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The Forum > Article Comments > Book review: Just not that into 'He's Just Not That into You' > Comments

Book review: Just not that into 'He's Just Not That into You' : Comments

By Rachel Hills, published 14/1/2005

Rachel Hills reviews 'He's Just Not That Into You: The No Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys'

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Poor Grace. I find you much more attractive in the religion bashing topics.

In order to have a credible debate, you must first formulate, and then articulate a personal opinion; not just drop in from nowhere and deride those that do.

Both Rachel and you WERE amusing (if that is any comfort to you ;-). Thank you.

Furthermore, I seek to teach my girls, and my boy, some true equality and respect for both genders.

OceanGrrl, hahahahahahahahahahaha
Posted by Seeker, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 9:43:52 PM
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Now that I’ve recovered from laughter induced by OceanGrrl, I’d like to ask her if single-motherhood is all that it is cracked up to be - and how and when did YOU know that he was just not that into you?

I assume you are also not getting equal pay running that sinister multinational that is donating money to tsunami victims.
Posted by Seeker, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 10:16:19 PM
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Grace and Oceangirl, I believe that there are plenty of good women out there but, I would have to agree with Timothy when he says that 'feminism just means deceit, duplicity, distortion of information, misinformation, biased research, indoctrination of the young, maliciousness, and of course total hypocrisy.' There are also plenty of women out there who also agree with Timothy's description.

Feminists and male-chauvinists are much the same. As always it's such extremists who cause division and problems in society. Male-chauvinism has been made to back down and the same should be done to feminism. Until then the inequality battle will rage on.
Posted by Hazza, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 11:20:40 PM
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I agree there Hazza, If you get the list of the techniques normally used by feminists, and then change the word “feminist” to “masculinist” or something similar, then the techniques are just as negative and unconstructive. Those techniques do not solve problems, whether they are used by males or females.

Unfortunately there are now a lot of younger people being indoctrinated into using those techniques, particularly younger girls being indoctrinated by feminist teachers. This was in universities mainly in the past, but I have seen it now occurring in high school (even in grade 8), which is troubling I think
Posted by Timkins, Thursday, 27 January 2005 12:07:32 AM
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Not only is feminist indoctrination of young people an issue for the future, but if you read the education articles above (Science and technology in primary schools: A cause for concern, and Wadderloader! Maths and science teaching in Australia), you’ll see that structural changes in our education system are disadvantaging boys, and the country.

There are less boys now attending uni, and our illustrious politicians are thinking up ways to send them to do trades. Presumably this can then be also used to validate their under-representation at unis.
Posted by Seeker, Thursday, 27 January 2005 7:56:54 AM
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Rachel, I think you have been too kind with Timithy and Seeker. Their excessive diatribe and selective interpretation of women's 'lit' is destructive at best. Why would you suggest that feminist be taken out of the dictionary? It is a legitimate term with an associated body of thought and literature. Lets not forget that 'misogynist' is also in the dictionary. Legitimately. Shall we rename that to 'misunderstood by women'??? I believe it was there before 'feminist'. Timithy - you may have read a sizeable body of books from the women's studies part of the bookstore/library but it is apparent that you have not taken the time to understand it. If I were to use your tactic and set about approaching books in the 'men's studies' section with my trusty highlighter and too much time on my hands, well I'd quickly end up with a cramped arm and overwhelmed by the volume of statements that are anti-women, objectifying and frighteningly misleading about what women feel, want and are. It would also make me feel demoralised and angry, as you have been made to feel. At least feminism does not hide it's intentions. Men's 'lit' or the rise in laddism however, does. It hides behind the notion that men just want to be having 'fun', not be tied down, never grow up and are emotionally immature and we're supposed to applaud that! If you want us to rid the shelves of legitimate and society shifting feminist literature then please also remove the Ralph's, FHMs, GQs, and plethora of pornographic literature that is degrading and objectifying to women. Men, and popular culture, ridicule/insult women every day and noone even blinks an eyelid - as a majority of Timithy and Seeker's statements on these pages also do - therefore feminism has every right to be as insulting in return. It seems to me that 'respectful discourse' left this website as soon as Timithy turned up.
Posted by Audrey, Thursday, 27 January 2005 9:54:50 AM
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