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Your child next? : Comments

By Barbara Biggs, published 10/7/2006

Child sex offences, largely, are preventable crimes waiting to happen.

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I don’t have any answers only some observations.

I know:
* 7 women/girls who have been sexually abused
* 1 boy who has been sexaully abused
* 3 people who’s houses have been broken into
* 1 person killed in a car accident
* 1 person beaten up on a Sydney street for no apparent reason, and
* No-one who has been murdered

I don’t go looking for these women. What I mean is I don’t go to help groups etc. where I’m likely to meet people who have been abused, these are just people I know in my normal middle class life.

All of the seven were abused by family or friends of the family. Sofia’s situation in my experience is relatively unusual. Parents should be more concerned about who they bring home than who they meet on the street.

Here are a few things I’ve noticed about child abuse, this is completely my own experience I have no research or facts to back it up:

* Many of the victims of child abuse are extremely reluctant to face up to what has happened or to get help, they continue make self destructive decisions throughout their lives
* Society feels sympathy for the victims but when the victim grows up and commits the crime themselves there’s only disgust.

I have a four year old in my family who is in real danger of being abused because of the men her mother brings home. The only thing that I can do to stop this from happening is to educate her on how to react in certain circumstances (there are several books on this subject). Other than that it is not until she is actually abused that any legal intervention can occur.

Families can be your biggest source of support and encouragement, they can also do the most damage.
Posted by CG, Monday, 10 July 2006 12:18:50 PM
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I was abused by a family member,

My concept of how to go forward is based upon the extent of recidivism in this area. The unnutterable truth must be uttered, the individuals that commit these crimes genuinely & honestly are incapable of stopping themselves doing so. Therefore, why are they released?

I do believe that they are entitled to a fair and impartial trial, and to their guilt being established to beyond a reasonable doubt, that is a fundamental & inalienable right. But, once proven to be guilty, why are they released to do it again, and to destroy other lives, thereby promulgating the problem through another generation. I do not even view this detention as punitive, rather it is for the benefit of society as a whole, that those that are incapable of distinguishing between right & wrong (ie.criminally insane) are detained indefinately, and I think that those that abuse children are criminally insane & should be held at Her Majesties Pleasure without the possibility of parole on that basis.

perhaps then we will stop seeing the horror stories every single week.


2 bob
Posted by 2bob, Monday, 10 July 2006 12:40:03 PM
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I have been very interested in this subject for decades, I am a survivor of child molestation, and attemped rape, one of my lifelong friends of the opposite sex, was raped by her grandfather from the ages of 6-12. I'm not sure on statistics, however she grew to become bi-polar, and I to become chronic major depressed, we both have many other mental health problems.

I have always viewed these vial creatures as "pure evil" people, your article has opened up a new insight for me. The proposition that these people could be succesfully treated on a community based program opens up the obvious question why are such services not available Australia wide, the obvious answer of course federal funding for state health has been decreased instead of increased.

I will follow this thread with much interest, however needness to say I was absolutely disgusted last week in Townsville, where a Charters Towers man, touched on 6 occassions, and digitally penertrated on another 4 occassions as part of his daughter's "sexual education", was not jailed because the survivor plead for her father to be allowed to return to the family home.
Posted by SHONGA, Monday, 10 July 2006 3:53:45 PM
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I totally agree about the Charters Towers man. He should be jailed.
I think we have to stop hiding our heads in the sand and stop calling particular groups paedophiles where there is no proof of this.
Statistically, paedophiles are typically (but not always) male, respected members of the community, often family members or trusted friends, are popular with both adults and children, more often very religious and use their popularity and trusted position to gain access to vulnerable children
Posted by Marsketa, Monday, 10 July 2006 4:40:24 PM
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Barbara, I have been bringing the same message into women's clubs and organisations as well as talking in schools for some years now. As an actor I also brought the subject into my part in the Vagina Monologues and recieved a standing ovation. But even if one were to convince the population at large of the need for prevention rather than cure - how on earth does one go about convincing the lawgivers or parliamentarians?

In a recent response to a Parliamentary White Paper I strove to highlight the results of lack of self-esteem in our society, detailing its damaging effects on everything from childhood obesity, through chronic unemployment and into sexual abuse. I also pointed to the necessity for a cross-disciplinary approach in attacking these problems and posited programmes and policies.

