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Keeping good teachers in the classroom : Comments

By Geoff Newcombe, published 21/7/2006

Better pay for better quality teaching benefits teachers, parents and students.

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Liz,I'm no armchair critic.I was a teacher from the mid seventies to the late eighties.I have taught children from K to 12.Your bile and language does you no credit.If this is the level of mentality that beckons the new generation,then I fear for their future.

Our left wing education system has lost the plot and too often uses environmental degradation and multi-national avarice as an excuse for self indulgence and simplistic anti-establishment rhetoric.

Your ilk seek black and white solutions to complexities beyond the grasp of your own intellect.The reality is more often hard nosed negotiation that requires both courage and compassion.

Too often the left elect minority soft options as their preference,rather than looking at the solutions which benefit the majority.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 31 July 2006 12:09:07 AM
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Yes Arjay, you are an armchair critic. The teaching profession is full of them too, particularly in judgement of 'other' teachers. I don't think you would consider that you might be considered as the one that lacks 'quality'. Why is it that you position yourself as the one that gets to judge others?

My 'bile' is mild language, saying pretty much what you are saying to me, but with less pretentiousness.

This article was about imposing IR based on another's perception of who deserves protection, and who deserves the full wrath of IR, due to an individuals decision on who is a 'quality' teacher. If I argue against this imposition, then yes I am left wing, but I pretty much consider myself middle of the road and am unwilling to agree to the teaching profession, or other professions for that matter, being exploited or denigrated

Your response to my posts were nothing more than a power game, with no consideration of the relevance. Teachers are doing their best under the 'system'. Surely that doesn't need to be explained to you given your claims of once being a teacher from K-12. Nor should I have had to explain that other professions enter teaching consistently.

My 'ilk'! What is my 'ilk' Arjay? Why is it that you place yourself as someone who gets to judge my 'ilk' because I am a teacher? So we're all 'left wing …. black and white solutions… [unable] to grasp complexities beyond our capabilities?' Having made those outrageous claims, you even consider yourself as the one with the superior 'intellect'.

Didn't make it in teaching did you Arjay?
Posted by Liz, Monday, 31 July 2006 6:21:34 PM
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• Celivia ..."I think that public education should be of such high standard that there wouldn't be a need for private schools. I'm skeptical that 'rewarding' teachers as such would permanently solve anything. I would welcome basic teacher training improvements, updating ongoing training programs, easily available help and guidance for teaching staff should be freely provided and of high standard and ongoing and above all compulsary. A fair teacher's award should be: YOU TEACH PROPERLY AND YOU WILL KEEP YOUR JOB"!

Yeah ... contrary elders-of-zion cabal's consequences! Where profoundly hand-picked kosher-gurus are conditioned to perplex damned elementary-schooling and monitor-universities-buffer. One may-be-excused for having dejected-perception at-times of being just-an-alien visitor-here from some-distant-planet. Thus having-to-face a user-pay consequences. Which must-be contemptible for the conscientious-citizens within a country where ensuing generations of youngsters grow and proceed into the adulthood without having a single elevated role-model. Someone to-look up-to (as our maverick Mark Latham), towards the impending achievements to-come.

Still-a-lone voiced Professor-Messel, vocally protested over the years against the rampant rot-n-ruin within our educational establishment. In-turn to-be bucketed with lots-of-filth, coming from the connived-zionist-quarters. Countered by his typical commentary ... The tall-poppy syndrome is a major deterrent-to-excellence in Australia. We're the greatest-group of the knockers in the world. If we put-as-much effort into-being positive and supporting things as-we-knocking, there would be no-nation-equal-us. The state-schools were in-chaos and allowed the students who could-not-even-read, to-graduate. What I have to say, will undoubtedly-be-disputed vigorously by many people. And especially the radical, liberal-education-reformists.

They been-successful-beyond their wildest dreams so that today even the slow-learners graduate with-near-credit or distinction letters-of-commendation from their teachers. The fact that, in-some-instances a student can't even-read what the teacher wrote, appears to-be of-little-consequence. Chaos seems to-be the ruling-system while our educationalists keep boasting about what-excellent-results they have-been-achieving. The university degrees becoming less-n-less meaningful.

As it now often-indicates roughly that the student has-achieved a knowledge-level equivalent to that, what should-have-been achieved by the end of high-school. The education standards were plummeting, because-cultural-change in Western-Society was destroying the family unit. Which meant children-no-longer got loving-care, attention-and-discipline. I'm fighting for something of the vital-concern to Australia.
Posted by Leo Braun, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 4:20:46 PM
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Yet in spite of the above uttered Professor-Messel's words of enlightenment, by-hook or by-crook the most comprehensive corruption of the youngsters mind perseveres on-a-mass in the Ghetto Australis. Just as in good old-days of the earliest elders-of-zion instigated cunning campaign, to invoke an-innate tribal primitive-instinct of envy, culminating often in a brutal-bullying. Utilised to divide and conquer goy-n-shiksa duped fools, under the "rule by the best" on the planet earth (due to the almighty chosen Jew aristocracy, since time immemorial).

Which not meant for any derogatory manners acrimony, under racist exploits. As our Jew-lesser brethren sustained enough of the collateral ravage fallout consequences. What was disguised snugly towards the 21st century via scapegoated cliché under "tall-poppy" syndrome's façade. Just to excuse for premeditated king-hit riddled manifestations, all along the adherence to the local folklore motto: SHOOT ANYTHING MOVING AND CHOP ANYTHING GROWING.

No wonder when some were indoctrinated not-to-think for themselves, but solely conditioned for the laidback predisposition. Reflected within the once popular expressions: "steady as she goes"..."she'll be right mate"..."near enough, is good enough"... and so forth parodied deliverance. As a result many of desensitised minds weren't geared-up to-grasp consequently that cuckoo-nest incubated rulers or preachers could have had a bloody chutzpah to distort-truths so incredibly.

Especially pertinent with a colonial patronage on-mind, who envisaged that no Aussie bloke or sheila ever-to-realise their true predicament in the Ghetto Australis. Whilst overshadowed we are by the most bizarre cretinism, unleashed under tyrannical oppression siege. Where no-reward to-excel or appreciation given for the role-model-citizens within the created apartheid via deliberate IR elimination procedures in place. Arranged by subversive institutional cliques for our surrender into malignant buffers.

Set to eradicate entirely our conscientious dissent of genuinely devoted professionals. No wonder as imbeciles lot were nurtured with a carte-blanche, whilst incorruptible souls of the genuine mortals to-endure devious wrath. Still, so many of ill-informed minds failed even to-realise what hit them indeed. Without expecting in the wildest dream to face such a nightmare of the utterly insidious act.

Please proceed to the diminished democracy exposé ...
Posted by Leo Braun, Tuesday, 1 August 2006 4:32:01 PM
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Hi everyone,
Was very interested in everything that you have had to say. Perhaps, a little scary to me as a beginning teacher but hey, it was wonderful to hear so much positivity from old hands. Can someone help me? I have accepted a contract for 4 weeks at a local state school. Does anyone know if I would get paid at the supply rate or at a permanent rate?
Posted by Newbie, Saturday, 12 August 2006 5:53:26 PM
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