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The perils of pornography : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 18/7/2005Peter Sellick discusses the values pornography can portray
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Posted by Timkins, Thursday, 11 August 2005 5:28:42 PM
I would prefer that the women’s magazines are considerably modified also, particularly those that target younger women and girls. Looking at the web-site of afore mentioned TotalGirl magazine, it has the normal sections on “Gossip” and what is “Hot” etc, and a quiz on “Where do you think Paris should have her dream wedding?”
Who knows how long Paris will be married for (ie one day, one week, one year etc), or whether or not she is getting married as a type of publicity stunt, but I would not regard Paris Hilton as being a particularly good role model for young pre-teen girls. On the whole, the magazine is based on novelty, gimmick, fad, commercialism, suggestive sex, and basically it has no educational or intellectual content. I don’t suppose it could be classified as porn, but it teaches young girls to lead a “stimulus rich, experience poor” lifestyle, and perhaps religions are quite different, and attempt to teach more moderation, and to fully experience different facets of life.
To my knowledge there are no equivalent magazines aimed at younger boys, and men’s adult type magazines such as Playboy normally sell very few copies, and I don’t even know why newsagencies stock them. (ie most don’t even make the top 100 of magazines sold I believe).
There is a difficulty in that those males who have tried to have these female type magazines modified have usually met a brick wall, and I think various religious and family organisations have met with similar results. I believe it is normally inferred that they are trying to deny women freedom of speech.
So basically it is up to women themselves to have that type of literature modified, for the sake of younger women and young girls at least.