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Lost in illusions: the West's struggle for realism in a changing world : Comments

By Vince Hooper, published 19/6/2024

Moreover, the rise of 'woke' culture in the West has shifted focus from strategic international issues to domestic social debates.

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The West has lost the plot.

The West is on the way out.

By importing the Third World, the West will soon become the Third World.

Mass immigration, multiculturalism and people who can't speak English properly or at all.

All self-inflicted. Can't blame the people lined up to come here with the invitation to carry on the same way they did in the alien society they come from.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 8:46:17 AM
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I have similar thoughts watching ABC Q&A which seems to be a bleeding heart competition. I'm now inclined to boycott businesses which proclaim their guilt over First Nations displacement. Feeling somewhat parched I was about to enter a coffee shop in a country town then read the sign on the door. We hereby acknowledge the so-and-so people as the original inhabitants. Well give it back then.

Posturing over supposed injustices is a lot easier than solving real world problems. The people who got gay marriage over the line should now solve housing affordability
Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 8:48:59 AM
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I wonder how many of the "so-and-so" people patronise that coffee shop. I wonder how many non-aboriginals would decide to go elsewhere for their coffee. Did you?
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 9:04:41 AM
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ttbn I walked up a steep hill to a deli to get a drink. A more likely scenario is going to an event where the woke organisers ambush the crowd with an acknowledgement of country. In one case there had been no indigenous people there for a least a century. Next time it happens I'll make it clear I think the organisers are not based in reality.
Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 1:16:52 PM
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Good on you.

I wonder if ever we are unavoidably plunged into a welcome to our own country, it would be OK to turn our backs to it, as aborigines were seen to do at Rudd's 'sorry' ceremony.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 2:40:40 PM
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We live in a world of difference.
To negotiate this difference, we need TRUTHFUL, strong, and realistic principles to guide us.
We need to be able to compromise too.
But not too far.
Never forget who we are.
Never forget our basic principles.
Don't go too far off the beaten track.
Perhaps that is what we are doing?
Losing our identity in the chaos created by trying too hard to do the right thing?
We need to avoid distractions, and get back on track?
No more minority groups with absurd amounts of control?
Keep it simple seems to be a good principle.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 3:57:36 PM
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Just for the record...
I still see statements which indicate indigenous persons think they 'own' this country.
This is not so.
To own something one must have control of it.
Preferably lawful control.
To control a country requires an established government, and armed forces to defend the boundaries of that country.
Indigenous persons do not have any separate ability to do this.
They have no separate navy, army, or air force.
They have no control whatsoever, except that given to them by the present government.
So they have no separate ownership.
Wild statements to the contrary are absurd.
Because they are totally false.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 4:13:30 PM
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The West is null and void. Democracy is dead; unable to recognise its empty head from its scoured tail end.

The US, under a permanent Democrat Administration, (An outcome with a high probability), will lead the remnants of its adherents over a precipitous cliff of downward decline.

Australia should abandon the sinking ship, and look hard at options!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 4:37:37 PM
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A question one might then ask is: why are you still here?
And why all the negativity?
Would it not be better to think positively, and be creative and constructive?
If the ship is sinking, find a way to plug the hole?
Build, not destroy.
And this includes in the way you think.
The fact is that we have one of the best places in the world to live.
It is so easy to ignore that, and look for nothing but faults.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 6:43:19 PM
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Western Democracy …Australian style:

…A mafia dictatorship of undemocratic wealthy oligarchies, firmly in control of State bureaucracy, aimed at furthering personal accumulation of wealth and power, subordinating individual freedoms of its citizens to its will, through cultural distortions, using toxic ideological brutality to force stifling conformity and subservience, bending opposition into compliance.

No, not necessarily the CPC, but also the US and it’s useful toadies, both of which are mirrored partners in crime.

Australia needs a freedom from the brutal hold and manipulation from foreign interference urgently, before we end our days as a Mogadishu of the South, with its citizens as totally irrelevant.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 8:01:02 PM
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"Australia should abandon the sinking ship, and look hard at options!"
- The sinking ship is the US empire, but what if it is also the leadership of it's vassal states, which are willing to sacrifice it's own people for the empire?

The worlds changing and our leadership is not in any way not up to the task ahead.

"Democracy is dead."
If democracy is just a tool used to conquer and expand the empire and US hegemony, then perhaps we should give it a good rethink.
It may be a part of the problem.

We need leadership capable of managing a transition to a multipolar world, while still safeguarding and defending our nations interests.

