The Forum > Article Comments > Catch the Fire and Daniel Scot’s (in)credible testimony > Comments
Catch the Fire and Daniel Scot’s (in)credible testimony : Comments
By Mark Durie, published 18/2/2005Mark Durie examines the case of the Islamic Council of Australia v Catch the Fire
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Posted by Kenny, Friday, 18 February 2005 1:36:28 PM
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kenny: You say the witnesses do not know what they spoke on, yet you without any qualifications call religion, especially Christianity a lot of rubbish. An expert on religion are you??? Regards, Robert
Posted by numbat, Friday, 18 February 2005 2:55:26 PM
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To assert that a Muslim cleric is better qualified than others to expound a passage within the Quran seems uncontroversial. But to prohibit a non-muslim quoting out-of-context from the Quran denies the fact that it is a public document.
Let's be consistent here. Why not haul up the translators and printers of the Quran before VCAT on the same grounds as the two Dannys? We should haul up anyone who quotes out-of-context from the Bible: "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". A bit of consistency! Posted by RaZ, Friday, 18 February 2005 3:39:29 PM
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Good point RaZ. This hearing was a travesty, and this matter must be appealed to the High Court if necessary.
Posted by Big Al 30, Friday, 18 February 2005 3:56:00 PM
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Well Said Mark !!
but this is just one factor in the blessing the case has become to the Church.. New years eve, after the finding of 'guilty' was handed down and the full transcript of the judgement was released, I was at a meeting at Crossway, where Danny Naliah spoke. There were a couple of thousand passionate, victorious, beaming and glowing brothers and sisters, who I'm sure would each have been ready to give their lives for Christ ! Itw as ELECTRIFYING !! Danny was so filled and annointed, and the various other participants from different denominations were all 'as one' together in the Lord. In our own fellowship, changes have been seen. Instead of having the 'faithful few' at the prayer meeting, we had over 20 people from geyser age to teens all gathering for training in evangelism !! Mark, u may have seen the atrociously innacurate article posted here from Gary Bouma, the witness FOR the ICV and when I read that "Neither Jesus nor mohammed" engaged in mission in an aggressive, etc etc way"... I believe such naive and uninformed statements cast his qualification for lecturing at a major University in serious question. The technical points you raised are pivotal, without question. And I'm sure that in Caligula's time, a lot of us were thrown to be 'lion meat' for public entertainment because of 'stories' going around about us. (Kenny.. was that YOU I saw cheering the lions which came up to rip me to pieces??? ). Oh..kenny.. u will come, u will go, but the Lord.. He is forever :) Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 18 February 2005 7:41:21 PM
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here is a link which would shed some light on the 'real' factors shaping the middle east.. have a browse mate. Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 18 February 2005 7:58:27 PM
I also wonder why you have not mentioned that you were to be a "Expert Witness" for the defense?
In the end I see this as a stupid argument between two groups living in larlar land. There is no god(s).