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A more caring society : Comments
By David Hale, published 27/5/2022There is a campaign in Australia to make people more caring. In practical terms, to double the amount given to charity by 2030.
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Posted by diver dan, Friday, 27 May 2022 8:56:05 AM
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Given the squealing for reductions in emissions by 2030 and the consequent increase in electricity prices, there won't be any money left to "to double the amount given to charity by 2030".
It is no wonder that donations to charities have dropped, given the stories about the crookedness of many of them and their fatcat CEO's, who have added political activism to their duties. What people do with the money left to them after Big Government has taken its cut is their business, and no amount of bullying by the likes of this virtue signaller will change that. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 May 2022 8:56:54 AM
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Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.
All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary? In 1954 this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called "moral issues" were raised, in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent. Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the public with an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy (wealth) of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible and worthy few. In order to implement this objective, it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new weapons which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated in their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name of "silent weapons". In conclusion, the objective of economic research, as conducted by the magnates of capital (banking) and the industries of commodities (goods) and services, is the establishment of an economy which is totally predictable and manipulatable. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 May 2022 9:59:35 AM
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In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of the society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such enormity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children. The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the interior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintaining some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 May 2022 10:00:22 AM
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History has proved the failure of any long term benefits towards the lower classes, by revolutionary means coming from the bottom upwards. That’s the conundrum to be solved for any signs a society may be shifting towards an egalitarian centre. A total collapse of society will ensure a new order emerges, but that order will need a guiding hand in a direction which will be determined by those with the most power to achieve it. In the case of Nazi Germany, that order was establishing itself in the early 1920’s with a domestic conflict between leftist agitation from Russia, against a Nationalist power group of the home grown disgruntled failed military: A rabble which quickly reorganised itself into a fighting force opposed to the leftist revolutionaries. It should have been a flourishing for Germany, but alas! Hitler. All social systems appear to fail on the undeveloped playing field of greed and self interest. The failed deck of the good old ship called Democracy, is fraught with increasing hazards for the crew. After a refit in the engine room, with neoliberal philosophy which promoted and accelerated social division, and creating more poverty than wealth, as that wealth migrated with the exponential speed of a train wreck on the mountain side, what next? It appears to be round and round the mulberry bush, as the choice is returning to the failed Communist leftist, once defeated by Hitler. History only repeats! Dan Posted by diver dan, Friday, 27 May 2022 10:30:05 AM
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I reread your post for further clarity, but I think I understood it. You handsomely describe our failed Democracy, and it’s manipulation for the sake of rule and capture of stolen wealth. There are a small number of key moments in its development, from your description of its failure that need to be signposted. Multiculturalism: Multiculturalism is the most divisive of them all. It heralded in a fracture of the Countries traditional culture by offering wedge politics a free hand. Equality and rainbow flag politics: A march of Quasi-Democracy. This is an elitists tool created for the explicit purpose of further social fracture, and has magnificently divided society into good guys V bad guys. This heading encompasses your take on dumbing down the masses through indoctrination of children at a school level. All of which are pointing to a cause for the number of mass shootings in US schools. Nothing “much” to do with gun controls at all. Trashing of traditional values of Democracy, promoted by Christianity and its adherence to the principles of social morality and social responsibility, with a direction of an egalitarian centre and focus. An unselfish and inclusive society. I could add more. Dan Posted by diver dan, Friday, 27 May 2022 11:05:45 AM
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Hey Diver Dan,
I was quoting from 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars' the policy given at the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954. - These are the plans of those who've engineered the world as it is today. People who rule over us, and keep us dumb and poor, by design. I keep telling you all democracy is just a front company for western monetary policy. It's a system that the elite can best use to rule over us; - And transfer all our productive wealth unto themselves. WE DECIDE NOTHING. They allow us to be preoccupied with issues that don't matter - So that we think we have some say in decision making, when we don't. At some point what was once a conspiracy would become exposed. We're in a stage where they can't hide it anymore, and so they move into sales-pitch mode instead. Here's an article from a few years back in the Washington Post. You'll note they mention the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954, same year stated in the excerpt in my first post. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 May 2022 11:30:21 AM
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I think this says it all: Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 27 May 2022 11:34:04 AM
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hey Diver Dan,
If you care to dig into it a little further I'll share with you some links. "Behold A Pale Horse," by William Cooper, Part 1: Reading and comments by John OLoughlin - It's free on Amazon Audiobook - The article I took the excerpts from: Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 27 May 2022 11:43:59 AM
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I already give double to Charity I give double to the electricity Charity fired with our own coal! And double yet again to the fossil fuel Charity! And the health care Charity! Doctors top heavy with admin staff, operating at a loss to give free Flu jabs.