All the current western leaders will be swept away,
We need new leaders to lead us into a new world.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 8:21:40 PM
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#The sinking ship is the US empire, but what if it is also the leadership of it's vassal states, which are willing to sacrifice it's own people for the empire#

If they are unwilling to sacrifice their own people for the Democrats Empire now upon us, they may die prematurely; so it’s only those allowed to lead with toadie obedience, will make the leadership roles: Reference those from the past who tried, e g, Gough Whitlam. Whitlam was rolled at every turn in his efforts to forge an individual path for Australia, by LNP sycophants of the day.
Another was Pauline Hanson, who became so popular with the masses by simply telling their truth, she was also rolled by Abbott and Howard, the US toadies , using Lawfare now common in looming U.S. elections in November, against Trump!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 9:32:54 PM
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Heavily pushed by Academia Democracy & its insidious by-product the Woke, has brought the West to its knees.
Let's pray that real intelligent people can throw a life line in time. It's time to burn books again but this time for a different reason.
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 9:42:57 PM
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Perhaps I should have left out the word different ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 9:46:34 PM
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#If democracy is just a tool used to conquer and expand the empire and US hegemony, then perhaps we should give it a good rethink.
It may be a part of the problem.#

It’s not part of the problem…move on! Democracy IS dead; plain as day! (Without even the need to expand on that point).

#We need leadership capable of managing a transition to a multipolar world, while still safeguarding and defending our nations interests#

The way to achieve that goal is to follow the US on its current trajectory to its status as a Banana Republic, from that point, power transitions can occur at the point of a gun barrel.
This aim requires patience!

#All the current western leaders will be swept away,#

Not before the aforementioned!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 10:08:04 PM
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"Another was Pauline Hanson, who became so popular with the masses by simply telling their truth, she was also rolled by Abbott and Howard, the US toadies , using Lawfare now common in looming U.S. elections in November, against Trump!"

Paulines not so bad when it comes to issues affecting Australia, (standing up for Aussies wanting a fair go and taking the majors to task) but I'm sorry to say I don't think she's all that skilled in global geopolitical issues.

I watched this video yesterday, and I immediately thought to myself "She's not up to the task".
- I'm not sure any of them are.

"Reference those from the past who tried, e g, Gough Whitlam. Whitlam was rolled at every turn in his efforts to forge an individual path for Australia, by LNP sycophants of the day."

- Western leaders are already starting to panic.
Some are saying the U.S. has already made the decision to go full hot war with Russia.
Turkey wants no part of it.
If they leave NATO and joins BRICS this could be a huge turning point for the West. You'll see countries start to hedge their bets.
We are part of 5 Eyes - The english speaking rulers, so yes you're right, we will be targeted if we jump ship too early or display open disloyalty to the empire.

The good news is this, if the West fails in Ukraine as is likely, they may not be in any position to attack China. But don't count on them to see logic or change course, for these people it's a zero sum game.
They have no reverse gear.

We don't want no war with Russia, China, Iran or North Korea,
But the U.S. just may be keen on trying to suicide itself along with all of us.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 20 June 2024 9:25:34 AM
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#Paulines not so bad when it comes to issues affecting Australia, (standing up for Aussies wanting a fair go and taking the majors to task) but I'm sorry to say I don't think she's all that skilled in global geopolitical issues.#

Hansons appeal to disenfranchised Australians (working class and lower middle class), was the “shock” to LNP. One major appeal to voters was her non-pretentious nature.

She was imprisoned for her stand against the pretenders in both major Parties. A political prisoner entirely due to bastardry of Howard and Abbott.
There’s a whole other story here, that will cloud the subject matter at hand.

#Western leaders are already starting to panic.…#
Not only: particularly important on this note, is the backpedaling of the UN, who until now have been bleating on in chorus with the US lie of a Gazan famine.
The UN released a report refuting the claim as non-evidence based; that is the truth which Israeli has been at pains to highlight.

#The good news is this, if the West fails in Ukraine as is likely, they may not be in any position to attack China. But don't count on them to see logic or change course, for these people it's a zero sum game.
They have no reverse gear#

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 20 June 2024 9:43:14 PM
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Absolutely agree; but it’s worse than you think!
Here is a prediction with historical fact as back up!

Israel is being depleted of U.S. weapons for not kowtowing to US demands to end the Gazan war, and to capitulate to Hezbollah, a demand which it cannot comply with and stay intact, both in short and long term views.

