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The Maybe Mob and the Rushdie attack : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 26/8/2022

As Wood writes , the honourable response to the attack on Rushdie would have been to admit a failure to protect a brave author and declare 'that we are all Rushdie now'.

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The author should have the guts to blame fundamentalist Islam not others for not protecting Rushdie around the clock for 33 years.
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 26 August 2022 9:59:32 AM
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In their reaction and death threats, followed by an actual attempt on Rushdie's life. The mad mullahs may have proved Rushdie's Satanic suppositions for him?
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 26 August 2022 10:20:11 AM
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'We are all Rushdie now'

You've got to be kidding me.
Smells like PR, not journalism.

We need a rating system, so others can help me decide whether or not it's even worth my time...
- Hard pass this time Binoy, not even gunna bother reading.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 26 August 2022 10:53:10 AM
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Long ago I started reading the "Satanic Verses" to see what the sensation was about, then about halfway I quit, deciding that it was not worth suffering any longer only because I paid for the book.

Today I would have quit reading much earlier.

The book is disgusting, tasteless, gross, filthy garbage.

Sadly Khomeini made me buy it and fill the pockets of that unworthy author.

I have more pity for a dog being run over by a car.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 26 August 2022 5:34:46 PM
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The book is disgusting, tasteless, gross, filthy garbage.
I don't know anything about this book other than it upset Muslims. Could you just give a couple of those examples you didn't approve of ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 27 August 2022 9:43:41 AM
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There was a time when Christians, Muslims could be put to the sword for disputing theological teaching. Teaching based solely on unprovable faith based evocation and brain washed into devotees from birth by Christian cults.

6 million Muslims were put to the sword as heretics, by blood-soaked Bishops at the head of crusading "Christian" armies.

A cult is described as led by a leader who cannot err!

Now as we discover truth, many of those beliefs have been jettisoned by the provable facts.

One of which is, a God of love does not need fear a punishment to hold onto devotees. And this God is everywhere present and all powerful and doesn't reside in some building or has some self elected Church official speak for him/her or know his/her mind!

And when such officials get murderously mad when their indoctrinations are challenged, they prove they're following a false God? And belong to a cult?

Should I be stabbed to death for expressing a contrary opinion and given Satan is a real and incredibly cunning and evil entity, could he/it not pose as a God needing fear to hold devotees? Well?

I know that this evil is real and terrifying beyond description, as someone who died and returned as a witness!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 27 August 2022 11:16:11 AM
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as someone who died and returned as a witness!
Alan B,
Jeez, is it really you ?
Ok, so whatya gonna do about all this evil ? How can we sort the brainwashers from the brainwashed so as to eventually put a stop to the stupidity that brings so much evil ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 27 August 2022 11:50:13 AM
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Poor O’l Al…

“Nothing new under the sun “.

While you pillory the important role of Christianity in determining who and where you actually are now, you totally avoid the obvious similarities between the usurper of Christianity and the usurper of education, the executive arm.

Church was the State in the historic times you refer, as now the elitist output of universities determines who and what the current State is: And this situation has an equally urgent necessity to be overthrown using your own moral yardstick, and if life can return to something approaching normal human existence in an ordered and fair society, which is far from true under the thrall of the University “Papalrazzi”, the morality vandals currently.

Give me the Pope any day, at the least the rules of life were written in a book making more sense than the alternative of moral ineptitude and social destitution, dreamed up as it goes along.

And I’d suggest you go to the most fundamental of history lessons, and study the whole of the Crusades for a more nuanced view of their outcomes. Seriously Al, judging by your stated view of history, you lack the fundamental of a sixth class education!

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 27 August 2022 3:56:15 PM
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Give me the Pope any day, at the least the rules of life were written in a book making more sense
diver dan,
I'm no fan of religion whatsoever & if I had my way it'd be banned in public. However, the crowd that has a Pope as the grand Poobah has shown in the past two centuries that they've learnt from their stuff-ups regarding human Rights.
The other lot is still hell-bent on making stuff-ups. Hopefully, they'll come to the senses before too long. They do have some very good points with basic discipline which the Cross crowd is lacking but in general the Pope's mob is more humane in other ways.
Religion has caused as many if not more wars than politics but in the West it is greed & incompetence that ruins everything whilst the other lot revels in watching others suffering for no other reason than have the whole World under their one yoke.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 27 August 2022 6:48:59 PM
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Dear Indyvidual,

«I don't know anything about this book other than it upset Muslims. Could you just give a couple of those examples you didn't approve of ?»

I don't remember much, it was perhaps 30 years ago that I read it and I didn't keep that book. I vaguely remember that there was lots about smelly farts and other boyish/juvenile compulsive mention of sexual organs in grotesque positions, just a dirty book. It was most unpleasant reading, I was waiting for the point of it, for some message, but it never came.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 28 August 2022 10:54:11 AM
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