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The Forum > Article Comments > John Howard: a sense of balance > Comments

John Howard: a sense of balance : Comments

By Everald Compton, published 22/9/2022

He believes that we have survived because we did not let any crisis upset our sense of balance and this has enabled us to set the basis for a robust future for our nation.

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I remember John Howard stating firmly on television: 'the boat sunk in Indonesian waters'.
That was said during an interview at about the time of the 'children overboard' saga.
But he was wrong.
It might well be that that particular boat SANK in Indonesian waters, but it sure as sure didn't SUNK.
I have heard him occasionally on Tv recently, and he seems a bit frail and pathetic now?
My overall impression of him is that he lives inside his head.
He doesn't consider how others might see him.
I think that some of his current attitudes are unwholesomely wrong.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Saturday, 24 September 2022 1:18:32 PM
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The only knowledge of John Howard you appear to possess is a 'Google', and a read of 'Wikipedia'. It is well known that Howard was pro the Vietnam War, and he was still claiming his war stance was the correct one in interviews 30 years later. What is "pure fabrication by Paul", that Howard was eligible for military service, and dogged it, not so. Nothing to do about conscription and hoping your number comes out. Like the coward, pro Nazi Menzies, Howard didn't serve when he had the opportunity to do so. Why was that man of knowledge?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 24 September 2022 4:57:20 PM
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"It is well known that Howard was pro the Vietnam War"

Which is not what you claimed. You said he was speechifying in the late 60s at Sydney uni about the war.

As usual, when Paul's rants are shown to be mere fabrication he tries to alter his claims and then pretend to be vindicated. It never works but he keeps trying anyway.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 24 September 2022 5:20:41 PM
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As I said; "Howard was still hanging around Sydney Uni in the late 60's, early 70's, organising and addressing small counter protests to the main stream anti-war protests." Do you dispute that? What personally do you know of Howard from that time period. You are one of those clowns who says; "If I can't Google it, and it don't suit my mantra, then it can't be true."

"It is well known that Howard was pro the Vietnam War," that is not disputed, its a fact, Howard has said that publicly many times. what's your problem.

BTW; hanging around has nothing to do with Howard graduating in 1962. What, once you graduate you are band for life from ever entering the university campus. Your Googling and Wikipedia are not helping you.

Being the fool of knowledge you are, answer the question; Howard didn't serve when he had the opportunity to do so? Maybe he attempted to enlist, but was rejected. I think not, just another Menzies type.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 24 September 2022 5:52:29 PM
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Now let me get this straight Paul. You make an outlandish claim that is based on nothing other than your feeble fantasies, and I'm supposed to disprove it.

Well I think I can. In fact Howard worked as a top secret spy in the late 60's and 70s and infiltrated the Kremlin, Peking CCP and was a fly on the wall in Hanoi. He passed secrets back to Kissinger and Nixon. Now I know these is nothing to back that up, but, by your rules, its up to you to disprove it. Good luck!!

As to signing up, its just a silly argument. If everybody was forced to sign up for every policy they support, then the world will unravel. I support law and order but that doesn't mean I have to join the police force. You support the climate crazies but I don't see you dangling from a bridge in their protests. Its a moronic argument which is why it only makes sense to you.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 24 September 2022 6:19:10 PM
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There is nothing in my narrative that I claim about 'Howard The Coward' that I want you to accept or reject, prove or disprove, where did I ask to do that? I only avail you of some facts that I know, they were stated generally and not directed specifically towards you, I don't expect you do do anything with them. You may say; "I do not believe what Paul1405 has posted about John Howard" and I will leave it at that. You are like several others of your ilk on this forum, believing yourselves to be the 'gods of truth', when in fact you are a bunch of dills, and have been shown to be so many times.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 25 September 2022 5:53:25 AM
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