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Multiculturalism was a wrong turn for a pluralist country : Comments

By Graham Young, published 18/7/2024

Fatima Payman and Muslim Voice are the destructive endpoint of where we could always have expected multiculturalism to go.

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Dear Rhian,

«but there is a skerrick of evidence of an alliance between Judah and the” House of David”»

You must have meant an alliance between the House of David (i.e. Judea) in the south and Israel (not Judah) in the north.

Yes, there is no reason to think that David never existed, he likely did, and ruled over Judea - only the claim that he ruled over a united kingdom, over Israel too, appears in the Bible alone, contrary to archaeological evidence.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 19 July 2024 4:15:51 PM
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There is archeaological evidence of Hebrew occupation of Israel and Judea going back to 1200 BC. The Canaanite cities of Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer show signs of conquest by Jews in 1200 and the Merneptah Steele references Israel in 1208 BC.

In Jesus' time there were Jews living in Galilee and Judea, and the Samaritans, who were essentially Jews, but with a modified religious system, all lived in parts of what we now call modern Israel.

My point was never that the Jews had exclusive possession of the area, but that they have a better claim on the basis of tenure than the Arabs who only conquered the area in the 600s, were expelled in the 1000s and came back in the 1200s.

I think all of that is moot in that historically populations are mobile and the Jews are currently in possession. Somewhere in the late 20th century we decided that conquest or occupation were not the right ways to acquire land from others. That memo apparently didn't reach Hamas or Hezbollah.

Israel was perfectly happy for the Arabs to live in Gaza and build a modern society there, but the Arabs are apparently not interested in dealing with life as it is, rather than as they would like it to be.
Posted by Graham_Young, Friday, 19 July 2024 4:47:34 PM
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"Israel was perfectly happy for the Arabs to live in Gaza and build a modern society there, but the Arabs are apparently not interested in dealing with life as it is, rather than as they would like it to be".

Graham, you have got it all back to front. At the time of the Balfour Declaration, there were only about 8 percent of the population who were Jews who all got on well with one another. Then the Zionists came along and upset the applecart, big time.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 19 July 2024 5:53:17 PM
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My apologies Yuyutsu, you are correct.
Posted by Rhian, Friday, 19 July 2024 8:24:00 PM
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Dear ttbn,


You wrote :

« Multiculturalism is the worst thing to have been inflicted on Australia and the West. We now look different, speak different languages, have different values, different religions, - and nothing in common. Just being “all humans” is not enough to keep the country together. Australia is falling apart. »

The proximate cause of multiculturalism in Australia was the American Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. That was the day the UK lost its 13 colonies in America. It could no longer send its convicts there and decided to send them to Australia instead – a pristine country occupied by primitive Aboriginal tribes, considered to belong to nobody.

The arrival of the first batch of convicts in Botany Bay in 1788 marked the beginning of multiculturism in Australia.

It certainly created havoc among the Aboriginal tribes. It was a human tragedy.

That was 236 years ago, and our Aboriginal peoples have still not completely recovered.

But, happily, subsequent waves of immigration from around the world have been integrated peacefully and successfully. Though the overall development continues to remain positive, the current economic cycle calls for a slowdown in our migrant intake.

Albanese recently pledged to cut immigration to a “sustainable level” with the government planning to reduce net migration to a roughly pre-pandemic level of 235,000 by 2027.

In particular, the government has announced a “crackdown”, on visas for students, the biggest migrant cohort, as many are gaming the system by enrolling in dud courses.

Our system for selecting and admitting migrants is reputed to be one of the most sophisticated in the world, designed to admit skilled workers when and where needed and only those who authentically qualify for humanitarian admission.

In a survey last year 78% said immigration made Australia stronger. But most of them would prefer less of it. Two polls in December found that around 60% think the current intake is too high.

The situation is not dramatic but needs to be adjusted.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 20 July 2024 12:57:45 AM
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ttbn, it’s the sycophant propaganda arm of the government & Wokes/Rainbow Mafia along with world paedophile organisations gagging anyone who dares question their agendas. WA Labor had presented to Parliament, a petition with 32,000 signatures on it which was totally ignored in the… wait for it, “democratic process” of passing new Firearms legislation. In a not dissimilar process, in 2003, the Australian government of the day sent the ADF to fight the ‘War on Terror’. The rule of law has and still is, being eroded, Bill by Bill, Act by Act and very little is taught to anyone regarding creeping fascism/communism by proxy. It is not contained to any one party. The few senators and parliamentarians who recognise the enemies of democracy for who they are and do say something are howled down & derided by party hacks and sycophants (above ‘mentioned).
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Saturday, 20 July 2024 10:49:06 AM
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