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One nation, one culture : Comments

By John Stone, published 26/7/2005

John Stone argues to win this war, official multiculturalism should be abandoned and Muslim immigration virtually halted.

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TRINITY.... lucky for you :) (recanting on your aboriginal monoculture slip .. a major one that)

KENNY... how many times do I have to repeat to your obviously THICK head, that I am not a 'White' Australia advocate. (pretty hard being married to an Asian and loving her people) I am an advocate of "We (Australians) make the rules". This is a democracy. You don't like it, stand for parliment :)

On the issue of Muslims. I've made my point abundantly clear on that one, and I make the point equally loudly that other faiths are welcome, but not that one. UNLESS they are happy for us to 'dhimmify' them according to the "Charter of Omar" with its very neo nazi like 'discriminatory' singling out of Jews and Christians, who were not allowed to own a horse (because horses are 'NOBLE') clearly there is no nobility in being Christian or Jew.

A Christian or Jewish Dhimmi must not share their faith with a Muslim (who is under pain of death if he/she converts) and in the earlier Muslim states must wear 'distinctive clothing' just like the Jews under Hitler.

Now, bear in mind, "Omar" was one of the "4 enlightened Caliph's". Those looked up to as fine examples of the Islamic state. They regard the subequent Caliphs as having 'strayed'.

If only Kenny and others, you realized the depth of absolute racism/discrimination inherrant in Islam, you might catch a glimpse of where I'm coming from on social policy.

The callous disregard for non muslims in Hamtramck is just an indicator along with many other issues in the legal realm where laws are being imposed on us by stealth, and why diligence is needed to prevent unwanted changes to our legal/social system being made without our approval. ("our" =non Muslim)

But Kenny, 'be afraid' because the most hateful feelings Islam has, for "Atheists", who in the reported words of Kaysar Trad are 'the dregs' and in the words of one of the Muslim 60 minutes guests "sewerage"
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 31 July 2005 9:37:05 AM
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There is just one race; the human race!
Paradox and diversity are the dynamic forces that push progress and provide focus for social development.
The paradox of multiculturalism lies in the notion that we humans must allow nominally repugnant ideas to be expressed or lose the very flexibility and strength which our diversity encourages. As long as we promote such diversity of expression and comment we are strong and can debate; as soon as we try to suppress unpalatable positions we are weakened by the attempt to justify actions which are repugnant to the traditions of democracy which we are, justifiably, proudest of.
May you live in interesting times!
Posted by Col Gradolf, Sunday, 31 July 2005 11:06:08 AM
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Multiculturalism is absolutely "morally repugnant". It is propelled by economics, not for the enrichment of society. It's origins stem from the days of colonialism and slavery.

There seems to be an embarrassment of the white Australia policy among these threads. Would you all like a rope to hang yourselves with? Having migrants come from the one source is the reason why our society is peaceful. If the abilty to absorb new ideas from migrants is the key to western success, then how come Brazil is such a mess? That country is more 'multicultural' than we will ever be, and the place is poverty stricken, with entrenched racism.

It does'nt matter where you go in the western world, multiculturalism is being forced down peoples throat. Multiculturalism has never been popular with the people, and is therefore undemocratic feature of our society. Big business calls the shots. Solomon Lew, Richard Pratt and Lindsay Fox all say it is a good idea :( bigger markets means bigger profits right ): therefore it must be? Wrong :(
Posted by davo, Sunday, 31 July 2005 11:55:38 AM
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Col Gradolf

That post of yours was the epitomy of 'social naivity/wishful thinking/political ignorance' :)

Let's scrutinize your view in the light of facts.

You Said
As long as we promote such diversity of expression and comment we are strong and can debate; as soon as we try to suppress unpalatable positions we are weakened by the attempt to justify actions which are repugnant to the traditions of democracy which we are, justifiably, proudest of.

Hmm.. so we are weakened by 'supressing the idea of National Socialism' ?
-it is surely 'repugnant'.

If you are 'pro free speech' .. how do u feel about the attempt by the Islamic Council of Victoria to 'silence' the Catch the Fire Pastors for explaining verifiable factual material to people so they understand the Muslim "mindset" ?

An idea, can be dangerous, and Idea + Power can be a holocaust.

Government has a responisiblity to be very selective in who it allows to come to this country, based on the ideas it knows will/will not come with them.

One will hardly have any fear or repugnance for a Buddhist who simply seeks personal enightenment, but the case of Muslims who threaten the British government over its foreign policy "Unless you change your foreign policy the problem (of suicide bombings) will continue" (spoken by a 'young disenchanted Muslim to a news reporter in the aftermath of the London Bombings)

In other words, the idea of Islam, will bring with it the threat of 'murder' if you are a Film maker, Tube Bombings if your foreign policy is to rescue a majority Shia population from Sunni Oppression (and guarantee the supply of oil as a bonus) or Blasting out the Call to Prayer from Loudspeakers to the non muslims 5 times a day 365 days a year if you live in Hamtramck USA.

Some ideas and practices are repugnant and we have a democratic choice to determine if we feel comfortable with bringing them into our midst. You have a problem with that ?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 31 July 2005 12:15:01 PM
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Just checking to see if identification works...hooray
Posted by M.S.Burns, Sunday, 31 July 2005 7:07:12 PM
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Davo you need to reread your history books. The White Australia filth was used to stop Asia, Middle eastern, African, and Slavic people coming to Australia. It's principles were also used to try a breed out the “black” in the Koori’s as well. BOAZ_DAVID I know exactly were you are coming from. As a atheist I see your religion no different the Islam are any other mambo jumbo. Christianity and Islam share the same basic roots (Culture perversion of Judaism) and both have been used as a source of good and bad in equal measure. If we are going to start decimating on religion lets be sensible about it and ban all evangelical religions.
The Islamic Council of Victoria are seeking protection under our laws made to protect our people from religious hate speech. A few quotes for you

“Always before God and the world, the stronger has the right to carry through what he wills"
- Adolf Hitler
“that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country. They may do this in their own country or wherever they can without our being obliged to hear it or know it. “
Martin Luther 'On the Jews and their Lies'
Posted by Kenny, Monday, 1 August 2005 12:39:35 AM
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