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The Forum > Article Comments > Paying mothers to have children must stop > Comments

Paying mothers to have children must stop : Comments

By Jason Falinski, published 11/1/2006

Jason Falinski argues payments tied to the production of children promote harmful social outcomes.

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Yes you are correct when it comes to my spelling, one of my many weaker points I'm afraid. The only way I differ from Col is that I don't claim to be perfect, and have stated in this place on more than one occasion that "I may not be the most educated, the most intellegent, the most politicly astute, however I know my opinions on subjects and this is an On Line Opinion site" where I assume all opinions count. Some of us myself included have benn raised in a less fortunate enviroment than others, and as such have less education, however I know what my definition of fair and unfair is, and while I believe cautiously with Col that the new rules for fathers and their children is fairer, in some cases this will prove to be not so for the child. In a wealthy country like ours if some Christian charity cannot be employed by the more affluent in society toward the less fortunate, in my humble opinion, it is a very sad day for our country.
Posted by SHONGA, Tuesday, 17 January 2006 11:03:47 AM
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Hello everyone,I only joined this site a day or two ago and find the opinions really interesting.
I would like to say I think the baby bonus scheme is an appalling piece of policy just designed to grab votes and nothing else and let me explain why, I work as an outlet supervisor for one of the leading charities in Sydney and believe me I see the results of this policy on a day to day basis.
The worst part of this is that I see many young girls who come into our store with their welfare vouchers for clothing and most of them would be aged 17-25 age group and have at least 2 kids with them and it is not uncommon to see them pregnant yet again, the tragedy is these young ones think that the $3000.00 lump sum bonus they get is a huge amount of money which will last them for all eternity.
The truth is of course that it runs out quickly and they are coming to us again and again for family assistance when things get tough.
I feel this policy should be scrapped at once as it is is only encouraging naive young people to have kids for a very short term financial gain.
As for welfare in general I have no problem with payments given to people who have contributed and paid taxes all their working lives,however I do get annoyed when welfare is just handed out willy nilly to those who have not, people with disabilities excepted of course.
Posted by Mister H., Tuesday, 17 January 2006 7:49:20 PM
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Col, my dear friend.

I think you may have taken Liz's comment about "men" the wrong way. We do, I believe, live in a patriachal society that has discriminated against women for over 200 years. Women waited over a century before they even gained the right to vote.

It is fair to say that even today, women are unfairly represented at the political level. Not to mention workplace discrimination, unfair payment and recognition for sporting professions, sexual harassment and domestic violence.

It is a fact that most people in government are men, with women having to fight twice as hard to gain positions in parliament. So Liz can be excused for this generalisation.

It is a shame, Col, that you are so bitter about things. Having said this, I do feel for you, having seen my Dad in a situation very similar to yours, it was heartbreaking. But then there was my Mum's side of things. She struggled for years to look after us and it was hard for everyone involved.
Posted by tubley, Tuesday, 17 January 2006 10:00:17 PM
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Eclipse. You are right. The urgency of peak oil cannot be stated strongly enough.

It gravely threatens the very fabric of our society, and societies around the world. You could put the same message on just about every thread on OLO, because it is very strongly connected to just about all of them. Not only that, but it is by far the most significant factor in just about all of them
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 17 January 2006 10:56:29 PM
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I agree that the the baby bonus should be scrapped. It is open to abuse and it does not contribute anything to the long term of bringing up a child. The best thing that the government can do is slash child care costs for working parents/ single mothers or fathers. Inexpensive or free child care for all those who work should be a priority over baby bonuses and parenting payments.
Posted by minuet, Wednesday, 18 January 2006 11:47:41 AM
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Tubley, “Col, my dear friend.”

I would point out, you posted elsewhere you did not like me therefore I find it strange you calling me “friend” here.

But since such discernment is absent from your character, I can readily assume other qualities are likewise deficient.

As for your tirade regarding the down-casting of women.
Let me explain to you my take on “the world”.

I have no quarrel or grounds for retribution or reparation because some ones grandfather might have slighted my grandfather.

I am not responsible for the wrongs perpetrated against women, ethnic minorities or others by my ancestors or peers.

I am responsible for what I do and endeavour to exercise consideration and ethical standards in all that might involve.

I take serious issue with anyone who perpetrates a wrong against me.

Therefore, regardless of the “historical oppression of women” (for women insert any ethnic, religious or social sub-group), for which I was not responsible, I accept no liability.

Individual “Merit” is the only measure to use when considering anyone for anything.

In the past

I have employed ladies, because they were competitively best suited for the role at hand (merit).

I have employed people who happened to be from “ethnic minorities” because they were competitively best suited for the role at hand (merit).

I have resisted employing people who were incompetent or inept, simply to comply with some bogus notion of affirmative action or employed to suit a quota from a particular gender or minority.

Since I consistently resist swallowing the crap which the “politically correct” serve up, I am far from bitter.

I am actually, consistently “happy” to participate in a society which respects my freedom to condemn the small minded who live small lives and demand everyone else should follow them.

That you might find the above difficult to accept would be of no surprise.

Such ideas are most likely beyond your comprehension and thus present, for you, an overwhelming challenge (ironically, the same challenge which I accept with enthusiasm everyday).
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 18 January 2006 11:54:39 AM
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