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The problem with liberal democracy : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 11/1/2006Peter Sellick argues in a liberal democracy the church must get used to being an alien body in a strange land.
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The idea of “common goals” is interesting and tends to liken mankind, more to the social nature of ants, working within the framework of a “common goal” than the creatures which we are, distinguished from ants and “lower orders” of animals by our individual “freewill”.
A society moulded by a single hand, presumably with a “common goal”, such as a catholic society, did not produce better outcomes but if considered over the life of such church-state collaborations, produced and institutionalised the worst of “common goals” and a barbarous repression enforced with the use of terror and torture on a massive scale.
Just as the “Divine Right of Kings” carries little credence in these days of mere “constitutional monarchs”, contemporary society does not resemble the rigid and stratified structure of the middle ages society, where “scribes”, (who needed to also be priest in order to be allowed to read and write) were men of power, who used that power (the definition of the common goal) to institutionalise and inflict their monolithic religious views (the common goal) across society in general.
If the “price” for exercising “freewill” is the loss of the “common goal”, then it is a bargain, which every individual should be very pleased about.
“The church must get used to the fact that it exists as an alien body in a strange land.”
And on that note we can certainly agree.
(However, I still do not understand, why all the tax dispensations?)
Finally of God and Religion. Anyone who pretends they are the same is deluded.
We can each find our own way to God without the intercession of religions or the religious. What is in a mans heart is what matters. Not the robes, organisation or authority of any theology, Christian, Muslim, new or old.