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A more caring society : Comments
By David Hale, published 27/5/2022There is a campaign in Australia to make people more caring. In practical terms, to double the amount given to charity by 2030.
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 May 2022 11:30:21 AM
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I think this says it all: Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 27 May 2022 11:34:04 AM
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hey Diver Dan,
If you care to dig into it a little further I'll share with you some links. "Behold A Pale Horse," by William Cooper, Part 1: Reading and comments by John OLoughlin - It's free on Amazon Audiobook - The article I took the excerpts from: Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 May 2022 11:43:59 AM
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I already give double to Charity I give double to the electricity Charity fired with our own coal! And double yet again to the fossil fuel Charity! And the health care Charity! Doctors top heavy with admin staff, operating at a loss to give free Flu jabs.
And aren't Landlords at the apex of Charity with their generous rent deductions? There's such a lot of Charity given these days by folk with tiny fixed incomes. The most notable is in the power bill as MSR thorium forces power prices to as low as 1 cent PKWH. Thank heavens we now have a parliament that understands some science! The last one was a science free zone! But probably more Charitable than that which replaces them? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 27 May 2022 12:06:55 PM
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Only a fool would believe that most of those "in need" are there through any reason but their own lack of effort.
Only a fool would believe that anything they give to charitable organisations would ever get to those who are actually in need due to circumstances beyond their control. Only a fool would give to charitable organisations. When they caught the Red Cross trying to move some millions donated to the 2011 Brisbane flood appeal to their more favored application it said it all about charitable organisations. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 27 May 2022 1:17:16 PM
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To achieve a caring society we'd first need education systems run by caring people, authorities run by caring people & caring parents etc.
A caring Judiciary would be a requirement of course also. How to start to be more caring ? Stop caring about those who don't care & support those who do ! The Peter Principle is a massive hurdle on the path to caring as is the absence of a National (care instilling) Service. When you have a society that is forced to appear caring by saturation advertising although it isn't caring deep down then you get what we have now. Being considerate & caring is portrayed as being noble but in reality it is being thought of as weak ! The saturation pushing of 'competition' is a massive part of this mentality which we see played out to breaking point by the Tv channels. They play the Care orientated ads only for the money ! The advertising/entertainment industry is literally an 'anti-care industry as are those 'freedom of choice' & individual Rights outfits ! Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 28 May 2022 7:27:17 AM
I was quoting from 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars' the policy given at the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954.
- These are the plans of those who've engineered the world as it is today.
People who rule over us, and keep us dumb and poor, by design.
I keep telling you all democracy is just a front company for western monetary policy.
It's a system that the elite can best use to rule over us;
- And transfer all our productive wealth unto themselves.
They allow us to be preoccupied with issues that don't matter
- So that we think we have some say in decision making, when we don't.
At some point what was once a conspiracy would become exposed.
We're in a stage where they can't hide it anymore, and so they move into sales-pitch mode instead.
Here's an article from a few years back in the Washington Post.
You'll note they mention the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954, same year stated in the excerpt in my first post.