So where to from here? There are disparate units of many people striving for the same objective all over the country and we are all striving, it appears, from lone platforms. In such cases there is no need to preach to the converted so what is the next step? If we present a coherent and united stance we may gain power and/or credibility, but currently we seem to be lone voices crying in the wilderness. Do you have further ideas?
Posted by Romany, Monday, 10 July 2006 4:53:05 PM
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I have a suggestion on that subject, there is a Queensland organisation named Bravehearts run by a lady by the name of Hetty Johnstone. She has experienced peaodphilia first hand when her daughter was attacked by her father-in-law, and has made it her life's work to attack the subject.

She is well educated articulate and savy, I met her once when she visited Townsville. Perhaps she should be approached to admit associate members at a cost everyone could afford, to publisise this horrific community problem, she already lobbies State and Federal politicians on the subject, if she had a huge membership behind her to give her more clout, she may get better results.

Bravehearts has a website to check I don't know it offhand however it should be an easy find via any search engine. Unity is strength as the saying goes.
Posted by SHONGA, Monday, 10 July 2006 6:18:25 PM
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Oh no, I think some of you are confusing paedophilia with child molestation again

"2.2 To be a paedophile is not, as such, a crime. [note #11] There is, therefore, no common law or statutory definition in Australia of the word, or of the related word "paedophilia".

And did you all notice how prominently the internet featured in these self described cases? What's that? It didn't! Well why the hell are we wasting all this money on internet task forces, stranger danger campaigns and the like!?
Posted by strayan, Tuesday, 11 July 2006 1:00:04 PM
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I have read both your books and found them both moving and informative, thank you. You carry on the good work in this article.
My view about life in general comes from something my grandmother used to say; "to know everything is to understand everything." By which she meant that there is a reasonable explanation for even the most bizarre behaviour, if only we knew what it was. That everyone - even those we consider the most 'evil' - has their story.
When we choose to blame people, as your correspondent very bravely and humanly illustrates, we shut them up and drive them underground. We can condemn the behaviour without condemning the person who behaved that way. Surely that is the essence of good parenting, good teaching, good friendship, good partnering - love, in fact?
I have mentioned this film on other threads, I am sure you have seen it, but others may be interested "The Woodsman" deals with just these issues, sensitively and compassionately, as you do.
Posted by ena, Tuesday, 11 July 2006 5:00:14 PM
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Shonga - thank you. Yes, perhaps if more and more people consolidate we will end up with a force that will have more power than single entities.
Posted by Romany, Wednesday, 12 July 2006 1:03:10 AM
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There are injections commonly used for prostate cancer treatment which stop the body producing testosterone and thus diminish sexual desire. I understand that this kind of treatment has been successfully used for sexual offenders.

My feeling is that if a man knows that he has a sexual inclination towards children [or an inclination to use force to get sex from anyone of any age], then he should present himself for treatment. This treatment should of course be available and confidential.

If he does this, then no criminal activity, no harm to innocents and no punishment. If he does not take the necessary steps to help himself, then lengthy imprisonment is appropriate, together with being given these injections.
Posted by Rex, Thursday, 13 July 2006 4:35:49 PM
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For all those interested in the subject of how child abusers come about, read Freda Brigg's book " From victim to Offender". It contains the stories of men in Cooma Jail's sex offender rehab programme. The stories are horrific. Not just for what these men admit they did to other children, but what was done to them, often times in the name of God, (church run ophanages) or by the public authorities paid to look after homeless children in group homes.
I used to feel that child sex offenders should be publicy shamed and punished. At least now these men have tried to correct what they did by telling their stories.
I would like to see many more programes advertised publicly for adult offenders to attend, where they could admit to and redress their prediclictions without fear of prosecution,or prejudice if they went to same voluntarily.
As much as it goes against my basic moral grain to say this, these adults were once innocent children, whose innocence was corrupted, and no one listened or looked out for them.
Posted by dott, Sunday, 16 July 2006 7:18:16 PM
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Yes to sounds like the practical thing to do, join the Bravehearts Union. Rex, In a perfect world this would be a terrific solution, sadly we don't have such a world to work with. How do we intentify these people, there must be a gene, something they all have in common?
Posted by SHONGA, Monday, 17 July 2006 10:14:00 AM
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The above link is well worth visiting. This exposes a hidden aspect of child sexual abuse which is not published in the media.

