exist.

How many times do we see children sniffing petrol, paint or glue and no one cares and I mean no one. For the sake of the children act now.
Posted by southerner, Tuesday, 5 June 2007 7:45:19 AM
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Kev , please make sure they vote . Apathy won't help the cause

Here is a thought - everyone must vote [or have a valid excuse] or lose their social welfare for a month .

It could be possible to enrole all students from 15 on .

Australian politics should be a compulsory subject from 15 on .
Posted by kartiya jim, Tuesday, 5 June 2007 10:36:37 AM
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