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The Iraq war is irretrievably lost : Comments
By Gary Brown, published 23/2/2007Soon we will be rid of Bush, Blair and Howard. It will take a lot longer to repair the immense damage their rash adventurism in Iraq has done.
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Posted by untutored mind, Saturday, 24 February 2007 9:24:40 AM
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For all you lefties railing against the machine. If Bill Clinton had done his work supporting and enforcing the U.N. Resolutions against Iraq instead of holding some dumb intern by the back of the head and bombing Iraq every time one of their planes entered the "no fly zone". Bush jr. wouldn't have had to go into Iraq. It's nice for you all to rewrite history to suit your personal bias and political bent but, how about reviewing events back to Carter and Bush sr. Then work your way forward to today. And one last notion for you to mull over. Saddam had effectively handed over most of the day to day running of Iraq to Qusay and Uday. Both of whom were going about killing any opposition that may threaten their power. If it's fair to blame the Americans for the sectarian and terrorist violence in the wake of Saddam's oust from power. It is equally fair to say that the Americans saved millions by eliminating Qusay and Uday. Those two had no conscience what so ever. Killing soccer players for loosing a game. There was a secure future for Iraqi's in the making.
Posted by aqvarivs, Saturday, 24 February 2007 11:13:52 AM
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How does it feel, runner, to be part of the 7% of Australia that still thinks Iraq was a good idea?
Posted by bennie, Saturday, 24 February 2007 11:36:09 AM
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All I can say is history repeats itself > (1917).
Posted by tassiedave, Saturday, 24 February 2007 2:42:37 PM
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aqvarivs, you might do well to remember that the biggest violation of UN sanctions in Iraq in the last few years was courtesy of our very own AWB Limited.
While this was happening, our government was steadfastly looking the other way. Perhaps you might care to offer an explanation of what was distracting Downer, Howard et al? Posted by Johnj, Saturday, 24 February 2007 5:32:53 PM
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Gary Brown and all the other loopy lefties just don't get.It is all about the oil.The US backed Saddham so he would be part of the balance of power in the Middle East to keep them divided thus competition keeps oil prices down.Saddham went feral but they should have kept him in power
Now if the religious zealots get total control,they can hold the rest of the world to ransom by demanding we pay well above market prices. Gary Brown should get down on his knees and that God for the US because without the cheap oil ,Public Servants like him would be living in abject poverty.The US is doing all the dirty work by being the world's policeman. This is where people like Gary have failed the grasp the reality of our survival.We have superior democratic systems and economic prosperity and the loopy left want us to become Neanderthols so they can try their failed ideologies.People are not born equal and we all have to come to terms with our limitations.Kill incentive and we destroy prosperity. The Socialist's nervana of socio-economic equality with our present genetic structure,is a pipe dream.Let's improve the system that works best. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 24 February 2007 5:36:56 PM
Well if there is the will to do so, firstly having taken the trouble to inform ourselves of the facts and seeking not revenge but a better way of solving issues, including a common desire for power and oil (resources), we can bring them to dock.
Much of international law has been breached though as yet a count of ‘aggressive war’ cannot be brought for there is not universal agreement on the legal limits for such.
Prosecution may be difficult for questions of jurisdiction pertain. That is if a country has not ratified (or has withdrawn agreement) the law cannot be used. Elizabeth de la Varga a retired attorney of the US has written a fictional but legally accurate book,2006 on indicting Bush and other under American Law. In Australia and the UK indictment could be achieved using the Rome agreement, indeed in Australia much of the material is now an Australian law under the Criminal Code 1995 as amended division 268.
It is of course doubtful if this will occur not just for legal hedges and rapidly devised laws but because whilst it is fine to feel righteous concerning the Nuremberg trials when this and similar are used to charge ourselves patriotism, questions of accuracy of information etc come to the fore.
Better to go to Church and pray the Almighty will fix things without troubling us as seems to be the stand Rudd is taking. Seemingly it is okay to trash Iraq then as occupying force change the local laws to allow the wretched mess state reconstruction of the country, the obligation of the occupiers, giving commercial efforts of our enterprises choice before Iraq including Oil. Might be the reason for the lies that led to war not forgetting the very real and useful role of the media