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Cynical play for the Right : Comments
By Greg Barns, published 3/3/2006Peter Costello is prepared to undermine social cohesion for political gain.
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Posted by fide mae, Sunday, 5 March 2006 2:28:12 PM
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No Atman, I am no fool and I resent being labelled one.
It's attitudes like yours, not mine, that have helped make this world less safe. Contrary to your myopic view of the world, the West does not have all the right on its side. Muslims have a rich and proud heritage just as we do and they are within their rights to want to preserve it. Western greed has a lot to answer for and many thousands have died for it. Muslims would have little argument with the West if we hadn't been seeking to gain control of their oil for the last half century. I am no apologist for terrorism. I condemn it as strongly as you do. I just know that waging a war on it and promoting fear and hatred as you are intent on doing will never make the world safer. For every potential terrorist we kill another ten will step up to take their place. The majority of Muslims are decent peace-loving people. We have to work with them and not against them. Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 5 March 2006 2:57:52 PM
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Greg Barnes has either been deliberately deceptive or has the comprehension skills of a mentally challenged goanna.
Here's what Costello said: 'On Australia Day this year, as I always do, I attended a Citizenship Ceremony at the Stonnington Town Hall in my electorate of Higgins. People from 36 different countries were taking out Australian citizenship this year. Various dignitaries – Local Mayors, State and Federal MPs give speeches at these ceremonies and because it is Australia Day, they usually try to make some observation on what it means to be an Australian. One of the speakers this year extolled the virtues of multiculturalism telling those attending that becoming an Australian did not mean giving up culture or language or religion or opinions and it certainly did not mean giving up the love of their country of birth. The longer he went on about how important it was not to give up anything to become an Australian the more it seemed to me that, in his view, becoming an Australian didn't seem to mean very much at all – other than getting a new passport. This State MP finished up his speech by telling the new citizens that they had done Australia a great honour by choosing to come to the country and choosing to become its citizen. By this stage I was feeling quite guilty that we had detained these good people so long. Here they were doing us a favour and we were standing on ceremony. But I realized that this confused mushy misguided multiculturalism completely underestimated the audience.' Greg Barnes misquoted Costello and that misquote was also out of context. Greg Barnes also twisted Costello's statement to suit his own confused ends. Posted by keith, Sunday, 5 March 2006 3:01:42 PM
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Similarly Costello's statement on Islamic practices.
Costello said: 'The Australian Citizenship Oath or Affirmation tries to capture the essence of what it means to be Australian, it reads as follows: “From this time forward [under God] I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect and whose laws I will uphold and obey.” To be an Australian citizen one pledges loyalty first:- loyalty to Australia. One pledges to share certain beliefs:- democratic beliefs; to respect the rights and liberty of others; and to respect the rule of law.' and 'And the citizenship pledge should be a big flashing warning sign to those who want to live under sharia law. A person who does not acknowledge the supremacy of civil law laid down by democratic processes cannot truthfully take the pledge of allegiance. As such they do not meet the pre-condition for citizenship.' He said other similar things using the initial quote as his reference point. He didn't attack Muslim practices. He attacked those who wished to implement sharia law in Australia.' Greig Barnes twisted Costello's statements to suit his own bankrupt ends. Shameful that OLO should publish such dishonest intrepretations. I am left wondering whether anyone bothered to read Costello's speech. For those who want an independant view with an intelligent approach the speech in question can be found at the following website: It is the actual speech. This article is an absolute disgrace. Posted by keith, Sunday, 5 March 2006 3:03:08 PM
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Bronwyn obviously has absolutely no knowledge of economics or the oil market in the world. Has she ever considered that without the West, and its economic development, the oil would still be sitting in the ground in the Middle East, and therefore worth absolutely NOTHING to the Muslims.
Does she really think they get no payment at all for their oil? As for working with Muslims and not against them, maybe she would like to go and live in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran or some other Muslim paradise and then see what working with them is all about. The West had a lot of problems with Muslims long before there was any demand for oil. Just read a little history, Bronwyn. I really get sick of these do-gooder, hand-wringing trendy lefties with absolutely no knowledge, advocating that we abandon our society to the will of religious nutcases. Those same trendy lefties would be the first to feel the real effects of Muslim fascism. Atman is right, you are a fool, Bronwyn. Posted by Froggie, Sunday, 5 March 2006 4:04:12 PM
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With all this talk about "national values" recently there is going to come a day when our leaders are going to have to state their position and tell the nation what our so-called values are...I expect they will be something like:- White, Christian, Heterosexual, Working Class, Sports Obsessed and how can we forget...that tired old chestnut - "mateship". Of course we will have it all nicely packaged by Channel Nine (and the rest) and the public will accept it without question. Australia used to embrace difference, now we only fear it. The Cronulla Riots made me deeply ashamed of what we have become. While interest rates are low, the Howard Administration will never be held to account for what they have done to Australia. This period of economic sunshine cannot last forever, and when it ends, John Howard's Australia will be fully realised...heaven help us then!
Posted by Maxxx, Sunday, 5 March 2006 4:40:47 PM
I certainly would have loved to live with Hitler and the Japanese ruling the whole world, as I know you guys would prefer. Just as you will argue that we should just let the muslims take over the world, rather than risk your lives fighting against that tyranny.
I can only count my lucky stars that poeple were not more like you back in the formative years of this country (the world wars). I can hear the whinging, 'oh so many died'. and my reply 'shut your ignorant mouths, we are lucky they gave there lives so we could live, something you lefties would never do.' Just take a look at the australian army, no lefties in there, after all the australian army can't take on stupid people can they now.
I can only count my lucky stars that the islamic countries are so poor, despite their great wealth, and so stupid (so they can continue believing in islam) that they will likely only constitute a economic (oil) threat.