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Moral responsibility and citizenship : Comments
By Helen Irving, published 22/12/2006Citizenship does not make a person virtuous, and being a non-citizen does not make a person morally suspect.
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Trojan horse ? possibly, in the case of a certain element with warlike tendencies DEFinitely, or the same group having scriptures with CURSE Jews and Christians by name, and claim God is against them, and add to this the following:
1/ The authorization to FIGHT (defensively ?)for this religion.
2/ The example of its founder who clearly showed that 'pre-emptive' attacks on those suspected of forming alliances against him and political assassination/murder are quite legitimate.
One can only conclude that taken together, we have a group which has as its foundation principle:
To make pre-emptive attacks against those who are cursed by Allah, deluded and away from truth, who are never to be taken as friends, and who by nature are hated by Allah, because they, by nature are against Allah's religion and are thus scheming by default how to destroy Allah's people.
Hence we have 13 people in Melbourne and 11 in Sydney who are charged with acting on this very foundation.
One has to wonder, if these are those who were 'caught' how many are there out there who as yet are 'un-caught' but have the same thinking ?
PAUL opens his letter to the Galatians as follows:
Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2and all the brothers with me, to the churches in Galatia:
Quite a strong claim ! Not one to be taken lightly.
He continues further, based on this divine authority in verse 8:
[But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!]
CONCLUSION. When it comes to mankind's salvation, there is only one way, and that.. is in Christ. Any distraction, or distortion, or misguiding is viewed in the most serious manner by the Almighty.
Have all the self help courses you like, all the positive thinking, all the meditation, but let it not be said to give 'Salvation'