And aren't Landlords at the apex of Charity with their generous rent deductions? There's such a lot of Charity given these days by folk with tiny fixed incomes. The most notable is in the power bill as MSR thorium forces power prices to as low as 1 cent PKWH. Thank heavens we now have a parliament that understands some science! The last one was a science free zone! But probably more Charitable than that which replaces them? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 27 May 2022 12:06:55 PM
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Only a fool would believe that most of those "in need" are there through any reason but their own lack of effort.
Only a fool would believe that anything they give to charitable organisations would ever get to those who are actually in need due to circumstances beyond their control. Only a fool would give to charitable organisations. When they caught the Red Cross trying to move some millions donated to the 2011 Brisbane flood appeal to their more favored application it said it all about charitable organisations. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 27 May 2022 1:17:16 PM
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To achieve a caring society we'd first need education systems run by caring people, authorities run by caring people & caring parents etc.
A caring Judiciary would be a requirement of course also. How to start to be more caring ? Stop caring about those who don't care & support those who do ! The Peter Principle is a massive hurdle on the path to caring as is the absence of a National (care instilling) Service. When you have a society that is forced to appear caring by saturation advertising although it isn't caring deep down then you get what we have now. Being considerate & caring is portrayed as being noble but in reality it is being thought of as weak ! The saturation pushing of 'competition' is a massive part of this mentality which we see played out to breaking point by the Tv channels. They play the Care orientated ads only for the money ! The advertising/entertainment industry is literally an 'anti-care industry as are those 'freedom of choice' & individual Rights outfits ! Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 28 May 2022 7:27:17 AM
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This is really interesting, I thought of Alan B.
- But want to share it with everyone, Miniture Tesla Tower for wireless transmission of energy. It demonstrates a Fluorescent lightbulb, working whilst still in the sealed packet. Pretty amazing. This whole world was engineered to keep us slaves. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 May 2022 11:34:24 AM
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So, Hasbeen. You think that we're all masters of our own destiny?
My father came home from the army when I was 2.5 years old and deserted us when I was 3.5 years old. My deserted mum got practically no help from state or church apart from minimal child endowment and had to accept work for our keep as an unpaid housekeeper. A role which took a healthy 10 stone mum down to less than seven and looked for all money as a walking skin and bone POW. We lived in tin shanties with dirt floors or on the street begging for pennies or raiding garbage bins for crusts. And as you say, we did this to ourselves as masters of our destiny! I won't say that you are willfully blind or a stupid old fool and one of those who exploit the less well off, as you live in your privileged bubble and have no concept of having to struggle for anything! I'll leave that to others! Except to say it is blind old fools like you that endorses the current system and the exploitation of the less well off! And as stupid as, given if the average incomes were doubled, then the domestic economy would also double. Or better yet if the paper shuffling, profit demanding middlemen were removed, the cost of living and doing business would be halved! GFY. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 28 May 2022 11:37:41 AM
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I recently added solar panels to my roof as a 4.2 KWH system that more that keep up with my current power use needs. and helped me meet cost of living needs.
Now it is reduced to a 2.1 system given I unwittingly donated half of it to charity. Were I not housebound and in a wheelchair with no wheelchair ramp, I might not have been so generous as half my panels were removed in broad daylight by a local clearly aware of my circumstances. I might have recovered the loss via insurance, but a 25% increase in premiums meant I had to choose between making the mortgage payments, eating or the insurance premium! So I stopped paying the insurance. If we had a more caring society and not so many, I'm all right Jack Hasbeens, the theft would not have occurred or given it has, the local community would have conducted a charity drive to replace the stolen panels. I was forced into early retirement aged 41 by a life changing spinal injury, five fractures in total. But I managed my own rehab and got myself mobile again. Took a year! But remained unemployable at any occupation! couldn't even get a job as a real estate salesman! Even so, looked after my aging oldies until high care needs saw them hospitalized! Cooked, cleaned and maintained the yard. drove them to all their appointments and the odd outdoors adventure/riverside picnic. Something we'd always enjoyed doing together. A fractured hip and a refractured spine, means I'm confined to a wheelchair. I guess that Hasbeen would claim that that's what I decided I wanted? Ditto all the others in deminished circumstances through no fault of their own or indeed, via the exploitation of this nations Hasbeens and rogue employers! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 28 May 2022 12:10:19 PM
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A.C. Energy can be transmitted from tower to tower as aimed microwaves. Or via cling wrap thin superconductor graphene laid under roads and highways.
