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Reflections on a multicultural nation : Comments
By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 15/11/2006The energy directed against multiculturalism has been truly evil, for it has been advancing an agenda of superiority, while disregarding the consequences.
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Posted by BrainDrain, Monday, 18 December 2006 1:06:30 PM
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"...The likliehood is that, in 100,000 years time, we shall either have reverted to wild barbarism, or else civilisation will have advanced beyond all recognition--into colonies in outer space..."-Richard Dawkins "...We admit that we are like apes, but we seldom realise that we are apes..."-Richard dawkins "...It is an article of passionate faith among "politically correct" biologists and anthropologists that brain size has no connection with intelligence; that intelligence has nothing to do with genes; and that genes are probaly nasty facist things anyway"-Richard Dawkins "There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world"-Thomas Jefferson So you do want African Refugees in Australia BrainDrain? Posted by obviously, Monday, 18 December 2006 6:52:46 PM
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I dont think we want anymore anybody here. In case nobody has noticed this country has no water. Re circled water has made many sick all over the world. Are we really so stupid to bring it here. Looks like it I guess. I have spoken direct to the heads of crews employed from overseas to install it here and build the plants. Many illnesses we never had were brought here from people migrating from overseas. On the other hand we need numbers to try to defend the country not if but when we are attacked. [ Food for thought] Speaking of food there will be little of that in years to come after sanctions are put on us by them declaring we along with USA and uK are war criminals. Did we really do the right thing. You bet we did. I am sick of hearing about the failed war on Terroism. We have disrupted evil plans and force others into withdrawing. As for black Aficans at least 'most of them' are our own religion Does that matter- Of course it does. Will they bring aids into the country even more-? Yes they will. Everybody jumped up and down when Pauline said that but its true. This country will go through the biggest drought ever know just like many x wealthy countries thatr now live in poverty. Then we [ Australia] will be involved in a big war] You know where home brand baked beans come from?- middle east. Perhaps some of the migrants can teach us lay back Australians how to grow a few home veggies and survive the hard times ahead. I would have thought it clever for all public schools to give such education but whatever. Andrew do you ever do anything but post on forums. Its a bit of a concern to tax payers just what you lot really do. Antj Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 19 December 2006 4:23:55 AM
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Firstly BANJO... no mate I didn't see it, but if you can give me the link about labors would be appreciated..thanx.
RANIER ... is reading the Bible.. TICK :) good on you mate.. I never mind being taken to task from the good Book. But the verse you quoted is more related to self righteousness for personal reward. Displaying piety before men is like the Pharisee.."Oh Lord.. I tithe of all I get, I respect the Sabbath, I give alms to the poor (in front of everyone) I hold to the traditions..I...I...I... and thankyou that I am NOT like that scumbag publican over there !" Now..the balancing Scripture... "Let your light shine" and "Expose the evil works of darkness" (brainy.. pay attention pls) there is also the prophetic role of forthtelling the Word, calling people and a community to repentance. The difference between calling to repentance and 'public piety' is that the prophetic call is from a sinner (under Grace) to sinners outside of it. The only perfect man was Jesus, all the rest of us are scum. But even scum can be renewed and sterilized by Grace. BRAINDRAIN NOW..Brainy there is ALSO ones role in a free and democratic society to participate and raise issues of social importance in creative ways. Now I see the growth of Islam in Australia as a serious concern and blinding seeing eyes. Have you actually seen the intensity of hatred in the Muslim eyes on those youtube Vids I gave links for ? Just in case you haven't see THIS. You don't see a problem here ? (the vid) I'll await your comment. Now.. we have not as yet seen too much of this, but it IS in the process of being built up, and not by who you might expect.. its coming from left wing Unions like the ETU, whom I regard as a sedicious group. Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 20 December 2006 5:58:28 AM