Israel has long ago developed small yield nuclear weapons. These were deployed in the field for emergency defence but not used during the six day war in 1967.

My bet is Israel will go over the heads of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and destroy Irans nuclear capability with these small nuclear weapons.. This must happen sooner than later.
The US has pushed Israel into a corner again, which is a continuation of its treacherous Alliance over and over. I see no alternative.

#We don't want no war with Russia, China, Iran or North Korea,
But the U.S. just may be keen on trying to suicide itself along with all of us.#

With the exception of Israel. There is now no choice for Israel. It must do Bidens dirty work, making Biden look squeaky clean and free of responsibility for the reckless Iranian JCPOA and appeasement policies which are disastrous to Israel in particular
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 20 June 2024 9:43:45 PM
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"My bet is Israel will go over the heads of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and destroy Irans nuclear capability with these small nuclear weapons.. This must happen sooner than later."

I haven't been keeping full tabs on each sides provocations but I know Hezbollah blew the crap out of Northern Israel the other day, and Netanyahu has passed some law to attack Lebanon, so it's coming.

Netanyahu probably doesn't care about Bidens re-election anymore than Biden cares about Netanyahu staying in power, but Biden is a Zionist.
I think Netanyahu has little choice except to start a war with Hezbollah and hope the US will intervene to save it.

I don't think Israel can take out Iran and Hezbollahs weapons, they're deep underground. Israel might end up biting off more than it can chew, maybe it's banking on exactly that.

I'm not sure Iran wants to get involved.
They're in BRICS and have a military alliance with Russia, peace with the Saudis, selling oil to China, things are going ok for them they won't want a war as much as Netanyahu needs one to save his skin.

"With the exception of Israel. There is now no choice for Israel. It must do Bidens dirty work, making Biden look squeaky clean and free of responsibility for the reckless Iranian JCPOA and appeasement policies which are disastrous to Israel in particular"
Well we can agree to disagree there.
I wish there was a way both sides could just work things out and live in peace but I just don't think it's possible, and think there will be more conflict and that Israel is just as responsible for the situation it finds itself in than anyone else,
I question whether it has a right to exist the way it acts, but I don't wish for it's total destruction or the loss of any innocents lives.
I don't like the endless bloodshed, and I wish the Palestinians had a chance to live with dignity, not be oppressed by a fanatical apartheid state full of lunatic religious settlers that would deliberately break any agreed peace anyway.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 21 June 2024 12:19:15 AM
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Not to mention what will happen if Iran shuts down the Straight of Hormuz, Houthis have already cut a huge amount of Red Sea traffic.
Then you have the Egyptians who are increasingly dissatisfied with Al Sisi's inaction, same for the Jordanians and the Turks who are also on edge and Erdogan has already try to placate.

In some ways it could actually assist a balance of power and peace in the region if Iran had nuclear weapons, but then the Saudi's would want them too, they probably already have a deal with Pakistan to get them if Iran gets them.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 21 June 2024 12:38:32 AM
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I wish the Palestinians had a chance to live with dignity, not be oppressed by a fanatical apartheid state full of lunatic religious settlers that would deliberately break any agreed peace anyway.
Armchair Critic,
Would you have info on Israeli punitive action when there were no Palestinian attacks ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 22 June 2024 7:59:52 AM
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Recently I've been reading about the differences between Political Realism vs Idealism. Also the different sorts of Idealism from Kant to Hegel to Marx / Classical Fascism. Idealism comes in different flavours such as Naive or Absolute Idealism (Marxism, Classical Fascism). Apparently the Realist school of thought was developed as a Prussian idea.

Common themes among fascist movements include: authoritarianism, nationalism (including racial nationalism and religious nationalism), hierarchy and elitism, and militarism.

I'm sure that militarism doesn't always mean authoritarian- how can you be authoritarian if your people have guns.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 22 June 2024 7:46:21 PM
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Written by someone employed in an authoritarian fossil fuel corrupt racket monarchy of a nation (desiring nuclear too), conducts an inexpert attack on EVs, then claiming the social Darwinist 'realism' suggesting common sense; simply a rhetorical device of Atlas Koch Network used in geopolitics to support Russia vs Ukraine?

Question, why do Trump, Kushner, Netanyahu, 'Moscow Mike' Flynn et al like Saudi so much, the same nation that had Khashoggi murdered in Turkey by employees of MBS? Nice.... respect for a gross bypass of ethics, morals and empathy....
Posted by Andras Smith, Tuesday, 25 June 2024 12:01:38 AM
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