The latter being 200 times stronger than steel would all but pay for itself with highways that endured without maintenance for many decades, And as a superconductor, reduce the current transmission and distribution losses by as much as 70%. Which currently from power station to you, averages 75%. SMR MSR thorium could be placed where the power is needed as power for this or that suburb, town or village and reticulated under roadways via cling wrap thin graphene And given this would be much more direct than the convoluted transmission system, vastly reduce power prices for domestic and industrial, users. And for the next 100 years without refueling! Local councils could administer and maintain the system and collect such once only profit as deemed wise or necessary. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 28 May 2022 1:07:21 PM
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Can I stop crying now Alan? Come on mate, quite a few of us had it tough, but we don't assume others didn't & insult them to make ourselves feel superior.
When I was 9 I flattened out the tin from a couple of hundred of the old square 4 gallon kerosene tins. Dad clad a dirt floor tin shed he built for us to live in for a couple of years with them, while we gathered the money, & equally difficult, the materials to build most of a small house. It was pretty cold in a Bathurst winter, but we were getting somewhere. We moved into the house at 3 & a half rooms, still waiting for the saw mill to get the timber for cladding the last 2 walls of my room. That was a cold winter, the ice used to crack off the horse rug I used as a top blanket each morning when I first moved. I didn't feel deprived, or hardly done by as most of the folk in the street were doing the same. It was tough, but we were all getting somewhere. Unfortunately a flood did a lot of harm to quite a few there. Then the business employing dad burnt down, & I had to leave school in march in 5Th year, & get a job. Fortunately I got back the next year, but starting again was very difficult. With out a great math teacher & the Physics teacher I may not have managed it. Every thing I have had & have now has been earned & payed for by my own effort, I have never had a hand out or assistance, other than the Commonwealth Employment Service finding me a job in the Whitsundays very quickly, when I came back from the Pacific Islands. So you've has some tough brakes, aren't you lucky we had a welfare system to support you Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 28 May 2022 4:27:56 PM
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I like hearing the stories about the olden days.
Makes me realise how the often difficult childhood I had in the late 70s would've been a life of luxury for you blokes. - But I can't say I don't feel for Alan B. A fractured hip and refractured spine confined to a wheelchair on your own with the charity mob trying to rob you, must be a tough way to end your shift.. Kinda wish I could do something nice for the bloke to make his time a littler easier. I've been here long enough to see a few old timers not posting anymore and I'm fairly sure I know what that means. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 May 2022 9:44:30 PM
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Poor boys make bad rulers. Viz Hasbeen and Vladimir Lenin coincidentally.
Lenin’s last quote was; ‘Better Fewer, But Better’. And a further coincidence; Lenin ended his days in a wheelchair. Beware Hasbeen! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 29 May 2022 6:57:02 AM
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<<Only a fool would believe that most of those "in need" are there through any reason but their own lack of effort.>> The world of reality causes your statement to come crashing down. My friend in his 60s has had a massive stroke that has caused him to be wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life. "His own lack of effort" did not cause the stroke. I support the "Stroke Foundation" to engage in more research to investigate what causes strokes so prevention might be attained. Christians are being slaughtered around the world because of their belief in Jesus Christ. That is not "their own lack of effort" but those left behind need support. That's why I support the "Voice of the Martyrs." Posted by OzSpen, Sunday, 29 May 2022 7:24:32 AM
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And for the more base-level thinkers among us in an ever expanding and non-inclusive society, let’s observe the dog pack and the baseline imperatives of Mother Nature herself! Viz.
