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A new switched-on and cynical generation : Comments

By Peter West, published 12/12/2005

Peter West looks at the younger generation and what forms their opinions and habits.

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Trannie - You said your family was in Adelaide. I am not so different locales mean nothing to me..

All you whining is all about you. The word “narcissistic” comes to mind when I read your posts.

You seem to believe that, regardless of your relative (to other applicants) suitability for any job, you are, “Entitled to expect” it.

You seem to believe that, regardless of how “different” you want to be, for whatever reason, other people are “required” to accept you.

Well, no one is acclaimed by everyone, regardless of ”differences”.

No one deserves or gets the “adulation of the world” simply because they believe they are “Entitled to expect” it.

1 You are NOT Entitled to Expect Anything in this life because no one “Owes” you anything.

2. Being “different” is a nonsense when Everyone on this earth is “different” to everyone else.
“Being Different” is the Norm! How ironic.

Prattle on all you want but after you have been “de-sexed”, you will be biologically “less” than you are now. Live with that and then wonder if it was worth it but don’t go lodging writs against the Doctor because what you got does not make you feel any “different” to now.

Being “yourself” and accepting “who you are” is one of the real growth factors everyone faces in life. The surgery you seek is little more than “cosmetic",

because the part which matters and needs “work” is not between your legs but between your ears.

All that will likely mean nothing to you because you are, I suspect, just self centered. narcissistic and “rebelling” against the people who love you but sick of being blackmailed by you (ie they are using “tough love”).

Fiona, lets bring up the Nazis! Because I disagree with you I must, therefore, be some kind of “Intolerant Fascist”.

A Bankrupt's Argument

Your lack of reasoning is why your post is “utterly pointless”. You fail, miserably, to get the point.

Everything I do supports the idea that every individual is an “individual” and “different” but no more “deserving” because of that.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 18 December 2005 7:50:33 AM
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All that will likely mean nothing to you because you are, I suspect, just self centered. narcissistic and “rebelling” against the people who love you but sick of being blackmailed by you (ie they are using “tough love”).

Prove it. There isn't anyone in my family that does. I can't remember in more than ten years any statement of love, nor demonstration of emotion upon [rare] meetings between us. His interests are confined to his bottom line. A search of my previous posts will reveal details of his commercial interests including which Company it is.

Look Colin, this forum has turned into a slanging match. Why do you have more rights to free speech than I do? Is it what you've attained in life, on your own accounts by your efforts, but realistically probably a combination of your own efforts, the attitudes of people you deal with and being in the right places at the right time. At times the attitudes of other people are unchangeable, witness the constant attacks upon myself.

There are many in the world who've worked so hard but found very little reward in it. They've often done the best their particular situation allowed. People are not machines. Human behavior and relationships are far more complex.
Posted by Inner-Sydney based transsexual, indigent outcast progeny of merchant family, Sunday, 18 December 2005 8:04:28 AM
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Col - gotta admire your attitude!

You are such a tower of strength. The rest of us mere mortals can only dash ourselves on your foundation of rugged individualism.

Hopefully our children will be as strong and resilient as you - never ever needing anyone.

Never needing a shoulder to cry on.

Never needing a touch or caress - that would be weak.

Never needing to be human.

Long live the automaton!

Posted by Scout, Sunday, 18 December 2005 9:13:32 AM
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Trannie – “Prove it.”

I don’t need to prove anything. But if you feel challenged by what I say – counter it – or would that place you in a position of having to face the truth about yourself?

“Col” is not short for “Colin”

“Right to Free Speech” I have never suggested I have any more right of expression than you and not even claimed my “lifestyle” is better than yours – just different (individual) –
So where is that coming from – perhaps picking up on Fiona’s pernicious introduction of “Fascism” into the debate.

As for “but realistically probably a combination of your own efforts. the attitudes of people you deal with and being in the right places at the right time.”

Suggested reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

“Understanding other people” is the first step to building successful relationships and from your admitted alienation with your own family – It would be a good place for you to start.

As for “At times the attitudes of other people are unchangeable, witness the constant attacks upon myself”

Oh Pity, Pity - Read the diverse responses to my posts – if you think you are getting “attacked”, the reality is you are not - that is just you pretending to make the sound of a 747 landing – ( ie a huge amount of whining) – narcissistic style.

Your last paragraph is simple rejection of the fact that “what might be”: with the lame excuses for what mediocrity will bring you or anyone else – you are “No Different” – except possibly below average imagination.

Yeah Scout – Sarcasm – the lowest form of wit. Keep practicing and you might even aspire to doing it well.

As for “attitude”, I decide what mine will be and if that “offends” you well – ain’t that just too bad.

If it encourages you to aspire to “the lowest form of wit” then maybe a more rugged stance by me will encourage you to levels beyond the bottom rung (which itself seems to be almost beyond your grasp)
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 18 December 2005 1:49:09 PM
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Its all easy to say when, by whatever means you claim, have all or much of what you want in life.

I live week to week. Its all survival. It feels already like my family are dead and gone, though they're much alive, that's the way it is. Well they don't live in my mind as family, they've never since I set myself out on that road shown me any acceptance, unconditional love or acts of kindness or sacrifice. Yes I am cynical alright. AFter being cast out of a family for what I am, well what do you expect--me to be happy and smiling about it.

As to Cols diatribe about us being all individuals and responsible only for ourselves and no-one else, well that's why exactly our society is heading the way it is because of all that arrogance, selfishness and greed no-one gives a damn about anything except themselves. We just don't care about anything except having the latest car, latest electronics, investment portfolios or whatever. People are forgetting what is a community and what is a society, except if they're in a middle or higher class and demanding the hard work or subservience of the lower classes.
Posted by Inner-Sydney based transsexual, indigent outcast progeny of merchant family, Monday, 19 December 2005 6:48:24 AM
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Imagine if EVERYONE in the world (well, everyone in the "first world") was just like Col Rouge!
Posted by Fiona, Monday, 19 December 2005 9:53:49 AM
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