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Are we deceived by multiculturalism? : Comments

By Danny Nalliah, published 6/1/2006

Danny Nalliah argues immigrants must be prepared to do more to assimilate into Australian society.

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keith, are you the same keith who publishes his own books that are allegedly about history?

i think few people here have addressed the really interesting and perplexing issue - exactly how does one define multiculturalism? this is the crux of the issue. until we agree on a definition, we will continue allowing the discussion to be dominated by monocultural nutcases and pseudo-christian armchair nazis.
Posted by Irfan, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 4:16:37 PM
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Perhaps in the end, when we mature a bit more, when we look beyond the colour of skin, the manner of dress, the language, perhaps then we will one day see all of this discussion, the huffing and puffing that precedes this posting, as just one thing, an attempt to differentiate each other. Differentiation legitimised by those in power - be they politicians, mullahs or priests. Oh so real in the mind and legitimsed in the name of fervant religion, nationalism or self esteem.

A word comes to mind, but I guess I will leave that to the imagination.

Power plays in some way legitimised like the Crusades, like WWII, like the Cold War, like........ power plays with the peons getting hurt.

On this beautiful day, there are some right now, dressing themselves up with a belt of explosives, ball bearings, to ....'differentiate'
Posted by Remco, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 5:12:52 PM
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I agree with Danny totally, that migrants should try harder to assimilate to this wonderful and democratic country. When multiculturalism was introduced in the early years, I was very concerned of its nature, policy, definition, promotion etc, that seeks to accomodate many cultures into one. The ways to do this is to provide or create various funding for various cultural promotions. I believe we should concentrate on helping migrants to better assimilate themselves to Australian ways of life. How the govt is able to adequately cater to this cultural promotion,so is detrimental to the govt and society at large, because the funding should be used for free health care, education,defence and economy for the benefits of Australians as a nation rather than to each exclusive group separately. It creates confusion, division, distability, because each specific group adheres to its cultural practices or norms with specific cutural manuals. We should have one standard oflaw for every one and written in English. The ethnic groups can practice their beliefs, practices in Australia, but should not expect the govt to fund for their programs and should not impose on others or our ways of life here. We should not allow a minority to use the word racist to intimidate or bully others for their own gain and agendas,believe me, there are such people. The police should be free to protect the community without fear of being labelled racist
I am an Asian migrant who came to Australia in 1983, and have successfully assimilated to the Australian way of life, I have made many friends,from many nations. The white Australians were very supportive of me and my sister, they helped us to resettle to this country. We had an Aussie host family during our early resettlement here, we have made a life long lasting friends through correspondence
Posted by Tamar, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 5:38:32 PM
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IRFAN SAID ...."monocultural nutcases and pseudo-christian armchair nazis."

If I did not see more value in you being actually ALLOWED to say these things, than being banned or deleted for flaming, I'd complain to Graham Young. But the fact is, these hysterical outbursts which lack any sound analysis, which simply play the man, (very un-australian) underline the case which many of us have been making.

OH.. don't think we haven't noticed your straw man.. "Mono-Culturalists" I gave you a definition of MultiCulturalism from the Government site most relevant, so stop asking repeat questions.

There is nothing in the slightest wrong with a concept of a prevailing or dominant culture. It exists in Pakistan, in India, Iran, Malaysia, etc etc ad infinitum... without it, you will have serious and unfettered competition, which can lead to aggression. As happens in India when the prevailing culture IS challenged by Muslims. A mono/prevailing culture does NOT have to mean ill treatment of those citizens of different background.

ALL.. can you give more details on who that Policeman was, and any source for this ? That is serious stuff, and is the raw material to SERIOUS social unrest and lack of respect for the Police. If true, then it just FEEDS racially antagonistic and hostile attitudes to minorities. It also fuels the idea that the police are UNABLE AND/OR UNWILLING to deal with the problem of Lebanese gangs.

AS I PREDICTED... "Iemma will talk hard, act soft" (on those of his constituency)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 5:47:24 PM
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Once again racism and multiculturalism are to be mixed and rubbed up against each other.

Culture and race are two different things, and must be treated differently.

The most horrific 'racial' massacre of the past 20 or so years happened in Rwanda. The Tutsis and the Hutus. The interesting thing is that as 'races' they are indistinguishable. Their languages are virtually identical. Their cultures are extremely similar, cows being the difference, however it was the small differences that resulted in the killings.

However culture in the context that we are discussing here is something else. It is a world view. It is an attitude. It is about how the individual sees him or herself.

To put things in a different analogy. Over the period of the Christian reformation various groups challenged the authority of the Catholic church. The mainstream Catholic view was that it was necessary to perpetrate violence against those who disagreed with Catholic doctrine. In response Protestants perpetrated violence against Catholics, both sides calling it either dealing with apostacy or maintaining faith. The priests, bishops and archbishops were self appointed community leaders.

Ultimately their authority in the secular world was rightfully rejected, and the west decided to elect representatives, not leaders.

Looking at today: in western countries it is assumed that religion and government should not be mixed.

Additionally there are no 'community leaders' because each person is their own leader. Each person is personally responsible.

This is modern Australian culture.Therefore I find it amusing that whenever there are cultural problems 'community leaders' are invited to attend this or that meeting.

Well, stuff that. My culture says that I have no 'community leaders' I have elected representatives. The government should cease dealing with anyone who claims to be a leader of any community. Individuals should be dealt with. Laws apply to individuals, not groups or cultures.

Community leaders should not be credited with any authority, except perhaps moral authority or to suggest moral courses of action.

Anything else is not of Australian culture. This is a society of individuals, not of 'cultural groups'.
Posted by Hamlet, Tuesday, 10 January 2006 8:33:54 PM
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No I don't write history books however if I did they'd be very similar to the alledged history you refer. But thanks for the compliment. I agree with you on the need to define or have a definition of multiculturalism.

I am an avid multiculturalist. I derive my definition from the source of the policy. The Federal Government's policy. I have submitted an article on just this topic after a little inspiration from one of your posts. But simply the official Policy holds the following:

"'Multicultural' is a term that describes the cultural and linguistic diversity of Australian society. Cultural and linguistic diversity was a feature of life for the first Australians, well before European settlement. It remains a feature of modern Australian life, and it continues to give us distinct social, cultural and business advantages.

The Australian Government’s multicultural policy addresses the consequences of this diversity in the interests of the individual and society as a whole. It recognises, accepts, respects and celebrates our cultural diversity.

The freedom of all Australians to express and share their cultural values is dependent on their abiding by mutual civic obligations. All Australians are expected to have an overriding loyalty to Australia and its people, and to respect the basic structures and principles underwriting our democratic society. These are: the Constitution, parliamentary democracy, freedom of speech and religion, English as the national language, the rule of law, acceptance and equality.’"

Note how it conviently skips the 50 odd year period of the operation of the White Australia Policy. :-) Still having been able to have left that attitudes that resulted in that display of national predjuice and intolerance behind is something for us all to be very proud
Posted by keith, Wednesday, 11 January 2006 4:53:47 AM
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