In every park there are dog owners blissfully ignorant to the fundamental purpose of Fido fetching a stick. Fido is in operation mode of the most fundamental of animal instincts: Bringing home the bacon! A sharing caring fundamental ingrained by Mother Nature into all of life. Like God, unseen, but everywhere. What the dog owner should do, is extend the play into tug-of-war: The game plan to reduce the catch in size to share among all the pack, young and old. The Wolf pack, when moving, moves at the pace of the slowest animal, usually the old dog. We are building an uncaring society by excluding the lower forty percent from a home; and progressively, now the rented accommodation has evaporated. If you, like Lenin, take the attitude as he did, evinced by his last recorded quote on his dying breath, ‘Better Fewer, But Better“, you also miss the point of life, and maybe have a need to spend some time in a wheel chair, and mellow out! Dan Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 29 May 2022 9:29:30 AM
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Alan B- You can pick up cheap old panels off Gumtree (a few hundred dollars for a 1000 watts of panels) usually people replace their whole systems when they upgrade- you can use the panels- but you may need a TA to fit them if you don't have the skills or capability. There's a fair bit of red tape to get stuff done- but if you're completely off grid there may be more flexibility. Some just mount them on the ground on wooden frames rather than on their roof.
Some people may be willing to help you just so that they can understand how solar fits together. There's some risk but there is everywhere. There's youtube videos to help you. But yes some people believe that "what's their's is their's and what's your's is their's". If you put your heart at someone's feet there's a pretty good chance they'll put their boot on it- so you have to have a shield- some might say that's a bit aggressive but there you go Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 29 May 2022 9:41:05 AM
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Thanks C.M. I'll keep that in mind. And better/more useful, than some of the, bone headed, it's all down to you, commentary
Cheers, Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 29 May 2022 10:49:21 AM
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Take care Alan B.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 29 May 2022 10:56:05 AM
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A more caring society,
I’ve concluded that a more caring society based on the ethics of charitable giving will be insignificant for any long term change made to those in society most in need of charity. So give that one a miss!. What can make a difference to the increasing extent of poverty, is a charitable mindset which gives support to pressure on those who can make a difference to a growing impoverished underclass in Western Democracies, as a consequence of Government Policies geared against helping people escape a financial bind of insufficient income and limited to none, asset ownership. (Averagely 20% US, and probably similar in Au.,). The most important contribution to the easing of poverty, can be achieved by land reform, and assisting with land ownership. The world leaders in land reform have achieved a percentage of landless population viiz. China 3% and Vietnam 12%. (Based on a household defined as landless i) if it does not own any piece of land and ii) if at least one household member participates in the agriculturally-related activities). So our enemy China, is the shining example of wealth distribution through land ownership. Communism. And conversely, our allies, notably the US, presides over the greatest inequality of its populations. Makes one wonder! Dan Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 29 May 2022 8:51:20 PM
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Diver Dan- My understanding is that early in British history land passed from father to son and couldn't be traded away from the family- under a system of a type of primogeniture. This was a different to Communism in several ways...
1. No principle of "from those with the ability to those with need" 2. It wasn't an industrially based system in the modern sense. 3. Families were agrarian and isolated and self sufficient- rather than a part of a monolithic totalitarian infrastructure 4. Most of it's production was for it's own consumption. 5. If you wanted to live you had to do it yourself without the care of society- but also without most of it's interference. 6. it wasn't a global system 7. People made contracts with each other based on their own traditions. 8. etc Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 29 May 2022 11:02:34 PM
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Yours is an incident where tradition became the oppressor. There are many other examples. You make a very good point about the yoke of tradition and it’s plunder for resources against the weak members of society. Excluding women from family inheritance was alive and well. True gender inequality! Thankfully, modern day Democracy forced a balance. We should continue the fight for Democratic reform, which is a war which to this day plunders losers and rewards ruthless greed. Endemic inequality. Under the urgency of the complete disaster of the current housing debacle, which leaves people from increasingly encompassing sections of society homeless, Nationalising tracts of land to be leased back, or resold for the National interest of housing it’s citizens, would not be unprecedented, even in Australia. Isn’t that the complaint of Aboriginal groups to this day? The most urgent need at this moment, to ameliorate the housing crisis with its calamitous social outcome, is to stop the inevitable pressure on the housing stock immigration as a contentious offender is. Law reforms which give Local Government the power to identify unused housing in their local area, and to force utilisation for its intended purpose. A clamp down on short term leasing overseen by local Government. Rezoning. Encourage an owner builder reform by assisting owner builders by reducing red tape, allowing families to live fir specified periods in temporary sub standard accommodation on their acquired blocks. A return to the kerosene tin shanty, but under official oversight, as strictly transitional. A speeded up National programme of infrastructure development, geared towards housing the population, and reducing the pressure of speculative investment by steadily reducing the market values of the housing stock. A pressure which is destroying the peaceful society housing should be assisting. What is the point of a society that not only can’t, but stubbornly refuses to implement reforms which seriously alleviate the pressures of unaffordability of a place to live for its citizens? Society is a lost cause! Dan Posted by diver dan, Monday, 30 May 2022 7:18:53 AM