In fact the BBC on its Panaroma program ran a story concerning Female sexual predators. But the BBC has blocked the transcript for this program whilst transcripts for programs either side of it are available.

"A surprising 86% of survivors of sexual abuse were not believed when they said the abuser was a woman."
Posted by JamesH, Monday, 17 July 2006 11:09:10 AM
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The quote from some of the alternative molestations Posted by JamesH "In fact the BBC on its Panaroma program ran a story concerning Female sexual predators. But the BBC has blocked the transcript for this program whilst transcripts for programs either side of it are available...." "A surprising 86% of survivors of sexual abuse were not believed when they said the abuser was a woman."

He has finally lifted some of the lids from many cans of worms, and while Shonga brings up the inevitable Hetty the Hash slinger and her campaign to castigate all men in the "MEN ONLY" sexual attacks, seems to conveniently glosses over the fact that she conveniently "forgets" many of the crimes committed by women - which are often more horrific in nature - more along the line of the female Preying Mantis.....

While you continually tread the MALE is always wrong and the FEMALE is always right, you really need to get your heads out of your Fundamental Orifice and take a full breath of fresh air and give your mangled brains a rest.
Posted by Kekenidika, Tuesday, 18 July 2006 10:12:55 AM
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To the best of my knowledge Hetty Johnstone is against "all" peadophilia, my thinks you may protest too much.
Posted by SHONGA, Tuesday, 18 July 2006 11:27:06 AM
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Here is the link to a transcript of the Panorama progam.

Christine Jackman wrote a very good aritcle titled "Save the Children" published in the Australian July 17th.

It is a gut wrenching story of how the services designed to protect children 'FAILED'. The services failed to protect these children because of 'Political Correctness'

"But in the 1980s an "explosive shift" replaced this approach with an assumption that "all parents love their children, and if something goes wrong, if they show aberrant behaviour, there are socio-economic or class reasons for that".

"Sheehan explains: "If you ask these workers why haven't they removed certain children, they would say a child is better off with their parents and that the mother will somehow 'get it' and change, given the right services and support. But all the services in the world can only work where a parent is motivated to change and has the capacity to do so."

Sadly until the debate is able to move from the current dogma, children will all ways be put a risk
Posted by JamesH, Tuesday, 18 July 2006 3:41:38 PM
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"Barbara, I have been bringing the same message into women's clubs and organisations as well as talking in schools for some years now. As an actor I also brought the subject into my part in the Vagina Monologues and recieved a standing ovation. But even if one were to convince the population at large of the need for prevention rather than cure - how on earth does one go about convincing the lawgivers or parliamentarians?

Posted by Romany, Monday, 10 July 2006 4:53:05 PM"

The Vagina Monologues celebrates child molestation and rape!

The play is meant to decry rape and other violence against women. Yet, the original performances of the play and the published book eulogize lesbian "rape" of a 13-year-old girl by a 24-year-old woman who plies her with alcohol. The pedophile section is entitled "The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could" — Coochi Snorcher being the nickname of the little girl's genitalia. Her vagina's tale of seduction begins, "She gently and slowly lays me out on the bed..."

After becoming more graphic, the little girl gratefully concludes, "I'll never need to rely on a man."

Both by statute and by feminist definition, the "seduction" scene is rape. Nevertheless, the Coochi Snorcher declares, "...if it was rape, it was a good rape."


So how can a person who supports the Vagina Monologues be against child abuse?
Posted by JamesH, Saturday, 22 July 2006 10:39:44 PM
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Child abuse in Australia is so endemic that in some way people have almost lost the ability to be outraged by it anymore.

Nearly everyone knows of a family member or friend who has been raped or molested.Authorities speak in terms of 'rehabilitation', jail terms etc.Jail terms of sometimes 18months-2yrs for the rape of babies and small children,this is an outrage.They ,these vile scum,destroy the innocence of these children and in most cases ruin their lives,fertility and health.
I want to work in the area of health and indeed,am doing Social Work, but could not bring myself to even contemplate working with sexually abused children so outraged I am by it, I could not be objective.
There is no reforming offenders,even upon release they have to monitored constantly and very inadequatley and be relied upon to take medication. These people are sick, mentaly ill and cant be trusted.

