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Separation of God and politics : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 2/3/2005

Peter Sellick argues that God has been placed firmly on the Australian political agenda

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Peter makes some god points in this piece but in other areas he is way off. I really don't know where to start. So I'll pick one I know the most about Peter say's.

"But there is another side that is rarely acknowledged, the whole structure of Western culture built on an egalitarianism that only Christianity was able to produce."

I think it should be "Western culture was able to break through the religion barrier where other cultures have failed because Christianity is morally bankrupt".

I know this will get the Christian up in arms but think about this. The so called ten commandments have been revised and rewritten several times. The ones that are common to all versions are the very one that Christian on a whole ignore.
Posted by Kenny, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 1:43:32 PM
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Well said and written Maggie Dunphy. Actually our country as are most democracies have just enough residual Christianity from our past to keep us fairly decent.Yet we as a people are changing and no one Church of today is the one right or correct Church, so no one Church can "lead" in the morality stakes, look at them and their child molestation etc. There is an 'Invisible'Church as I see it. That is in all Churches there are those who have been chosen or given themselves in one degree or another to God. One day God and a spiritual Church will reign. Then and only then will we have honourable Government. Fancy no grubby deals, no deceitful ugly lies. no corruption - one day!! As for politicians claiming religion recently. I am a cynic, I think we should see how our politicians act and speak not too what Church they go to or visit -ONLY - during election time. At present all or 99.9% are coniving miserable liars. Straight after the opening prayer, always the same dreary moaning unfeeling prayer,then starts the degregation and lousy brutal, very childish abuse hurled across the chamber one to another. Then begin the miserable lies one of course is the demeaning 'Dorothy Dix' questions, usually asked by the parliamentary idiot or a government party under-achiever.
One Day though and it is a day worth waiting or even dying for we will have the righteous Government of Almighty God. Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 1:46:12 PM
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The last thing we want is the actual Church itself getting involved in politics. The various Churches in this country are just as political as any political party. The problem is the Church is less interested in the welfare of man than it is in enforcing dogma. If you want proof just have a look at the pressure being applied in the US for the teaching of creationism in schools. Nothing unusual about that, they've been going on about it for years, but now they've got a government who's willing to lend a sympathetic ear. Belief in creationism has nothing to do with the betterment of mankind. It's just the enforcing of one groups "correct" agenda onto us all. Sound familiar? Whatever side it comes from, it's wrong.

If the kooks are allowed to get a toe-hold where does it end? Secular laws against adultery, sex before marriage, blasphamy, enforced religious instruction in school, the teaching of the Bible as history, and I'd sure hate to be a gay or lesbian Muslim single parent.

Christianity has alot of beautiful and eternally true philosophies that would make the world a better place if spread with respect and tolerance. Unfortunately history has proven that when powerful, the Church is much better at spreading fear and oppression than harmony and brotherly love.
Posted by Cranky, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 6:05:12 PM
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cranky: Religion is an invention of man, usually the male gender - and doesn't that show eh??.Christ bought a way of life and grace. Mankind built cathedrals,mankind invented the silly dresses for their clergy and the funny hats, smoking purses, tinkling bells etc. etc.and stupid laws. There is no wedding ceremony as such in the Bible, another ploy by the clergy to control us. In the old days a couple decided to marry, told everyone then went to bed and they were man and wife in the sight of God,(as did Joseph and Mary) though some did have a celebration or party. No O/Testament patriarch had a religious wedding ceremony, and that was not because there were no clergy either, it was not necessary. Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 6:48:12 PM
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Good one Pete. You've confused me here.

At this particular moment, I think I'm agnostic and I'm facinated by the dilemma that on one hand I don't follow or understand theological thought, and I don't "believe", but on the other hand I accept the argument that democracy and the rights of the individual are founded upon Christian principles. I want the principles but not the faith. I think there's a bit of that in the other comments too, though it is easy to point to examples where man-made Churches have fallen well short of their own ideals.

One problem I have trouble with is that of potential conflict with other religions. Islam of course. Both evangelistic faiths. I am not in least bit attracted to Islam, but I don't mind if other people are. I like the best principles of the Christian values, even where the best of those values leaks across into politics. How can I stay clear of intolerance towards Islam when I am virtually a non-believing or non-practicing Christian? This is in no way meant to be an arguement for a Crusade, but I am glad I live in what is fundamentally a Christian society.
Posted by Rick, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 9:07:31 PM
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The concept of "God" is a childish manifistation that yearns maternal comfort.That is why it has so much appeal.The "Father",Mary the "Mother".We have to grow up and use the well founded moralities that have contributed towards our survival.Our religion should be our striving to become more intelligent and aware beings.It is not about power over others,but control over ourselves.We can have morality without fear of enternal damnation or sucking up to an all powerful being.There should be more depth to our psyche.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 9:17:10 PM
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