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Aborting Muslims from society : Comments
By Taya Fabijanic, published 16/2/2006Dana Vale erroneously conflates the issues of Muslim women, child bearing and RU486.
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Posted by CARNIFEX, Thursday, 23 February 2006 4:28:13 AM
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Officers can issue a notice to pay, $7 fee or a penalty results. If the officer believes the vehicle has offended before, they can directly issue a penalty notice. In either case the fine is $68
Of which I issued hundreds of the former and dozens of the latter mainly to mossies because they were often the ones lighting fires on fire ban days, blocking emergency access gates. They never offended in regards to dogs, don't have them because Allah says dogs are evil. officer said something about "common sense" Where? which one can guess means don't provoke a riot over a $7 fee. (I just tell it as it was told to me.) Why is that the case? I tell it how I see it. Dismiss one crime encourage the commission of many. That $7 fee is great law enforcement. Keeps out the riff-raff. People don't pay to enter parks to do burnouts or break into cars. You had a legal responsibility to carry out your duties without considering the religion of those not paying. And that's exactly what I did mossie or not. It just so happened they were the ones who were most often in the wrong by a long shot. There's another group I 'discriminated' against, surfies. Surfies were often up to no good in the park. If I saw a car with surfboards on top I'd check it out, same with mossies. I have seen so many like yourself come through the NPWS. In no time they develop a more hardened and critical attitude toward mossies, even outright loathing. Their outlook is shattered through constant exposure to the arrogant and violent attitudes of mossies in the park. Your attitude is typically naïve of people who are not on the front lines, dealing with them on a daily basis. I've had conversations with RTA workers, Centrelink employees, police, security guards, nurses and teachers in places like Bankstown they all say the same thing about mossies. The law applies to you too. Go on sue me. Posted by CARNIFEX, Thursday, 23 February 2006 4:33:52 AM
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I often hear the same whining from Muslims, for example in France. "They have to give us JOBS JOBS JOBS.. so much unemployment..people are bored stupid... this is why they are unruly" etc etc... REASONS. 1/ Employer looks at resume, sees a Muslim name: His thoughts might be.. a) Will this guy want to have time off during work hours to pray ? (after all, its a 'pillar' of Islam.. and obligatory) b) Will he want time off on Friday to go to the mosque ? and if I don't accomodate his religion, will he sue me for 'religious discrimination' ? c) If things don't work out, and I have to sack him, will he get his extended family and trash my factory, beat me up ? d) Even if he doesn't make demands to practice his religion 'now' will he do so later if they become more powerful ? So, an employer has good reason to feel a lack of enthrusiasm about employing Muslims due to the propensity to violence as demonstrated in many anecdotal incidents in other countries and our own. SOCIAL ALIENTATION This of course leads to 2 things. 1/ Isolation from the 'outside' community, and a tendency for Muslims to find work among their own group. 2/ For those who cannot find work, they feel increasing hostility towards the community, which further exacerbates the first point.(and underlines the 'reasons' given above.) If a poster on another thread is correct, that there is a Mosque in Bankstown which blasts out the Islamic call to prayer on a PA system, it is just further confirmation of the social incompatability of Islam which totally disregards the sensibilities of non muslims in the area and the basic 'fair go' attitude of Australia. Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 23 February 2006 5:43:05 AM
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David Latimer tries to dissect Meg1 in a recent post as to riots. He knows full well what she is pointing to. That of the muslims daily urban jihad they are waging against the poor suffering skips and any other poor bastard they come across, not withstanding the general s$@thead attitude.
Apologies to some of the old lefties out thier for a recent post it wasnt you I was meaning to offend but the flag burning, pro immigration, politically correct, starry eyed and general crap that seems to sit on its ass unless thier bagging the rest of the people who pay the taxes that allow them to do what thier doing. Those people and the David Latimers of the world, them and those whom handed down these political and social ideals are the reason we even have a forum discussing a parasitic religion. Also to the guy that censured my post, Mohammed was a child defiler, it is written in the bookQ. I may have gone to far about him defiling pigs or was it dogs, for that I lament. Either way disgusting attributes to have in your chosen deities right hand dude wouldnt you think? Think about it 100000000 people believe whole heartedly in a child molester. Posted by SCOTTY, Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:32:00 PM
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From Waleed Aly’s Opinion piece published in today’s Australian …..
‘This week, Prime Minister John Howard spoke of "a fragment" of Muslim Australia that militates against successful integration because it "is utterly antagonistic to our kind of society". This, he insisted, is unique in the history of Australian immigration: "You can't find any equivalent in Italian or Greek or [presumably non-Muslim] Lebanese or Chinese or Baltic immigration to Australia. There is no equivalent of raving on about jihad, but that is the major problem." Welcome to the doctrine of Muslim exceptionalism. Yet we have seen this all before. The Greeks, with their mysterious condition, Mediterranean Back, were welfare bludgers, addicted to the dubious business practices of the cash economy. The Vietnamese had imported Triad culture's noxious mix of drugs and gang violence. Before them, Catholics were untrustworthy misfits: their allegiance was unshakably to Rome, and not to Australia. This was ostensibly a uniquely Catholic problem for 50 years.’ For those too young to know, those too old to remember or those who find it more convenient to ignore, please read 'Migrant History Repeats' at the following link.,5744,18239776%5E7583,00.html Posted by JR, Thursday, 23 February 2006 3:43:07 PM
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David Latimer is one manipulative PC freak. Where did the 'fair go' concept originate, since when has it come to define Australia? When I hear politicians talking about Australia's high population growth I cringe. It is an artificial population growth sped up by greedy polly's looking for more consumers.
We don't need to import muslims, or Africans or Chinese here...just the greedy few (Latimer?) who can manipulate popular thinking to quadruple the immigration intake every ten seconds. Our family structure has been totally ripped apart in the name of 'progress'. RU486 is like petrol on the fire! Posted by davo, Thursday, 23 February 2006 9:22:19 PM
Dave, you"re out of your depth.
I spoke to a NPWS officer
What do you expect him to say Dave? For all he knew you could&'ve been a journalist from the ABC or the Herald. If he you told you the truth he'd get shat upon. Or perhaps he';s one of those useless head-office types that came out on busy days to 'assist'. We had one who wouldn't approach mossies to ask them to put their fires out on an extreme high fire day.
excluding the bit about 100% non-compliance (if you couldn't obtain rego details, you wouldn't be in a position to determine religion.)
Mossie cars had either a minature koran or Allah Akbar medallion hanging off it's mirror. They love to conform. While issuing the $7 ticket up to 6 mid east males would approach from a family of Hijab-clad figures. There were so many ticketless cars I could never finish. maybe one or two bothered to buy them, perhaps 99.9% would be more realistic.
This is what I learnt: officers only occasionally enforce permits.
You learnt bugger all, depending on the season. I went up to four weekends a month, including the 18 or others in my section. I've written out 100 in 5 hours!
go in pairs,
Mostly, I often went alone.
connected via two-way.
Portables, crap, I wouldn't trust my life to one.
Police - phone call away,
We had panic buttons in the booths, it could take up to 15 mins for them to come.
Zefstar was being soft on you. I cannot imagine why an officer is counting "mossies"
May Allah bless his cotton socks. I wasn't counting mossies. It's just what I saw, what am supposed to think? I've seen convoys of mossie families drive by the pay display machine and NOT PAYING.
reason for an officer to be intimidated.
Approach a group of them on a fire danger day and tell them to put their fire out.
penalty applies the same to everyone.
Told them many times.
To be continued