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The ABC never goes after leftie celebrities : Comments

By David Flint, published 10/7/2006

The taxpayer-funded broadcaster has revealed its unfair and unbalanced agenda.

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Poor old David. He really must be getting old, for he conveniently forgets the relentless pursuit of Mark Latham, for whom I hold no great regard. Nothing like short term memory loss to gild the lily. It's a furphy that David is touting and he knows it. Right wing bias is as much an evil as left wing bias.
Posted by Jill and Alan True, Monday, 10 July 2006 5:56:37 PM
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Perhaps ABC Radio National could give old Dave a 1 hour slot on Sunday mornings (around 2am that is) so he can reveal to the world all his lefty conspiracy theories. Anything to stop him posting his incontinent dribble here on OLO.

By the way, it was recently revealed that Jonesy (the Parrot) rips and reads opinion polls and then cannibalises them to create his own so called "opinion".

So much for Flint’s little bit foreplay on Jonesy here where he suggests the Parrot “eloquently speaks for the silent majority on issues from his opposition to the politicians' republic and an apology to Aboriginal Australians”. He’s simply dog whistling. If opinion polls were supportive of a republic and an apology, the King Parrot would be milking this for everything too.

And poor old Dave thinks he's the messiah
Posted by Rainier, Monday, 10 July 2006 6:04:48 PM
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I was wondering when we would see the fragrant professor in action again, and he once again fails to disappoint.

>>My admiration is based on the fact that Jones is a principled and superbly effective communicator<<

Principled, professor?

Mr Jones used his position as an effective communicator to line his own pockets in a devious and underhanded way in a thing we like to call "the cash for comment scandal".

His attitude, then and now, is "the till was open, yer honour, so I helped myself"

If these values are the object of your admiration, I can only assume that you are being rewarded for parading them here. Nobody I know who can sleep soundly at night would share them, let alone trumpet them to the world.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 10 July 2006 6:15:38 PM
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Good evening to you all...
I'm fairly new at this 'Writing a Post', on some articles that I might find either interesting or provocative. However, I can't get over my absolute amazement at some of the insulting language, and a complete lack of respect, so often occasioned, toward the comments and opinions of various correspondent/s contained herein. I only possess a very basic education (NSW Intermediate Certificate - 1956), but surely we all know, that more respect is given, if a critic presents a more polite and intellectual arguement and response, than to engage in some sort of character and vocational smear. I really don't know, nor do I understand?
Apropos the ABC - I believe they do indeed give far too much 'oxygen' to the proponents of the 'left'...And Mr. Alan JONES, I remember a few years ago, I really really needed some personal help! I got that help and more, from Mr. Jones, and interestingly, I don't even live in Sydney,(I reside in Melbourne) and nor did he even know me...and basically, I'm just a nobody. I couldn't care less what Alan Jones is or isn't. Nor what he's done or hasn't done. I found him to be an absolutely caring man, with an abundance of humility, and egalitarianism toward his fellow man. I'll take ten Alan Jones's over some of our more overt pious leaders, anytime !
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 10 July 2006 6:30:52 PM
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Coversation Between Dike Carton and Mark Loathem.Gee I hate that!

So Mark continues his search for leverage without policies.His youthfull exuberance proves popular with the worshippers of image without substance.To improve his image he sought the the advice of the famous radio star Dike Carton,the lefty who lives in the closet.

Mark; Why don't you come out Dike?
Dike;Leave me alone.I'm safe within my well intentioned frame of mind.

Mark; Why don't you admit you've socialist tendencies?

Dike; That will limit my appeal.I have to be all things to everyone.Let me seduce my public with my mellow dulcit tones of pomposity.

Mark; Why do you hate those who premote personal responsibility?

Dike; I hate anything that begins with "P",which includes Piers,Parrots,Prime Ministers and people who premote courage over dependancy.

Mark; Why don't you join the Labor Party?

Dike;You've got to be kidding.I'm from the Chardonny left.We have education and status.The injustices of the world are our niche from which we derive sustenance.We don't actually fraternise with blue collar left overs.We have a vision beyond the mundane struggle by the mediocre masses.

Mark; How were you so named Dike?

Dike;I was so named because I'm bland ,tasteless and anyone who disagrees with me,is a filthy racist pig.

Mark; I thought your heart overflowed withthe milk of human kindness?

Dike; Only for those who polish my ego.

Mark; You can lose touch with reality.

Dike; Forget reality,I need ratings.I'm Super Dike.I'm faster then a speeding bull's dung,more powerfull than an introspective.Able to leap to tall conclusions in a single bound.Stay tuned for the next exciting episode,of Super Dike and the left of /off his senses.

Now who is this Dike Carton?
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 10 July 2006 8:57:25 PM
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Actually without OLO's censorship,it should have read,"Faster then a speeding speeding bull's tit",if you get my drift.A classic tautology.

Alan Jones has a lot of influence,but as far as political leaders go,he has no favourites.I think he is a genuine person with the interest of all hard working Australians at heart.There are no black and white absolutes in life.Humanity needs co-operative,fair solutions,and it is all about finding the right balance.

This constant sniping by the the left in the ABC says more about their own inadaquaces than their perceptions of the productive evil right,whose taxes pay for this self indulgent childish rebellion.

As a media personality,Alan is ordinary,however his logic,passion and depth of knowledge has few counterparts.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 10 July 2006 10:34:51 PM
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