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The problems with vilification legislation : Comments

By Bill Muehlenberg, published 7/9/2005

Bill Muehlenberg argues vilification laws are a threat to freedom of speech.

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David Palmer, anger is a symptom of those that are filled with fear and doubt, as their illusions are shattered. Confusion and panic sets in, causing irrationality.

Putting forward historical fact, is not ungracious, just the truth.

Bigot, One who holds irrespective of reason, and attaches disproportionate weight to some creed or view. Historical fact, equates to reason. Religious illusion and fallacy, equates to bigots. Bigotry, mental state, ring a bell for you.

Anti god, demigods, conflict in terms, you express well your confusion.

Vitriol, throwing in a persons face as an act of vengeance, ding dong (religious reaction to reality).

David, I am not anti god, nor anti religious. I just find it ludicrous in the extreme. I hope that you poor souls are right in your beliefs, if you aren't, then your pain and anguish will know no bounds.

I expect that I will never be right, just continue to learn. So everything that doesn't fit into my understanding is an enlightenment, whilst for you it appears a burden.

David you can't run down science in one sentence then state that you have no trouble with it. This is the symptom of a troubled insecure mind, which is typical of the mental affliction that permeates throughout religion.

The difference between you and I, is that I have the freedom to explore all avenues of life and not just be stuck on a merry go round of unsubstantiated illusional fantasy.

Sadly all those of your ilk fail constantly, to answer the basic questions relating to the past history and present reality of how religion expresses itself on this planet. Until you can do that, religion will continue to be judged by that history, by those who use intelligence and not just misguided hope.

Please quote, where I have stated my version of absolute truth.
I have never disclosed my beleifs to anyone, they are personal. But I do enjoy placing fact in front of the god fearing (blanks). Fishing with the right bait, is always fruitfull.
Posted by The alchemist, Sunday, 11 September 2005 9:06:49 AM
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Col, My freedom to be in a public place and practice my freedom of speech (I was at protest for a death in custody).
Or is this still irrelevant in your books?
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 11 September 2005 1:22:03 PM
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The constant overuse of negative expressions identifies a build up of hateful emotions in the mind of a hostile opponent. Note the following vilification could incite some of similar ilk to believe this is absolute truth and result in them being violent on religious grounds. Does Alchemist live in Victoria? Or do we prefer to know what he really feels?

1. Quote, "Is it that we have not understood the consequences of following such ludicrous illusional stupidities."
2. Quote, "There is no god, just a reflection of the emptiness within the heads of the religious."
3. Quote, "Note the self righteous venom that emanates when they spew forth their meaningless scripture in an attempt to establish meaning."
4. Quote, "You can see this as nature does her best to rid itself of the disease that is killing it, (religious humanity). Its defence is to cause chaos, which will create stability so that the earth may continue to evolve."
5. Quote, "Vitriol, throwing in a persons face as an act of vengeance, ding dong (religious reaction to reality)."
6. Quote, "Please quote, where I have stated my version of absolute truth."
7. Quote, "I have never disclosed my beleifs to anyone, they are personal."

Can we draw a conclusion that Alchemist has no beliefs? If so; What has he been doing posting this continuous vitriol on the Forum for so long. Do we know his personal beliefs? I have no doubt as to what he believes and he has not kept it personal [to himself]. Wake up you are still in a bad dream Alchemist - Your daddy is now dead - dead - and the world has moved on since you went to sleep. Let him RIP.
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 11 September 2005 9:31:25 PM
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Philo, your support in presenting my quotes, is commendable

“The constant overuse of negative expressions identifies a build up of hateful emotions in the mind of a hostile opponent.” Emotive fantasy typical of the relgious

Your first paragraph show how paranoid you are about historical fact being placed before the people. Those that understand what I say, would never result in “them being violent on religious grounds”. Because they wouldn't be religious, like me, we leave the violence to those that provide the best historical evidence of violence, the religious.

Hate, anger, these are symptoms of those that have no substance in their beliefs, so I leave those to the religious. They are very adept at expressing those emotions

I am sure that many others have been waiting for one of your ilk to reveal their true self with a personal attack. It doesn't take long, as can be seen in your final paragraph. An excellent example of your quote No3.

Quote No4. Was a little tongue in cheek, but you provide no evidence to the contrary, as with all your quotes.

“Can we draw a conclusion that Alchemist has no beliefs?”. Of course you can, if your understanding goes no further than the blank wall that sits just beyond the illusional religious programming that is within your mind.

“Do we know his personal beliefs?” Is that not a contradiction of your previous statement. It must be so frustrating to be so confused and irrational. Should you see someone about this affliction?

“I have no doubt as to what he believes and he has not kept it personal [to himself] “ I thought that the occult (mind reading) was deemed the work of the devil by your religion. Shame on you Philo, your fear and panic is getting the best of you.

Philo, I could not be so unkind as to burden you with knowledge that is incomprehensible and frightening for you. That would be ungracious of me.

However, I graciously ask, that you put forward historical and factual evidence to refute my view of reality
Posted by The alchemist, Monday, 12 September 2005 9:48:39 AM
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Rainier "Col, My freedom to be in a public place and practice my freedom of speech (I was at protest for a death in custody).
Or is this still irrelevant in your books? "

You are obviously allowed to protest peacefully about anything which takes your fancy

I was referring to the perpetrator of the "violent act" against you - who was, if a private individual, "getting physical" beyond their right of response.

However if you are talking about a police officer - I would suggest that, despite your protests, you were possibly in the wrong and exercising MORE than just "a right of free speech" - so without greater detail, analysis is meaningless.

But being in a confrontation often means
"objectivity" and "reason" are the first victims sacrificed.

I recall the dirty hordes of scum who protested against the WTO conference attendees st Melbourne Casino - they might claim "freedom of Speech" as they assaulted passersby and damaged cars and hindered police in the execution of their duty.
Such rabble deserve "reading of the riot act" and all the consequences which might befall them (suggest you read 18th century English history if you want to know exactly what that means).
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 12 September 2005 12:16:12 PM
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Today I'm doing my final posts relative to research I have been doing. For 2 months I have been trying to find a Muslim who will condemn Mohammed for acts of torture described in Islamic histories. I have tried Islamic Q&A sites, blogs, forums and even emails to Imams. I have individually challenged Waleed Aly, Irfan Yusuf , Bashir Goth, Xena, Unconquered, Rancitas, Rossco, Shoshana, Trinity and Fellow Human here at OLO (FH at least said the Hadiths were wrong - but don't say that at your local mosque!).

I suspected that it would be difficult (denial!) but I had no idea. This is actually a project I started about Muslims deleting "inconvenient" postings (even if true) on Islamic sites. It then evolved into a "lets see if they can be honest" research on non-Muslim sites. I have saved the posts, replies and entire threads and I'll put them on the Internet.

This is not good. We are dealing with people who will not only not condemn (some) torture, but consider a torturer to be a good man and great example. “Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah…” (al-Ahzaab33:21). Yet the guy was a slaver, murderer and torturer. Not to mention all the special rules for himself, and the 9 year old girl thing.

This is why you cannot believe anything a Muslims says. I think this is a very reasonable position and I will not give an inch. Cute words, promises or condemnations of terror by Muslims are worthless. I am very pessimistic about our longterm ability to get along with people who cannot be honest about the most fundamental issues. To be nice and pretend all is well will only delay an eventual confrontation. People who care must speak up and tell Muslims the things they don't want to hear. It is the only way. Maybe they will see they have a serious problem - or maybe not!

This is not vilification; this is truth and honesty - and necessary!

Posted by kactuz, Monday, 12 September 2005 1:15:15 PM
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