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Yes Dan, it would be nice if the council would let my daughter put a house along side mine, on my 20 acre block.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 30 May 2022 11:57:33 AM
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It wasn't only women that had less power under primogeniture- it was everyone that wasn't a first born son. But those that held the power were also burdened with a duty. It kept the hierarchy small so in a sense was less dictatorial than the modern world. The rulers were accessible to the ruled- it wasn't unusual for accidents to happen to tyrants.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 30 May 2022 1:27:27 PM
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Agreed. Gentrification of suburbia is the root cause of homelessness. NIMBY’ism. Whatever the fix, it needs to be urgently attended to. The stupid of your situation re; daughters housing need is added to by permissible caravans which are fire hazards, are opposed by zoning laws restricting much cheaper constructed conventional shelters. Rural innovations have always been blocked by vested interests. Quite often on environmental grounds. Installing a simple septic system will cost around $20k after DA red tape. How a vertical concrete pipe in the ground, translates into $20k, is beyond imagination, but so be it. What this all translates into, is swathes of the population living in tents. It’s irresponsible neglect by Governments ( plural), with a total franchise of control, who are wilfully ignoring the problem of their own making. Red tape! CM. A time when life was cheaper than it is today, but I doubt if any less lawless! Dan Posted by diver dan, Monday, 30 May 2022 2:13:06 PM
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Diver Dan- British Christian's could live a quiet peaceful life of hard work- without having to contend with the corroding Liberal influence of the 1660's and Locke and the English Civil War. Interested to see where you stand on the round heads and royalists- I suspect it was an excuse for the Parliament to grab for more power.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 30 May 2022 10:57:45 PM
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It’s silly to pigeonhole history for any reckoning of its value to us as Dynamic Western Man in twenty first Century. There is no time or space on this forum to do the subject justice. Let’s just accept there are ebbs and flows in history in which we are currently and personally represented. How do we collectively make miles out of it for, (on this subject), a better society. Primarily I believe, we must show an interest in housing it. An absolute priority! Just as the retreating Germans in Finland and Norway 1944/5, cleared out the residents of towns and villages, before blowing up their entire way of life, leaving them standing in an Arctic winter with nothing but the clothes they wore; why is that act of brutality any different than a landlord right now and currently, an acceptable act to justify his right to extort more rent, by evicting tenants onto the streets during a housing crisis, and leaving them deserted and homeless. A more useful view of history. Are we moving forward or backwards as a society? If we decide to move forward, we need to consider as an emergency, housing our population adequately and on time. Not in three and a half years , which is statistically the time period of homelessness. That’s the charity we are urgently in need of right now. Throwing ten bucks into a beggars hat on the street is an insult, not charity! Dan. Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 31 May 2022 7:09:52 AM
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housing it. An absolute priority!
diver dan, Yes, those with more than one home should not be allowed to deny others one home. An investment such as a house must not allowed to become an extortion tool. By all means, if people want to use a house as an investment they can write off then it must also be one that has to show an income. Show no income explain why ! Show an income you don't need a Tax relief ! Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 1 June 2022 12:56:33 PM
Advocating an increase in the free loading NGO population explosion, is blind Freddy.
What we really need is a Chinese invasion, and a total revolutionary approach to society.
A Chinese dictatorship keeps all sides happy.
Strong leadership, a social perspective and an anti-Neoliberal economy.
I’m beginning to warm to “Panda Tony” and “What’s Wong”. And for that matter, Chairman Dan.
Australia has a need to Nationalise personal assets and spread the joy by force, among the proletariat.
But sadly for the increasing numbers of the poor, Capitalist have wedged this possibility out of contention, with a new Secular Cargo Cult religion, with its base teaching established on the unshakable ground of greed and self interest.
A five thousand dollar holiday is far superior than charity giving: But wait! what are these scruffy unwashed living in tents on the grounds of what was once my idyllic holiday destination? Homeless losers I’d suggest!