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Muddy waters: why Vinnies are wrong on inequality : Comments
By Peter Saunders, published 22/6/2005Peter Saunders offers a riposte to John Falzon over his article ‘The CIS should take a BEX and have a good lie down’
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Posted by JustDan, Saturday, 25 June 2005 5:24:51 PM
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JustDan. I dont believe I misinterpreted your intention or post. I am not talking about people, whether gay or not, that are happy. I am talking about those that are suffering and are not happy. In real life you get both.
Posted by Jolanda, Saturday, 25 June 2005 5:57:14 PM
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Rancid. I didn’t think you were adding fuel to the fire, I just thought you were being sympathetic and understanding. What I have explained to you is no different to what I have told the Department many times, nothing has changed!. Please don’t be concerned that you might have encouraged us.
You get past the stage of being burned!. We now approach the matter in a very matter of fact way and we no longer get emotional or get caught by surprise, we expect to be treated unfairly and we present the facts as that, the facts. It has taken a few years to get to this stage. Emotionally and psychologically it has been very difficult, but we have learned a lot and it has made us all stronger. I am not wanting to maytyr myself in the name of Justice, we just want to be treated fairly. I am merely being forced to take drastic measures to protect my children from being systemically, bullied, neglected, victimized, vilified and treated unfairly. As a parent you do what they force you to do to protect your children!. Bullying is a terrible abuse and it is traumatic for children. Systemic bullying and neglect is the worse kind as it comes from the adults that should be protecting the children. This is one of those issues where you have to be living it to really understand, it is really a difficult situation because at the end of the day you are talking about “children” and not many people understand the problems that being so far from the bell curve causes children and not many feel sorry enough for gifted children to do something to help no matter how much they are being bullied, neglected and are suffering. It has to do with the “Tall Poppy Syndrome. I guess the poor suffer from a similar problem. Posted by Jolanda, Saturday, 25 June 2005 6:19:16 PM
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St Vincent de Paul holding Marxist views is a bit rich.
The Federal Government through its Iindustrial Relations proposals is trying to break down Unions and in doing so is trying to break down the Labor Party. Unions provide valuable fiscal resources for the Labor Party. Unions were instrumental in working people gaining some power and benefits from those who sought to virtually enslave their workers in the past. There is no evidence to suggest that the worker won't be abused again in the future, having to make individual contracts with bosses trying to pay bare minimum wages. The Coalition Government has made life difficult for a number of disadvantaged sectors already; those on Disablity Pensions have been pushed hard. Life is about to become more difficult for single mothers. People who sought to have refugees treated in a humanitarian manner were castigated, now they have been vindicated. How can we trust what the Coalition Government or its supporters say when we have ben misled in a number of ways in relation to refugees, the Iraq war, medicare, and interest rates; during the last election. The Prime minister has been given the apt title of " Honest John". Posted by ant, Saturday, 25 June 2005 10:48:30 PM
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1.) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2.) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights 3.) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause 4.) Supremacy of the Military 5.) Rampant Sexism 6.) Controlled Mass Media 7.) Obsession with National Security Corporate Power is Protected 8.) Religion and Government are Intertwined 9.) Corporate Power is Protected 10.) Labor Power is Suppressed 11.) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts 12.) Obsession with Crime and Punishment 13.) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 14.) Fraudulent Elections These 14 points are meant to define what comprises a fascist State. It is a site fom USA; however, it can be argued that Australia partially meets some of the criteria. Prior to Siev X it would not be possible to postulate such a view. The web site this information was found is Posted by ant, Sunday, 26 June 2005 1:45:44 PM
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one just has to look at the background and world view of the writer of each view. Of course they are never going to agree. One worships god and strives for equality (as a general philosophy), whereas the Centre for Independant Studies is a far right Capitalist based think tank where the dollar bill is supreme.
Under this government of course the poor are getting poorer, they are supposed to - it is litle John's mandate. Just ask him. Posted by Aka, Monday, 27 June 2005 12:08:01 PM
I think you misunderstood my intent. I simply state that it is not an issue whether someone chooses to be homosexual on an emotional level as opposed to a genetic trait. Strange as it may seem, some homosexuals are happy, have had great parents, friends and generally happy with all that life has provided. On this basis, how is it that ‘these people suffer’?
On the other points regarding bullying and malice, I completely agree. But there is legislation in relation to bullying. It’s just a weakly enforced one, due to the unfavourable results that might occur when it’s certain powers that may be on the end of it!
Here’s to a hopefully better world…