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The Forum > Article Comments > Time to evict Big Brothel > Comments

Time to evict Big Brothel : Comments

By Bill Muehlenberg, published 6/7/2006

Peeping toms used to be arrested. Now the Ten Network gets big money for encouraging us all to be voyeurs.

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redneck: I'm not saying that Christianity was a problem historically, I'm saying it's still a problem. I'm saying it's a sick, perverted death cult that is extremely misanthropic, misogynistic and an affront to any sane and rational human being. It actively encourages psychiatric behaviour and at the societal level, the whole Judeo-Christian ideology has left us with a whole slew of neuroses, but particularly with regard to sex. Frankly, I find it extremely offensive that Christians take as their central myth that of a father sacrificing his child, letting him be tortured and then letting him be nailed to a cross. What sort of sick minds think that's actually a good story to tell to children (or adults for that matter)? Yet they get incredibly hung up on sex.

Despite that, I think people should have the choice to decide what is or isn't good for them. I think morality should come from within, not from without. You can't have morality without free will. I suggest you go and read Dostoyevsky's "Brothers Karamazov" for a Christian version of this same argument.

As far as standards on television (or education or anything else), maybe parents should actually do some parenting instead of absolving themselves of that and then expecting the government to pick up the pieces of their irresponsibility. I don't believe it's the responsibility of government to actually say anything on the matter of morality (actually, I don't believe government has the right to exist, but that's another matter). That's why I don't think it should favour Christianity and it also shouldn't persecute it, despite despising Christianity myself. That's where you and I differ: I don't want to tell you how to run your life.

I don't watch television at my house and I don't intend to let my children either. It's rubbish, even the stuff that isn't "offensive". I think the public education system is a joke, but I won't be a martyr and put my children through it just so I can be offended. Take some personal and parental responsibility. Government intervention is a double edged sword.
Posted by shorbe, Monday, 10 July 2006 10:26:10 AM
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Shorbe, There are two kinds of freedom 1. The false: Where man believes he is free to do what he likes 2. The true: Where man knows he is free to do what he ought (Ben Kingsley I believe).
With true freedom comes responsibility - with false, there is none.
You see; a whole lot of common sense comes in a few lines. From the thesis you wrote, my guess is that you are young and still trying to figure out the world. I hope that when you are through, you will have something really worthwhile to contribute to the world that you (and perhaps your family) will dwell in.
Posted by Big Red, Monday, 10 July 2006 10:37:20 AM
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To Mr or Mrs Shorpe.

Excuse me? Governments have no right to exist?

Uh huh. Gee, I thought the old Anarchists died out a hundred years ago. Seems as if there are still a few dinosaurs around.

OK, I think that I will pass on this one. Any person who has such extreme political and social views, I don't think I can reason with.
Good day to you Sir, or Madam.
Posted by redneck, Monday, 10 July 2006 6:40:03 PM
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Good Post bill

Hey you wouldnt want to be seen dead on a list like this lot[ or some of them would you]

I mean guess who enjoys sitting up watching who is trying to bed whom.

What a pathetic bunch of sickos. Most!people are offended by this
What upsets me is that its shown at 7pm at night.

That is just TOTAL disrespect.

Then again the whole show is bassed on that.

Just remember bill most of Australia is with you .

Dont worry about the sick pervets.

Channel Ten Get this off the TV in Family time!

If not all together.

Shame on you.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 10 July 2006 8:40:38 PM
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Your exream comments dont help.

What on earth does people terminating an unwanted pregnacy have to do with this.

I get the moral bit.
I really Do

However your comment is SO OFFENSIVE it kind of makes people think again.

Perhaps if you look at what the other team are saying its.

How dare you tell us what we can or cant watch.

Its sort of like you! thinking you have the god dam right to tell women what they are doing to do with their bodies and lives/

fyi. Your not alive until your born.[ Hense your birthday is. - - -

Most terminations are done when its less than a grain of rice.
Grow up.

Who in the hell do you think you are telling everybody else! what to do and calling them murders.

Your off post! amoung other things
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 10 July 2006 8:59:55 PM
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Big Red: I think perhaps only 0.01% who are exceptional scientists, philosophers, composers, artists, etc. actually contribute enduring worth to the world. The rest of us just like the sound of our own voices. I would hope that when I'm older I don't think I've come to an intellectual end point, but rather, would still think there was a lot to read, see and discuss.

redneck: Firstly, I'm not an anarchist. Anarchists don't believe in individual property rights or capitalism. They're also essentially collectivistic. I'd be better classified as a classical liberal (unlike the current Liberals who are not liberal in any sense of the term) or a libertarian.

Secondly, there are plenty of both (anarchists and libertarians) around. Not everyone fits into a Liberal Party vs ALP dichotomy, and not everyone thinks we've arrived at a political/philosophical endpoint.

I would suggest that you haven't even tried to reason, perhaps because you can't really.

Never the less, here's why I don't think governments have a right to exist, except in some sort of Machiavellian sense. Government of any form is essentially about someone (an individual, small group or large group) exercising power and coercion over another without that person's consent and often to his or her detriment. Either people are capable of running their own lives adequately (and making their own mistakes along the way) or they're not. One is an anti-state argument, the other is an all invasive state argument a la the Third Reich, Soviet Union or modern Iran. A compromise (eg. democracy) is at best absurd (ie. if we shouldn't be individually free, why let us wreak national havoc at the ballot box?), at worst tyranny of the masses.

In a practical sense, we can see the most stark reasons why the state is bad. At one end, we have the Final Solution and Stalin's forced famines, at the other we have Australia's detention centres. If we rounded up all individuals run amok such as Charles Manson or Martin Bryant, they'd be but a drop in the ocean compared to the horror inflicted by governments.
Posted by shorbe, Monday, 10 July 2006 11:08:34 PM
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