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The need for a Humanist revival : Comments
By Gregory Melleuish, published 9/5/2006Time to get down from the Ivory Towers and in touch with the 'common' man.
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As far as the culture wars go, maybe there's something to consider. If the ordinary man feels so alienated by the high school English curriculum, or what gets taught in the Arts Faculty at a university, then why doesn't he do something about it? To some extent he is (via private schools and doing courses other than a B.A.), but largely, he's having a whinge. Why not really hold teachers, academics, politicians and journalists to account? Better yet, where's the anti-post modernist groundswell in the form of "ordinary" people becoming teachers, academics, etc. to tell it how it really is and take over the teachers unions and curriculum boards?
If people want to pursue a B.Com. (and then a job in the business world) because it has better job prospects or earning potential, that's fine. However, they shouldn't then complain when the culture wars are so one-sided. The Marxists, feminists and post modernists didn't take over by accident. Partly it was their own efforts, and partly, it was an abdication on the part of their opponents. It's like why the socialist/Marxist/feminist twits always win student elections -- everyone else likes to whinge, but is ultimately too lazy to do anything about it, so the handful of nutters cruise into power year after year.