The Forum > Article Comments > Mistaken diagnosis for terror > Comments
Mistaken diagnosis for terror : Comments
By Geoffrey Brahm Levey, published 4/8/2005Geoffrey Brahm Levey argues multiculturalism's critics on both the Left and Right are wrong.
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Did you really mean it when you capitalised at the end of your Post - WHITES ARE THE ONLY NON-RACISTS or aren't you an Aussie - or don't you know much about Aussie history?
During our gold rush days in the late 1800s, we asked for cheap labour from China mainly for cooking jobs and general rouseabouting. Thousands of Chinese arrived in Australia but as well as too many asking for better wages, many of the smarter ones began panning gold on new open-leasing country and doing very well out of it.
But the dinkum Aussie miners, as they called themselves, kicked up such a row that the whole 80,000 Chinese were shipped back home again.
If that wasn't racism, M.S, I'm buggered if I know what is? -
especially as white migrants were also coming in by the hundreds and getting good wages and also taking gold leases in new areas
George C, WA - (Bushbred)