I believe we should not use taxpayer dollars on this problem.
They deserve the ultimate penalty and unfortunately its now against the law.
Posted by OZGIRL, Monday, 7 August 2006 6:47:27 PM
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I must admit with the experience I have had with survivors of these "evil monsters" I have believed the best punishment for them would be to be staked out near Mt Isa 30 meters from the highway, and left there. Come back in 6 months and collect what bones were still present, and bury them.

However if there is a way to ensure that one of these unmentionables could become a productive member of society then I say not only let them produce but make them produce something. I don't mind how this is achieved, castration, forced medication, whatever works. If nothing can be found that actually works, default to the Mt Isa solution.
Posted by SHONGA, Monday, 7 August 2006 9:31:30 PM
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Shonga hi,

So sorry to read of your experience at that hands of these evil monsters as you so rightly call them.
My veiws on this subject are so intense that I almost didnt post for fear of alienating myself with my extreme veiws.

I acknowledge that victims of said abuse then go on to abuse, but even so as human beings we KNOW what is right and wrong and yet they do it anyway?

I believe that we are not protecting our children.To allow them out of jail ,released back into communities is unfathomable to me.

Who is protecting the children? Who is recognising their rights to live and play in a safe enviroment.They go to the local playground and have to be fearful of these predators?
These same ones that are released from jail.
At the very least they should be castrated,sugically and put to work as you say,they lost their right to choose when they choose to destroy the life of an innocent child.
The Mt Isa option is very good, I like it.
Posted by OZGIRL, Tuesday, 8 August 2006 1:22:37 PM
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I am a mother of a sexually abused child and i dont know what to do. I feel lost and alone. it will be six years this month that she disclosed but as much as she has recieved help i am.... well i dont know what i am. she is also very obese and i am struggling to find a way to help her. My daugher used food for comfort and now she is very over weight. We did all the right things when we found out what my husbands father did we took her to counciling and doctors and hospital and did what we thought was right but the law works against victims. how can a 4 year old make up such discusting stories. what kills me is she told the police and they could only question him and when he dinied it he was set free yet we have a life sentance for no reason at all.
Posted by Duda, Friday, 11 August 2006 12:14:15 PM
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My daughter was abused by my husbands father, he was found guilty of abusing 3 grandchildren, he went to prison. He is now out and my husband keeps in contact wit him. My daughter chooses not to, and i support her in that decision, we have been through so much heartache, but it doesnt stop, my husband looks/acts just like his father, i try to seperate them, but am finding it so hard to. I have received counselling but it does not help, i get very low, to the point of desperation of all the hurt that has been caused, i have tried to fight the feeling of wanting to take my kids and run away from my husband, how do i get past this? Will it ever get any better, its been 4 years now, i feel empty, so hurt and out of love totally with my husband!
Posted by sammi19, Friday, 6 July 2007 6:23:53 AM
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My daughter was abused by my husbands father, he was found guilty of abusing 3 grandchildren, he went to prison. He is now out and my husband keeps in contact with him. My daughter chooses not to, and i support her in that decision, we have been through so much heartache, but it doesnt stop, my husband looks/acts just like his father, i try to seperate them, but am finding it so hard to. I have received counselling but it does not help, i get very low, to the point of desperation of all the hurt that has been caused, i have tried to fight the feeling of wanting to take my kids and run away from my husband, how do i get past this? Will it ever get any better, its been 4 years now, i feel empty, so hurt and out of love totally with my husband!
Posted by sammi19, Friday, 6 July 2007 6:24:34 AM
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Dear Sammi19: I am so sorry for your situation - personally if my husband was still in contact with his father - my children's abuser, I would take my kids and run. How could you now respect your husband? No wonder you feel numb. The very man you need to know wil protect your children is cavorting with the devil. He obviously does not understand the lioness in us women trying to protect our children and the bitter, disempowering, guilt ridden loathing we feel when we realise that we didn't. (not that it is our fault - sex offenders are sneaky, vile sewer rats).

My mother spent years blaming herself for my brother's rape by her vile boyfriend.

Make your stand. For your children's sake.
Posted by peta.angel, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 9:15:48 PM
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