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You said it, you and I are scum. The difference between us is that you seem to believe that you have removed the log out of your own eye and see the spec in the eyes of those who 'can't' see the evil in Islam or Multicultural Policy. That grace has been bestowed upon you that makes you qualified to judge and convince others that your judgement is correct and these things are evil. There is some evil that people do in the names of both of those things but there is also a lot that is good in the majority of those who follow Islam (something i have never seen you say, by all means prove me wrong there) and in those who try to ensure the Liberal Government Policy (currently, and for over years) of Multiculturalism People do both Good AND Bad and i know this can be because we imperfectly understand the word of Jesus (or anyone for that matter) because we are human. The Christian way to reduce the hatred in another is to show them love (not love whatever they do). Jesus told us to return only good for evil. It's hard to show someone you love them (not their deeds) when you try to keep them out of your country because they are not 'good' enough for you. You say Jesus was the only perfect man, I say there is no evidence to suggest he ever organised a protest march against legal government policy. If you have to protest anything try protesting the policy of sending people to foreign countries to change regimes and kill our fellow man because an unrelated country asks us to support their foreign 'policy'. Or is MC a bigger sin in your eyes than killing men? Do you have sufficient Faith in Jesus to die at the hands of an 'unbeliever' who sees you as corrupt and evil, rather than killing him youself? Or are you just another christian hypocrite who only does what HE 'Thinks' will get him into heaven like the other imperfect 'heathen' scum do?? Posted by BrainDrain, Wednesday, 20 December 2006 11:56:23 AM
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Here is a little thought to wrap your mind around and digest. The 'Original Sin' of man is our ability to incorrectly understand principle's. It is man's misunderstanding of truth that causes him to do 'evil'. (Such as blowing up a building with a plane full of people while declaring God is Great - clearly they (imperfectly) 'believed' they we're doing God's work). If God is truly omniscient and all powerful then clearly God foresaw all the evil that would be done (even in his name) and has permitted it for a reason, something a purely 'good' God simply could not do. A 'good' God who is all powerful would simply not design something capable of creating evil and let them tear each other apart, while just hoping that we will choose the 'right' path. I don't believe God is only purely 'good', as organised religion tries to imply at times. The 'grace' you declare is what allows us to see ACCURATELY what Truth (in any particular matter) is. To be able (in human form) to see what God might 'think' concerning the situation we find ourselves. Sadly, this ability does not easily stay with us owing to our imperfect understanding and many 'distractions' that life keeps putting before us to pull our attention away from what is 'true'. If we devote our life to understanding ourselves and why we think the way we do and make every effort to correct ourselves, instead of just having 'faith' that we do God's work, even when we clearly show how poorly we understand the WORD, we will better eliminate from us our personal 'sin'. If we think unclearly/imperfectly we cannot see the truth of God and of Man. (and so we do 'evil'). This is the 'light' i try to shine with. I do not believe myself perfect, just willing to learn. Posted by BrainDrain, Wednesday, 20 December 2006 12:31:08 PM
at the risk of appearing as a fool, :-) I'll elaborate.
I assume from your nick and your posts that you consider yourself of 'Christian' bent. Also that you see truth, or some of it, in Jesus' word?
JC said he came to set brother against brother. I don't believe he did it with the same glee and relish I sometimes see in your words and desire to do likewise. He knew it was because He held the Truth of God inside and many had been 'lost' to it and his job was to save them. Some would hear the call back, some wouldn't. Hence he might set 'brother against brother'.
I can see it possible you feel something similar, but frankly your desire to 'see' (make into) enemies for all Australians and your views on some subjects seem to me to come more from a satanic hatred than Christian Love.
Jesus saw things perfectly, of His Father, and while capable of violence (ie. moneychangers in the Temple) he chose his targets very carefully, with insight as to the root evil in them.
I feel your targets are wide of the mark and smear too many with the 'evil' you see.
Consider if Jesus would take similar action? Would he protest MC?, or might he preach unifying all to His Father instead of dividing his people along 'politico/religious' lines, and so further encourage violence in uncertain times?
Seeing evil in something is one thing. Allowing that to cloud your view of the good that exists alongside the evil is not 'Christ'ian.
It's difficult to see what good were in the moneychangers in the temple (I believe JC wouldn't have had quite the same problem if they were in a marketplace) whereas I see some good in those who follow Allah, and in MC policy, which promotes tolerance and acceptance of differences, necessary to ensure we live up to the ideal of a Fair Go for all (even though not 'all' will do the right thing by it; not all Aussies always do the right thing and break our laws).