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The Forum > Article Comments > Are we deceived by multiculturalism? > Comments

Are we deceived by multiculturalism? : Comments

By Danny Nalliah, published 6/1/2006

Danny Nalliah argues immigrants must be prepared to do more to assimilate into Australian society.

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Indeed, and there are many Australians who need to become Australian all over again.
Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 25 February 2006 11:57:05 AM
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read Jerusalem Countdown by John Hagee He predicts ww3 within months unless Iran is stopped.
Posted by dobbadan, Saturday, 25 February 2006 1:19:32 PM
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Hi all

Rainier (posted 11:57:05 AM 25/2/06)

Indeed! But will they? Again, if history teaches us much, then it is highly unlikely that those who have intransigent & uncomplimentary cultural views will assimilate. To those have longevity as citizens of Australia, yet who show violence as a means to solving disagreement, there can only be one outcome - incarceration for committing acts of physical assault.

However, from amongst the migrants, it is only the humble & those who are thankful for the kindness of their hosts whom we will find likely to embrace ideologies that are in conflict with their own original thinking. But the dissenters need to realise that they left their 'old' country behind when they sought residency in Australia.

Multiculturalism doesn't allow for a/any dominant way of thinking. All thinking is equal. That is its treachery. Thus I again am pro multi-ethnicity, but under one cultural banner - Australia's culture (a unique blend of harmonious cultures). I am opposed to accepting conflicting cultural thinking.

dobbadan (posted 1:19:32 PM 25/2/06)

A good book! I believe that it is a bit dangerous to predict time-frames on God's activities to 'correct' mankind though. The SDAs were wrong their prophesy - just as many others have been (not that SDAs got much right out of Daniel or Revelation) erroneous.

I personally like Mike EVANS' "Beyond Iraq" which was written about Iraq - before the current Iraq War (if memory is correct).

John HAGEE's "The Battle for Jerusalem" is another good text; as is Bill MUSK's "Holy War". There are many others.

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Monday, 27 February 2006 5:57:10 PM
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In response to the internete's question,'Should Wet Papuansbe given refuge in Aust?' Yes,it's common sense to help the West Papuans who face persecution, deprivation and life threatening situations from the zealous Indonesian army,police who were known in the past to carry out persecution against Christians and civilians either directly or indirectly in the past.It's not wise to appease the Indo-govt so as not to upset them. They need to see that a good,strong society build on trust,truth,justice and open dialogue, not on fear, intimidation to maintain control over people. Aust govt has the right to exercise their decisions in regards to Asylum seekers who landed on Aust shores. We must defense the weak, helpless,speak up on their behalf while we can to save as many we can. We could communicate with the Indo-govt to reduce the presence of army, police in West Papuan in an acceptable level,to allow the west Ps of greater autonomy, involve the UN to look into West Ps'plights and take concret actions to ensure their safefy and well beings.We praise for Aust govt to allow the 42 Papuans a refuge in Australia.
Posted by Tamar, Saturday, 8 April 2006 5:07:56 PM
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Our Prime Minister apparently sent a letter to some church or other commending them for what ever it was.
Up popped a muslim spokesman who said John Howard had no right to send that letter.
Now it appears the muslims have decided that PM must bow to their rules and regulations. Is he expected to consult them each time he writes to someone?
This is sheer impertinence,how dare this minority try to assume authority over the Prime Minister of Australia. There appears to be no end to the trouble they are prepared to cause.Every day there is something new, a never ending complaint or whine from the same quarter. If Australia does not suit them why stay?
Posted by mickijo, Saturday, 20 January 2007 3:18:12 PM
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