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The Forum > Article Comments > The National Day of Thanksgiving: it's the ‘white fella’ religious right again > Comments

The National Day of Thanksgiving: it's the ‘white fella’ religious right again : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 24/5/2007

The paternalism and arrogance of the religious right and its National Day of Thanksgiving is breathtaking.

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"pjean, funny how you mention guilt without any prompting for this kind of emotional reaction being called for at all...but if the shoe fits."

What do you think "Sorry Day" is about? The writer of this article states that it should be a day of "deep remorse". Sorry, don't have any since I have never done anything to the native population. Or, perhaps you mean to suggest that all whites should participate in this endless cult of victimhood where we wil, of course, play the role of eternal oppressor.
Posted by pjean, Sunday, 27 May 2007 4:56:34 PM
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I too seem to have been misunderstood, especially by Dan Fitzpatrick. I am not suggesting first Australians are forced to become hunters and gatherers and live in familial principalities and by competitive society, I am saying we second and so Australians are 100% imbued in competition. Eurasian Australian culture is both a mono-culture and has no depth. Competition is all we have and all we can achieve. Within the societal environment we have created what I have been suggesting is exactly as you put it Dan “Whatever 'the best way to live' might be, in our present circumstances, we should not expect that many Indigenous people are going to be the ones who are able to miraculously identify, develop and practise it.”

My “simplicity” is suggesting Eurasian Australia should take responsibility for this and to work towards best outcomes. It is only through competitive eyes that Eurasian Australia makes such judgement that it is natural that indigenous Australians would become losers and losers in the context of competitive economy. The way the world economy is constructed, including Australia’s economy is there must be a larger group of losers to support a small group of winners. Because Australia’s fortunes are built on what is taken by this continents original societies we are responsible for the wellbeing of those societies we have been trying to ethnically cleans through design or accident.

As it stands indigenous Australia is separate to Eurasian Australian. We expect a first Australian to become Eurasianised , not second Australians becoming Australianised. As we see in many of the above posts, a large number of Australians have contempt and arrogance and an assumed higher status over indigenous Australians. This is most likely due to our competitive way of seeing. Many regard ‘Aborigines’’ defeated by us and so must tow our line, the line of the victor. This victor mentality comes out strongly in the “why should I say sorry ?” posts.
Posted by West, Sunday, 27 May 2007 8:35:50 PM
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I think it ridiculous the argument that Indigenous will become territorial and defend it with sorcery. Eurasian society is much more heavily bonded to sorcery. Occult superstitions such as Christianity practice sorcery constantly. Prayer is sorcery , baptism is sorcery and unlike traditional Indigenous beliefs Christianity is persecutory. Christianity follows the immoral teachings of the character of Jesus who taught that only Jews go to heaven and thus others are diminshed. If you calculate the killings in the name of Christ then the sorcery of Christ has resulted in the greatest mass murder in history. Islam has been similar but has only affected two continents. We have adapted to Christ sorcery , now we no longer take Christians seriously in their claims of morality and righteousness. Any sorcery within a traditional community pales compared to the virtual demon that is monothesistic worship.

A case in point is this wicked attempt to subvert the massive debt churches have to our Indigenous by pushing this thanksgiving (sorcery) nonesense.
Posted by West, Sunday, 27 May 2007 8:49:33 PM
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TR ! well said mate.. 'SHADES OF GREY' is probably the single most important comment on the whole thread so far..

Kevin.. lets go from 'where you are now' to a tiny step closer to God?

You have read the gospels.. and you have an understanding of them.. but it seems you had a very strong 'filter' in place as you read them mate.
Jesus cannot be understood apart from His whole mission, and whole teaching right ?

From the outset, it was not just his teaching which turned the towns upside down, but his actions. May I refer you to the first chapter of Marks Gospel ? please have a read.
Verse 27-28 go like this:

27The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, "What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him." 28News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.

The news spread..not just because of his authoritative teaching..but... well, you can see it.

He was/is far more than just a bloke calling for a fair go....much more
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 28 May 2007 8:14:46 AM
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I agree with Alan Matheseon. But furthxer - I am amazed at the utter hypocrisy of Australia's politicians and mainstream media - in "celebrating" this day on the very same day as news comes of the planned radioacrive waste dump on aboriginal land in the Northern Territory.

A secret deal was done, with a few tribal members, by which for $12 million, a section of their land is to be a radioactive waste dump. The first in Australia - a dump that no white persons would accept - even for many more millions of dollars! Can you put a price on the permanent pollution of land?

And - is this the first of many such deals, in which aborigines are conned? Already, nuclear wastes from two research reactors are to be brought back to this Muckaty Station dump, from overseas. So, is this the start of a boom industry - boom for Hugh Morgan, John White, Rio Tinto, BHPB etc - but not for the health and well-being of Australia's people, black or white? Christina Macpherson
Posted by ChristinaMac, Monday, 28 May 2007 10:16:41 AM
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I wish the Aboriginals in this country would do something to help themselves. They seem too bent on the past and what happened back 200 years ago. Maybe it is time to try and move on? Today's Australian Aboriginal population have the choice to claim equality - they can vote, go to uni, gain employment in any industry etc There's simply no reason, apart from their wanting to maintain difference, for them to live backward lives. If they choose to remain in desert camps and live animist lives, then they can hardly blame the government for those conditions.

Also, in relation to the Sorry Day, why hasn't anyone raised Keith Windschuttle's arguments about the Stolen Generation? He argued in his book about that episode, that many (NOT all, I must emphasise) Aboriginal kids were taken from their families because they were being neglected in some form or other. He also said that rather than there being a "Generation" stolen, it was a considerably smaller group.

As to the National Day of Thanksgiving being held on the same day, I doubt very much that any Christian organisation would deliberately try to "over-ride" Sorry Day. Yet I get a sense that the author of this article seems to think Christianity should come second place to indigineous issues? It seems as though he is happy to make mileage out of Christianity for political gain and play the two days off?
Posted by Dinners, Monday, 28 May 2007 10:47:07 AM
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