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The Forum > Article Comments > The alarming rise of antisemitism > Comments

The alarming rise of antisemitism : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 4/3/2025

Anyone who denies that the brutal occupation of the West Bank and war in Gaza has not fueled the rise of antisemitism is willfully naïve.

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We don't need a lesson on anti-Semitism, nor the crap about it being fault of the Jews themselves.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 4 March 2025 8:08:50 AM
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The solution to anti-semitism is for Jews / Israels to stop doing things that would give rise to criticism and animosity in the first place.
- But they can't, and they instead feed off conflict and play the victim.

They've historically been expelled 1030 times from 109 countries.

- Is it not similar to a man being accused of domestic violence 1030 times by 109 different women?
And you would expect one to believe it's not this mans fault, but that all the women were themselves the primary cause of the conflict and the man was merely the victim.

The big question in my mind recently is this:

'What were the EXACT reasons Hitler hated the Jews?'

The problem is I don't really want to read Mein Kamf to find out.
But there is a 1922 speech translated to english, and I've listened to part of it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 4 March 2025 9:40:16 AM
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the brutal occupation of the West Bank and war in Gaza
And, what preceded these actions ? Ever since I was a kid in Europe & all my nearly 60 years in Australia, all I ever heard of was about the antics of the Palestinians. Both sides in that insanity are guilty but the Palestinians appear to be the ones perpetually tearing at that scab !
Both sides need to just say "Ok, tomorrow is Day 1 when we'll start to exist side by side like 90% of the World's humans" !
Option 2 is for one side to finish up altogether ! The World is tiring of your nonsense !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 4 March 2025 9:40:30 AM
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One for the sad and deluded AC.

Here’s a new entry under a new chapter:

Palestinians expelled and exiled to Jordan, from Gaza and the West Bank.

Thousands of Hamas terrorists baking in the midday sun, on wooden crosses erected among the rubble of their insignificant empire of horrors.
Thousands confined to tunnels to die of thirst and starvation, never to see the light of day again.

Thousands sold into servitude and slavery in Qatar, eyes gouged out and blinded.

Thousands of Gazan Muslim women gang raped and as a parting gesture, their genitals shot out at point blank range, their children brutally murdered by bare hands at ceremonies arranged on stages, and cheered on by pathologically violent Israelis.

Thousands of innocent Gazans machine gunned to death clutching their children, and bodies mutilated and burnt to cinders.

Hundreds of innocent Gazans decapitated in front of their families and friends.

Hundreds of Gazan unarmed youths, machine gunned to death at a Muslim festival of peace.

Do you need more?
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 4 March 2025 10:50:57 AM
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Dear Critic,

«'What were the EXACT reasons Hitler hated the Jews?'»

Hitler was a special case: never before in history were Jews and their descendants persecuted unconditionally.

Previously, Jews were always at least allowed the option to convert, and those who did were from then on considered respected citizens, some of whom even married royalty or rose to the rank of bishops.

Not so with Hitler, who kept persecuting people who considered themselves Christian and were not even aware of having Jewish grandparents until the Gestapo knocked on their door.

So no, finding out about Hitler's motives would not teach you anything about past and present anti-Semitism... with one exception: many copies of Mein Kampf were found in Gaza, with passages highlighted, indicating that Hamas were studying the book seriously. This might indicate that even if all Israelis willingly left and went on exile, leaving behind "Palestine free from the river to the sea", Hamas would still continue to pursue them wherever they go. And then even, if they found them already dead then they would mutilate their corpses.

I am not even sure that Hitler really hated Jews, he just wanted to kill them, presumably to fulfil his obsession with creating a pure German race. Other anti-Semites may as well be just ordinary sadists and bullies who do not hate Jews, but just enjoy killing and taunting others and find Jews an easy target.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 4 March 2025 3:36:43 PM
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I suspect that our Adolf disliked any non aryan. Jews included.
Posted by ateday, Tuesday, 4 March 2025 6:02:42 PM
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