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Handcuffed by our Western values? : Comments
By John E. Carey, published 18/8/2006There is a chasm in values between mass killers and people firmly adhering to the right to life.
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And considerations VARY anyway if even the same low and approaches deployed to.
Posted by MichaelK., Monday, 28 August 2006 6:36:11 PM
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This thread is now getting down to basics of Western philosophy, which is appropriate given the accusation that we are "handcuffed by our Western values." So instead of referring to the law of the jungle, allow me to refer to Hobbes:
"the passions that incline men to peace are fear of death, desire of such things as are necessary to commodious living, and a hope by their industry to obtain them" The fundamental attack on Western values is the idea that terrorists have no fear of death. If true, then terrorists are superhuman and if we believe Hobbes, the result is they have no inclination to peace. As conservatives are inclined to believe in a Hobbsian worldview, it is no suprise to see an article like Carey's. The article says look at how these terrorists embrace death. Western philosophy cannot cope! But Western philosophy also includes the alternate view of philosophers such as Locke, who said "The state of nature has a law of nature which obliges everyone ... all equal and independent [to not] harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions..." The same Locke advised the "ruling body if it offends against natural law must be deposed." Carey's article commences with the Declaration of Independence which is based upon Locke's view of natural justice. Not only that, it is a document of a revolutionary movement. If Hobbes was right then the Americans should have remained loyal to the the King. This is beyond Carey, because in the 21st century, America is the King. Posted by David Latimer, Monday, 28 August 2006 10:43:06 PM
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David, one of the problems we have IMHO, is the very fact that
so many Americans are quite convinced that America is in fact king, that is then displayed as arrogance and ignorance towards others. Bush and Cheney, with their attitudes alone are experts at encouraging terrorism. Compare that to say the style of Clinton, who had some people skills and in fact came pretty close to solving things in the Middle East. But of course in puritanical America, they were more concerned with his sex life, then his abilities as a world leader. The present lumping together of everyone under the word terrorist is also a mistake. What drives people in South Lebanon is quite differant to what drives the leaders of Al Queda for instance. To understand what drives Al Queda and Co, you need to read what their philosopher wrote, an Egyptian called Sayid Qutb. His "Milestones" can be downloaded for free on the net. It is not unusual in history, for people, if they become passionate enough about something, to kill themselves for that cause. The stronger an emotion, the less we reason. What America still does not understand is that it is not king. America has no clue as to how to deal with this threat, as there is no country to bomb, no target to send its planes. The more that George and Dick throw their weight around, arrogantly, the more passionate will become those opposed to them. The more reason they will have to eventually buy some nuke from somewhere and use it. If that happened tomorrow, America could not even respond, as there would be no target. Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 29 August 2006 10:07:50 AM
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Response to Yabby:
Not much to disagree with on your post. By America being king, I am referring to America the superpower and "leader of the free world". In the jungle the strongest is king. This is the Hobbesian worldview. In contrast under Locke, who justified the American revolutionary spirit and established the ideals of their Declaration of Independence, America is not king. This largely still how Americans see themselves, unaware of their impact on the world, especially in cultural terms. The great irony of this article is that the country which declares the unalienable right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", has capacity to destroy all life and a global military footprint of 860 installations in 46 countries (outside the US) Ref: Posted by David Latimer, Tuesday, 29 August 2006 10:34:11 PM
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David, in the jungle, the strongest thinks he is king,
only to be surprised in the end, by a myriad of other factors. It doesent matter how many bombs or planes the US has, if there is no target, their army is buggered. Thats why a bunch of lunatic fanatics has the American population so scared and so far America is losing against them. Bush is spening money faster then it can be printed, the US is going into debt like never before, Americans are nervous like never before. All to deal with a bunch of fanatics. Clearly a more intelligent US prez is required as George and Dick are unable to cope with even this situation. All they have achieved so far is make it worse and the law of the jungle prevails. Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 30 August 2006 12:24:47 AM
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What does drive ants to march throughout Australia recently, David,Yabbo et al?
One must understand no strange reason but consequences of hostel actions, and theories for future prevention will follow as an enemy being crushed. Hardly surprisingly, the US political system is very much copy-cat of an English royalty but every four years new royals have been crowned elected into a top office. This rotation presents a significant opportunities for everyone, although the richer are better prepared to grasp a chanse if arised. Such instant availability of a choice is a driving engine for America to be a king of the world in spite all the hatred the still existing born-to-rule feel towards the States factually. And this unstoppable democracy motion is a nightmare for playing in democracy only, of whose conformity will allow even some acceptance of “Palestinian fighters” rather than being dispersed into history by more talented clever and capable to do a job commoners, in the UK or Australia/NZ/Canada definitely. Posted by MichaelK., Wednesday, 30 August 2006 6:39:36 PM